macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
macabre tortures conceived by madmen
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for macabre
sounds like hindi word makbara....and its made over the place where people are either buried or burnt.....and for me its a ghastly place..that I would never like to go to....
Sounds like massacre..which means "excessive killing of many people"..and which also represents death
makbara :to move around makbara in night is a horrified act
macerate sounds like marinate. Marinating chicken or paneer in spices and masala to make them tender. If you over do it , you will end up spoiling it !
MACERATE is like MASTICATE - we chew food, allow the glands (liquid) to soak the food.
(Macerate = Mess + rate)Mess food is hard to eat, so mess owners are doing a tact. They are providing the soft food by keeping it in liquid that results in increase of mess rate.
macerate means mice is soaked in liquid to soften and then sold at a very wasteful(waste away) prices
maladroit== mal (bad) + adroit(skillful) therefore maladroit means person having no skill, he musta be clumsy.
this mnemonic is in this word sound like..mala+ad(aaj)+roi+t........mala aaj roi thi because her boss scolded her for not working skillfully and carefully
mala +droit( its a french word for right hand ...)and right hand people are considered as skillful and mala is droit girl.
ADROIT means skilful but if a person is not skilled he is a MALADROIT.
mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(means skilled) = Not skilled.
Definition (noun) physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
MAL means 'evil or ill' and DICTUM is 'saying'. So to say something evil is to CURSE.
male+(edict..sounds simillar to addict)....and imagine a situation where there is only one male in family who earns and if he becomes addicted to all bad habits like gambling,robbery,and alcoholism......he is curse on the family and society
Slang :: To see sheMALE(Chakka's) DICK(penis) is a CURSE for many of us.
living in a male dominated country is like a curse
male+dictionary has curses is in it.
1) malefactor=male has criminal factor in him
2) malevolent=male is voilent(evil)
sry!It was just to remember
mal(bad)+ediction(addiction)...hence any bad addiction is a CURSE by god..or some1
MAL means evil & DICTION means to speak, thus evil speak = MALEDICTION
Opposite of BENEDICTION (i.e blessing) this MALEDICTION is curse.
Definition (noun) wrongful conduct by a public official
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malfeasance
Sounds like MAL FEES ANCE
What do we mean by it if we say MAL FEES?? Certainly its a bribe. So Malfeasance means officials indulged in taking bribes, a misconduct.
feasance=performance of an act (or feasibility=possible)
mal = bad
so, overall meaning is "wrong doing" or "possibly wrong"
Ma linger= child lingering around her mom to avoid going to school.
Malinga feigned illness to avoid bowling to Tendulkar
mali+inger(sounds like injure)(p.s MY MALI IS INDER :)))))), mali got injured yesterday while working... so today he is feigning illness and refused to come
'linger' is to hang around, 'malinger' is to skulk and hang around, and 'malingerer' is one who skulks and hangs around.
Players like M.Vijay would rather fake illness than face players like MALINGA
this-tent. This is my tent. It swelled because of the hot steam from the cook inside
linger is to hang around, lingerer is someone that hangs around, malingerer is someone that doesn't like to hang around at work
mal ( disease ) + loiter (wander aimlessly) ... that is you are running away from your duty
Definition (noun) shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs
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