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(noun) a full supply
Example Sentence
  • there was plenty of food for everyone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plenitude

plen(i)tude: remove i. sounds like plenty..means full.

plenty hai dude


(noun) extreme excess
Example Sentence
  • an embarrassment of riches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plethora

like if you go home after many days, your mother will insist that you eat more. What she will say is "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Le" ultimately, aisai lene se, it will become an excess at the end. You will be full :)

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PleTHORA~(Play thoda),but child resist that he will play more and more and more,thus excessive.

Sounds like "Please throw a"...Can we PLEASE THROW A party? We have an overabundance of food that we need to get rid of before it goes bad.

Let Ho Raha we are getting excessively late


english version of pitaara... e.g. books ka pitaara hai mere paas

Ple=Plenty of Something i.e,Excess


(adj) susceptible to being led or directed
Synonyms : fictile
Example Sentence
  • fictile masses of people ripe for propaganda
(adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
Example Sentence
  • ductile copper
  • malleable metals such as gold
  • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
  • pliant molten glass
  • made of highly tensile steel alloy
(adj) able to adjust readily to different conditions
Synonyms : elastic flexible pliant
Example Sentence
  • an adaptable person
  • a flexible personality
  • an elastic clause in a contract
(adj) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
Synonyms : bendable pliant waxy
Example Sentence
  • a flexible wire
  • a pliant young tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pliable

PLIER is a tool which is used for bending and twisting materials without breaking them. Therefore, PLIER operates on materials which are PLIABLE.

pliable means liable to change

pliable sounds like applyable which can be applied anywhere that means flexible, adaptable

plie-Plough(for farming) hence this rhymes with plougable...

pliable:- By application of power or force it liable or bound to change.

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Pliable - Play-able we can flexibly play with it

pli+able... pli sounds as fly means we are able to fly only when we are not stubborn


(adj) capable of being influenced or formed
Synonyms : plastic
Example Sentence
  • the plastic minds of children
  • a pliant nature
(adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
Example Sentence
  • ductile copper
  • malleable metals such as gold
  • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
  • pliant molten glass
  • made of highly tensile steel alloy
(adj) able to adjust readily to different conditions
Synonyms : elastic flexible pliable
Example Sentence
  • an adaptable person
  • a flexible personality
  • an elastic clause in a contract
(adj) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
Synonyms : bendable pliable waxy
Example Sentence
  • a flexible wire
  • a pliant young tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pliant

sounds like plant and Plants are more pliant[flexible] than trees.

like comPLIANT

it comes from PLIER ,which is used to bend wires .....so pliant --> able to be bent,foldable,flexible, .


(noun) the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
Synonyms : feather plume
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plumage

Birds wen they AGE, they become PLUM(P) and shed off their feathers :/

think: plummet, because plumage is damaged.

Plum can remembered as slum.So near slum feathers of young birds are spread.

katrina is in a PLUM(ripe) AGE...hence she wears costly jackets made up of FEATHERS OF BIRDS so as to look hot and sexy.........................:D

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plumage~plu (flu) + mage (rummage); if bird's flu is detected then there is a rummage in the entire city to search the brids..perhaps by fallen feathers of birds ! make ur story !

its a weak connection but may work imagine plum cake,below each cake there is a feather like coating..

plumage sounds like plymage, in turn fly-image - a plumage is the feathers of a wing, which gives the image of flying.

PLUMAGE = BLOOM-age...PLUMAGE is to a bird as a BLOOMing flower is to a plant.

u might have seen aged ants and beetle which gets feather and become plum when they grow old(aged).

When a plum ages, it loses its hair.


(noun) the metal bob of a plumb line
Synonyms : plumb plumb bob
(verb) drop sharply
Synonyms : plump
Example Sentence
  • The stock market plummeted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plummet

plummet rhymes with "comet" which falls so sharply.

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Plummet sounds like Planet (something very very heavy) .. a heavy thing will fall or drop sharply.

it can be plum+met. as we seen earlier plum(b)=vertical. plummet can be MET the VERTICLE extreme limit(lower).i.e. it fell.

You went on a Blind date and girl was PLUM who u MET..so you fell sharply

plummet : plunge from a summit(as simple as that)

plum(fruit)......so wen ripe it could fall sharply...

plum--palms. so spider man palms met with ground when he falls straight down from the building.

plum--palms. so spider man palms met with ground when he falls straight down from the top of building.

As plumb(lbw) in cricket means wicket FELL => drop of something

plumment sounds like commet , commet falling straight


(noun) a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow
Synonyms : poignance
Example Sentence
  • a moment of extraordinary poignancy
(noun) a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
Synonyms : pathos
Example Sentence
  • the film captured all the pathos of their situation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for poignancy

POIGNANCY sounds like pregnancy, and an unwanted pregnancy is sometimes a cause of sadness

poignancy is derived from poise... poised means tended towards... poignancy means tended towards emotions

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poignant refers to be pointful to any topic like KEENLY.

poise is composure no poise leads to sadness


(noun) a person who speaks more than one language
Synonyms : linguist
(adj) having a command of or composed in many languages
Example Sentence
  • a polyglot traveler
  • a polyglot Bible contains versions in different languages
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for polyglot

poly(many)+glot(glottis=speech organ)= many speech organ = able to speak many language

poly+glot(remember gala in hindi which is neck). One who has multiple necks(speaks multiple languages).


(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for portend

When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

port + end; how do you know its the end of the port, by the red sign board which says "Port Ends"

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port+END...FOCUS ON PORT ..it is ....a DARK RED WINE ...from PORTugal....and the dark red clour of it, SIGNIFY that it is from portugal.

port+end.....when we connect computers VIA A CABLE THAT IS LINKED TO THE PORTS..WE get a link-A INDICATION that SIGNIFY that we can now connect it to the internet.

in marathi म्होर काय ठेवलंय ... देव जाणे !...about future/omen....

purPORT the END->PORTEND the end=predict the end, foretell

sounds like part + end --- to say how the parts gonna end...at the beginning itself

PORT+END..the weather is FORTOLD BY the authorities before a ship leaves the PORT.

por(in advance) + tend(tendency or sign) .. portend: sign in advance

at the end of the port u could smell the presence of fishes..its a sign that a sea is present ahead


(noun) a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not
Synonyms : poser
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for poseur

pose+ur -> pose ur stuff to impress others :)


badis poseur at the pub with firang crowd is more obnoxious than her ugly face

pose-ur: Imagine you are the "boss" in the office and your secretary whose table happens just in front of your cube always "poses" her pyge just so as to impress you (in a totaly diff way) :)

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poseur-fose kodthundu

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