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(noun) a dissolute man in fashionable society
Synonyms : blood rake rakehell rip roue
(noun) a recklessly extravagant consumer
Synonyms : prodigal squanderer
(adj) recklessly wasteful
Example Sentence
  • prodigal in their expenditures
(adj) unrestrained by convention or morality
Example Sentence
  • Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
  • deplorably dissipated and degraded
  • riotous living
  • fast women
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for profligate

Profligate= spend Profusely like bill Gates

split it like prof(professor)+li(lee)+g+ate(past f. of eat).. your Professor whose son Lee spent all of his father's money .. eating at all five stars hotels...what a wasteful use of your Professor's money....

PROperty FLy through GATE - because you spend like crazy

profli(profli)+gate...so think f candidate whose profile reveals about his hand in some immoral activities..such a candidate is even not allowed to even enter to the GATE OF some colleges and organizations....

PROFLIGATE: DIVIDE IT INTO 3 PARTS, PROF+LEE+GATE. think that PROFessor had thrown LEE out of GATE bcoz he was extravagant.

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Pro fil(fli) gate .. The proletarians filed the gate of their boss with sweets just before the appraisal day .. Wasteful and def wildly immoral

this word is taken from phlibein means to squeeze ..so think of a prodigal..or profligate son..who has squeezed his fathers pocket in doing all wasteful activities

Because of his immoral behavior his PROFITS were all LITIGATED

Due to the Profligate use of assets by PROFessionals IGATE company got dissolved.

<B>Flagrantly Prodigal</B>.

who earns PROFit at good rATE spends a LOT

(also means corrupt): he is PRO FLoggIng people at the GATE of the city

Profligate = His job PROFile in resume is so wasteful and lack of planning, that the manager thrown it out of the gate.

spell lyk pro(professional)+fli(FLY)+gate(Jet)...--->there r so many low cost airlines still professional travel through JET airways and "WASTE their MONEY"....

fli + gate... fly through gate. implies wasteful thing.. and we throw wasteful things

"prof" -professor "fli" -flew or spent "gate" -all his money building college gate...

all high-profiled ppl are mostly spendthrifts.

pROFLigate: When you tell Professor Flagrant that he is being wasteful and should be ashamed, he just ROFLS (rolls on the floor laughing)!!!

PROFuse and LIberal spending w/o GATE (thoughts or constraint). Profuse = extravagance.

pro+fly+gate....why to fly over the college gate on some plane, when we can walk and go through without wasting money...

pro+fli+gate, imagine a fly (fli) crosses the gate of ur house to buy a choclate which is a waste expenditure for it... this seems to be a stupid mnemonic but give it a try... u will remember it for sure :))

pro+fly+gate = pro things fly over the gate therefore lessen or worsen things are there.


(noun) an ancestor in the direct line
Synonyms : primogenitor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for progenitor

Pro + Genesis

Pro + Genes >> the genes before us.. our ancestors..

Progeny is children. Progenitor is the ancestor.

progeny producer...progeny=children


(noun) a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
Synonyms : forecast
(noun) a prediction of the course of a disease
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prognosis

prognosis = pro+diagnosis, pro= think forward, diagnosis = cause of disease, it means to predict the features of a disease before the disease itself.

PROGNO(PREGNANT)SIS(SISTER)-> how can we PREDICT that..by seeing her vomiting or stomach :)


(verb) make a prediction about; tell in advance
Example Sentence
  • Call the outcome of an election
(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prognosticate

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PROgKNOWsticate. a PRO KNOWS enough to make a prediction

It sounds like prog(program)+nosticate(no ticket)-we can predict that there are no more tickets left for the program

Root Word:prognosticus Means See

It can be thought of as prognosis which means to predict..

Pro - diagnosticate , predict features of disease b4 disease itself.

Resembles to Diagnostic so foretell


(noun) a member of the working class (not necessarily employed)
Synonyms : prole worker
Example Sentence
  • workers of the world--unite!
(adj) belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proletarian

proletarian=petrolian the person who fills petrol wears blue color n is working class

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sorry for the last wrong post. here is the correct one : pro+letarian means literacy se pahle. means working class who wears blue dress generally. remember workers at petrol pumps.

pro+letarian means literacy se pahle. means working class who wears blue dress generally. remember workers at petrol pumps.

proletarian--- here we have letarian(literature), so the people who doesn't have any literature r likely to be the working class people in an industry.

Pro+vegetarian- People of working class cannot be pro-vegetarian as their jobs are energy intensive.

pro leterarian has a letter in it. a letter man worjking in post office) is is a proletararian


(verb) grow rapidly
Example Sentence
  • Pizza parlors proliferate in this area
(verb) cause to grow or increase rapidly
Example Sentence
  • We must not proliferate nuclear arms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proliferate

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life rate=its always increasing

PRO+LIFE+RATE--> promote life rate

pro + life + rate : increase in rate of production (pro) of life (living organisms) causes population to increase rapidly

(PROLI)petrol (RATE)rate increase rapidly and quickly these days!!

pro + life + rate : in our professional (pro) life, we should work at faster rate to grow rapidly.

rapidly+lift+rate i.e,flourish


(adj) intellectually productive
Synonyms : fecund fertile
Example Sentence
  • a prolific writer
  • a fecund imagination
(adj) bearing in abundance especially offspring
Synonyms : fertile
Example Sentence
  • flying foxes are extremely prolific
  • a prolific pear tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prolific

"Production Lifted"--> They produced large amounts of the product = Their production was lifted up in amount = They were PROLIFIC.

PROLIFIC is PROFITic. (profitable, because of high yield)

prolific ~ pro (production) + life; now try to relate meaning of prolific with 'production of life'.

prolific- pro lifts, professional bodybuilders lift great quantities.

Pro(good) + lific(life) >>> a person lives Pro life when he/she is highly intellectual and productive in every sense...


(noun) boring verbosity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prolixity

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COMPLEXITY - complex words, work are always difficult and boring to understand.

"lexikon" means workbook..."lexicographer" is dictionary writer...writer of words n words n..more words....

Shixit logon ki Prolixity ek pareshaani hoti hai...

PROLIXITY ~ pro (professor) + li (literature) + X (exam); My literature professor have advised me to avoid prolixity while giving any exam.

Pro+ lexicon = in favor of more words,so much that he goes over and over again to more words! so verbose .

lex means speech/word.. pro(PROfound)+lix+ity means profound/many words.. who shows off many words or who airs many words


(noun) a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
Synonyms : foreland head headland
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for promontory


Prominent mount (that stands out projecting on a body of water)

PROMOntory comes from PROMOtion in job.

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when Hritik promotes Mumbai indians,he gives promontory signals of his support to the crowd in the stadium

Potruding Mount

p(romon)tory roman had ruled on heasland


(verb) state or announce
Synonyms : exclaim proclaim
Example Sentence
  • `I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed
  • The King will proclaim an amnesty
(verb) put a law into effect by formal declaration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for promulgate

Prom (promote)+ul+gate. So promoting something out of the gate, i.e. to make known by opening the gate (or opening declaration) to everyone out there.

prom+ul+gate -> prom night will happen tomorrow was announced at school's gate

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by the law........ gates have been closed on the prom

Amul-gate : A scandal regarding AMUL .. It has to be known to public through official publication so that the public do not use their products

if u r suffering from gas problems,before(pro) u answer nature's call through ur mul(excreta in hindi),u publcly declare it by spreading gases and polluting the atmosphere

pro-mulga-te. Mulga paida hua, so announce it to the world.

promulgate = pro + mul + gate; In the main gate something is written over in the board by order stick no bill, thus put into law.

in ur Prom night, U'll walk through the Gate of honor to spread the notion of the beauty among the jealous crowd

During earlier times, if a family had a male child(called as MULGA in marathi) then they would be happy and PUBLISH in newspapers.. :P so proMULGAte..

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