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(noun) a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding Definition
(verb) acquire for oneself before others can do so Definition
(verb) take the place of or have precedence over
Synonyms : displace
Example Sentence
  • live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour
  • discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor
(verb) gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land) Definition
(verb) make a preemptive bid in the game of bridge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preempt

PRE+EMPTY = force to empty a place in order to occupy a prior right to buy.

PREEMPTIVE MEASURES :measures taken b4 sth gets worse or to prevent mishap

divide it like - PRE(means BEFORE) + EMPT(EMPTY)......IMAGINE YOU get the news that there is a bomb in your room.... you EMPTY the ROOM WITHOUT DETECTING IT ..so as to PREVENT, in advance, any kind of mishap.

(pre+attempt) attempt(empt) and acquire land or something earlier(pre)inorder to prevent others from acquiring it. You can also imagine that after buying u have replaced the earlier landlord.That counts for another meaning.

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Preemptive sounds like preventive

preempt = pre + empt = pre + employ = employ or act in advance

basically it is taken from praeemere means to buy before others comes and purchase it...SO YOU buy IN ADVANCE INORDER to prevent COMPETITION, YOU DISPLACE others by buying that land.


(verb) clean with one's bill
Synonyms : plume
Example Sentence
  • The birds preened
(verb) pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
Synonyms : congratulate
(verb) dress or groom with elaborate care
Synonyms : dress plume primp
Example Sentence
  • She likes to dress when going to the opera
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preen

preen sounds like prince.....he couldnt help preening himself on his good looks

Preen ~ Rin; commonly used detergent bar in India used for cleaning clothes.. hence preening clothes.

Queen queens are generally trim

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To become a QUEEN you have to PREEN! Simple

prince keeps him tidy in appearance to impress the pricess


(adj) adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object
Example Sentence
  • a monkey's prehensile tail
(adj) having a keen intellect
Example Sentence
  • poets--those gifted strangely prehensile men
(adj) immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth
Example Sentence
  • they are avaricious and will do anything for money
  • casting covetous eyes on his neighbor's fields
  • a grasping old miser
  • grasping commercialism
  • greedy for money and power
  • grew richer and greedier
  • prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prehensile

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PRE(before)+HENS+ILE before the hens can escape we have to grasp & hold them.

From comprehensible to get hold of idea or concept.Prehensile is get hold or grasp things.

PreHensile..Concentrate on Hensile.. Sounds like Tensile..Now Tensile means Capable of Being stretched, similarly lets say hensile means capable of being held or grasped..!

Root word prehend/ /prehens/ /preg/ = to grasp; to take; to seize e.g. comprehensible

PREHENSILE sounds like PENCIL. Hands are PREHENSILE because they can grab PENcILs.


pre+hens+ile(read ill). Before hens get ill we have to grasp and hold them to cure.

pre(before) + H (harvest) + en (ensure) + sle (selling) means more greedy to get hold of money.


prehend-means to arrest...so prehensile means to grasp or similar to arrest


(noun) a feeling of evil to come
Example Sentence
  • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
  • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
(noun) an early warning about a future event
Synonyms : forewarning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for premonition

pre(before hand) + monition (remember adMONISH, which means to warn)...so warning which is before hand is premonition

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pre+monition(monitor). Monitor before to give warning in advance

pre+monitor a monitor warns us if there is a fault

pre(b4)+moni(who warns about the future)


(noun) superiority in power or influence
Example Sentence
  • the preponderance of good over evil
  • the preponderance of wealth and power
(noun) a superiority in numbers or amount
Synonyms : prevalence
Example Sentence
  • a preponderance of evidence against the defendant
(noun) exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight
Example Sentence
  • the least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preponderance

ponderous means weighty, unwieldy...so preponderance may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power

prePONDeRANCe...In monetary value, the POUND is superior to the FRANC.

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pre- pond- e - rance. Consider only pond and d(r)ance .. Earlier times witnessed lot of kings enjoying dance with decorations around ponds and lakes !! So this means superiority of power, quality.

pre(b4)+ponder(think)= such a heavy or large in no. dat u have to ponder about it before..


(noun) a feeling of evil to come
Example Sentence
  • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
  • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for presentiment

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sentiment means feeling or perciving. presentiment means feeling before hand about the future.

present + mint: when evil comes in(present) the movies the temperature falls and every thing gets cold...mint Take example of dementors in harry potter, Blackheart in Ghostrider


(adj) excessively forward
Synonyms : assuming assumptive
Example Sentence
  • an assumptive person
  • on a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide
  • the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for presumptuous

Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.

Consider the word in bracket only : pre(sum )ptuous We can relate sum with Money or hafta vasooli. The ppl doing hafta vasooli are ARROGANT and taking LIBERTY of our silence

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one who pre-assume things is a forward, bold and arrogant person

Pre+assuming something means you are overly forward and arrogant..in thinking this way

pre + sumptuous = thinking u r sumptuous from before is a conceit act

presumptuous like assuming means haughty

pre(prior)+sumptuous(i.e. temptuous)..thus the one who is temptuous prior to coming here..i.e.haughty, arrogant

Pre assuming thu(throw) us,he is preassuming that he can throw us,shows his ignorance n overconfidence


(adj) surpassing the ordinary or normal
Synonyms : uncanny
Example Sentence
  • Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel
  • his uncanny sense of direction
(adj) existing outside of or not in accordance with nature
Example Sentence
  • find transcendental motives for sublunary action
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preternatural

preter+natural. i.e. remember Spider man(PETER) who had super normal power.

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preter+natural sounds like deter from being natural or not existing in accordance with nature...


(verb) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prevaricate

divide is as pre(..before)+var(truth..)+icate(..gate) ..i.e. before truth, you have kept a gate. Hence you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH..

pre+var(truth)+cate(fabricate) is to fabricate the truth, meaning to lie.

pre(before)varicate(varying) i.e varying the truth b4 bcomz a lie

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pre(Before)+var(True)= so before telling the truth you awlays lie

Preparing Various Cate;say Cate is a girl,preparing various Cate to hide the true Cate

Pre(before) marriage evry var(groom) lies

pre-varicate ~ prevent verification: deliberately avoid to confirm the correctness, the truth of sth.

= Pari-vari (which is all false, evading the truth)

When we prevari-cate before-the-gate we dont always tell-the-completed truth.

pr-eva(de)-(fab)ricate= evade d truth by fabricating it

read it like: pre+vary+cat, i.e. first vary words like a cat.. means Lie..

Previously varicate has been created to avoid the truth.

equi+vocate sounds like advocate... corrupt advocates LIE, to CONCEAL THE TRUTH which MISLEADS the judge..


(noun) right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for primogeniture

PRIMoGENITure... Considered PRIMary Due to GENTIC importance(genetically important or born first)

prime: first genetic: gene

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