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    fecund - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fecund

    (adj) capable of producing offspring or vegetation Definition
    (adj) intellectually productive
    Synonyms : fertile , prolific
    Example Sentence
    • a prolific writer
    • a fecund imagination
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fecund

Sounds like "FUCK" "AND". You fuck and You are able to produce an offspring (no offence)

fecund-- simmilar to "fe-male" + "cunt" --produces offspring, fertile

fecund- free-fund main shri-khand banane ki ability

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FECES = Poop. It makes ground fertile.

fecund(fe+cund) cund or KUND is a water reservior.. A farm with a KUND is always fertile.

FUC*+LUN*...a fuc*ing Lun* is always fertile...it produces many kids...prolific

Fuck and give unda (Hindi egg).

fecund .... fetus.....a fetus is produced only if parents are fertile

fec(fakedo)+ und (dirty underwear) i.e throw dirty underwear for being productive

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