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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for portend

When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

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port + end; how do you know its the end of the port, by the red sign board which says "Port Ends"

port+END...FOCUS ON PORT ..it is ....a DARK RED WINE ...from PORTugal....and the dark red clour of it, SIGNIFY that it is from portugal.

port+end.....when we connect computers VIA A CABLE THAT IS LINKED TO THE PORTS..WE get a link-A INDICATION that SIGNIFY that we can now connect it to the internet.

in marathi म्होर काय ठेवलंय ... देव जाणे !...about future/omen....

purPORT the END->PORTEND the end=predict the end, foretell

sounds like part + end --- to say how the parts gonna end...at the beginning itself

PORT+END..the weather is FORTOLD BY the authorities before a ship leaves the PORT.

por(in advance) + tend(tendency or sign) .. portend: sign in advance

at the end of the port u could smell the presence of fishes..its a sign that a sea is present ahead

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