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abase-abe(a slang used to degrade acvv person)+shhh(se)usually an attempt to degrade a person's opinion..ovral goes to humiliate a person....
Abase > to bring someone down back to A BASE level.
a= no, negative, less & base = base, position, grade.. combinedly lessen the position/grade
A baseball player tripped over A BASE marker thus humiliating himself.
abase = a + base; without a base; Imagine you shifted to a new house whose base is not very strong (without base) and hence it may fall down anytime and can abase you in front of your neighbours.
abase=BASEti karna(beizzzati)
abase.....means without base n one will b fall down without base nd become lower hence lower in rank
bring to the base the lowest level
one addressing u as 'abe' 'sale' in vidharbha......which means he is degrading u.....
Abash- bash can be drub, which is humiliating
Abase Abash Same Stash of Embarrassing (or Humiliating) Trash
A BASEment is always in the LOWer part of the house.
abode, b and d are symmetric, so abode = home and adobe = my company where I work.
Abasing someone in front of others is not a good practice.
Teachers,sometimes ask their student to sit at base(degrade them) when they have not complete their homework.
abash is ab bas matlab dimaag kharab ho gaya feeling embarrased
Nubile:adj.marriageble Newly(recently)able to be married.
No offense.... SAy someone who is very fat as a big TIRE(tyre)---- ridicule
ABASE can be termed as (ABE-YASH)suppose that in reality show gobinda called YASHRAJ ABE YASH means he abases him.
lower yourself to the base.
Juniors are often abased by their seniors.
a+bide, bide sounds like bind, a thing that makes you to bind yourself
Ab for abraham (john abraham)and ash for aishwarya roy .when they come close,abhishek get abashed
What happens when u get a bash? (bashing)....u get embarrassed.
link it to bashful.
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sounds like ab-ash (Abhishek-Aishwarya, Bollywood Actor-Actress) married and abashed Salman(Bollywood Actor)
AB+ASH....AB=now(in hindi)ASH=short form of combine these two we get the meaning i.e,feeling ashamed at that time or situation
When the group was making fun of Amy, she ABASHed by covering her face with her hands and hiding herself behind A BUSH in Busch Gardens in Virginia.
I gave badshah - A Bash in public, thus humiliating him...
abash : a boss who always embarasses u or u are emabarresed b4 boss
abase: A bhais{base} which means buffalo and it implies humiliation
Abash='A'+ basha.Basha means when people scold u using A language u feel embarrassed.
ab stands for Abhishek + ash stands for Aishwarya when Abhishek married to Aish Salman gets embarrased
abash =ab + ash = abishek+aishwarya rai.. abishek bachan is always embarrassed becos of aish rai's beauty
Bash stuns enemy in games. A BASH makes them uncomfortable.
Aba=Elder person, Abha Sh= Shame Abha felt shameful
Abase Abash Same Stash of Humiliating or Embarrassing Trash
When you are abash, it makes you dash (because you are embarrassed)
Bash is Bamboo in Bangla. A Bash ie A bamboo makes him abashed
rebate means discount... i.e reducing the price.. abate and rebate are rhyming words
(Tag : ) abate which is rhyming with debate.Debate means raising(actually in discussion imagine that in every thing) just opposite to debate consider abate that is reduction in nature
ab ate mat karo abate your weight
A BAIT is given to rats at home finally rats get reduced. So u can directly give ABATE to rat to reduce its population i.e; ABATE is reducing
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'abate' sounds like the hindi bait" means "come sit". Imagine a tired old man visiting you and you offer a chair and say 'aa bait' it will lessen relieve your tiredness.
ABATE=AB+ATE... here "ATE" is the past tense of "eat". So when we eat, the quantity tends to reduce or lessen... the same applies here..
Focus on ‘ate’ part of abate. (eat, ate, eaten). When you eat anything, you reduce it's quantity.
abate= a + bate which almost sounds aa bete in hindi, imagine father sayings his son come(aa) son(bete),come join my business to subside me and reduce my load.
bate(if some body beats u,ur self respect for him gets diminished)...hence abate counts for getng diminishd by sum means...
a+baith: aa baith yani aaja baith ja matlab down ho ja ya reduce ho ja
ABATE RHYMES WITH "WAIT". means waiting to get sumthng subsided
A =always ;BATE = masturbate ;so when you always masturbate ,energy and sperm will be less in amount,degree or intensity
Sachin's BAT has no intention of aBATing the agony of his opponent bowlers.
ABATE=AB+ATE.. "ATE" is the past tense of "EAT".. so When we eat, the quantity tends to reduce or lessen.. SO ABATE stands for lessen or reduce or diminsh or slacken
In Hindi sit down means (baith) + ab = ab baith i.e. abate
ab+ate— ab( away) from ate, if you will be AWAY from ATE(food) you will REDUCE
In an ABATTOIR, butchers ABATE or end the lives of animals.
ABATE= AB + ATE. You got your current six-packs ABdomen because you ATE so little and reduce your fat-intake.
abATE is the opposite of escalATE
AB+ ATE = abishek ate Aishariya lessen her beauty.
(Tag: Global) ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT. Ants normally move together in a queue. imagine all these ants moving randomly like a group of honey bees. That would be abnormal behaviour.
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(beer+ant)...ant drank beer and walking abnormal..
ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT, usually an ant follows a path ... so moving away from (root ab means away from) that path means, error in regular path and hence deviating from normal path...or behaviour
aberrant behaviour of owner abb agar rent nahi diya
ab error aa gayi..hence it is no more normal...hence abnormal
Ab-Abishek bachan, Ran-ran at the back of,Ant- Aunty. total is "abishek inspite of having Ash he was running at the back of auntys. it means he is mentally ABNORMAL"
UBER ANT is an abnormally large ant. (Uber comes from German for super but is used in gaming slang in English)
a bear ant ie,a ant who is drunk will deviate from the normal path
aberr + Ant other than normal ant THErfore abnormal ant: hence ABNORMAL
AB means away.berrant is rhyming with diffrent so its give the meaning of abnormalor deviant
aberrant = DEVIANT(DEVI + ANT) devi in Hindi means Goddess,so Goddess ant would be different from rest of the ants which will not follow general norms of the ants.
break the word ABE+RRANT(i) abe rantii...!
the speech given by P.M. was aberrant.
The Abnormal aberrant, made a Flagrant foul
the term ERR is inside here, how can it be normal then?
a+beyance .. here concentrate on beyance.. it sounds like buoyancy which which suspends objects above the ground level..
remember "abey" in hindi... abey mat karo... do it later!
Interpret it as opposite of obey+ance -- not obeying the given orders and suspend the work (action)
Interpret it as opposite of obey+ance -- not obeying. Not obeying the orders of his Commanding officer resulted in the captain's suspension for 13 days.
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ABHAYAS(practice) - due to lack of practice, main event got delayed.
if you will not OBEY you will get suspended
abey+dance.. due to delay in dance, audience are angry.. due to abeyance in the show audience are frustrated..
Abe=Abhe, yance=yan: Abheyaan: suspend(abeyance) flow of black money to overseas banks. bharat ka kala dhan abheyan
keep at bay
abey+ance=>Consider abey as opp of obey(disrespectful)+ ance as the offense given for the act of not obeying(suspension)
a+beyance concentrate on beyance,while beyance was dancing,everybody was just watching her,suspended thier work
abeyance is somewht suspense in its pronunciation.suspence means keeping in suspended, abeyance means suspended action.
Beyonce had abeyance in her job when her child was born
word contains buoyancy >>> its a state of suspension on water..
abhey+dance: Abhay is dancing once his mom shouts loudly abhay.. he stop dancing for a moment. Temporary suspension.
abeyance -> absance -> absence
A bay vacancy - Found a free hotel at a bay-you will suspend yourself for a break
due to delay in dance..the people frustrated..Due to aeyance people frustrated in the show..
Relate the word to the singer "Beyonce Knowles"......suspended her singing(action) becoz of her age but not retried
abhor sounds like "a whore" and we generally hate a to hate someone is abhoring that person
ab + hor (horror) -- that means we should always hate the horror.
Abhor - The last part sounds like HORror ppl hate horror films, they detest them. i.e they dont test them.
a + bhor = a (one) + bhor (sunrise in hindi) so i hate to ger up early i hate to get up at bhor
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a + bhor (bore).. a bore person is always rejected. Many people generally abhor a bore person.
abhor = "ab" (away) + "hor" (prostitute) we want the hor to go away because we despise it.
abhor is similar to abort,abort means an operation ended abruptly..consider wen your installing your most liked game and den suddenly if u see an error called operation aborted u hate(abhor) that,isn't it?
aBhORING , Sounds like a BORING that many would hate . People always hate boring topic . Abhore- Bore - Hate
ABsolutely HORrible .. we hate things which are absolutely horrible like war or murder
Focus on "hor"(suffix) hor=horse--so ,i hate horse
looks like adore, b is the mirror image of d so, abore must be the mirror image(opposite) of adore(to love),ie. hate
AB means(now)+ (hor) hor meaning in punjabi is more..image the person is sayin ab hor de..means giv me u hate it!!
i hate a bore(boring) person.... so abhor means to hate !!
abhor sounds like boring. We hate when we are bored
Bhor in hindi means morning we regard morning with hatred'ki kyun aa gaya yaar kitna acha soye the' so abhor
In MTV roadies there was person name Vibhor...nd i ppl hate sounds like Abhor
hate bore horrour movie
Focus on "hor"(suffix) hor=horse--so ,i hate horse
ab (now) gor (snoar in marathi)
What a horrific uproar which sounds like abhor or uphoar!!!! Or Ewwwwwwwwwwww!
'abhor' sounds similar to 'whore', a prostitute. Imagine a whore hates you more than you hate him when dirty people visit her.
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Abject sounds like REJECT. Poor people are like REJECTED (Abject) people in the society. poor people or people lacking pride (abject people) are rejected in society
abject sounds like reject if any person is rejected in job he/she will feel hopless and wil be in miserable condition
Abject sounds like Reject...hopeless person is always rejected
'Submissive' ppl are treated as mere OBJECTS THAT ARE OWNED (compare object wid ABJECT) and less humane..
interpret "abject " as opposite to OBJECT...Wen we think of object immediately it strikes that object is a point or thing point or thing has got some location or some reference to opposite to reference and hope is hopeless or miserable.
One social object is to reduce abject poverty.
"ab+ject"something opposite to inject,in+ject,inject means induces something, abject means not inducing so, no self respect,no is degraded due to lack of blood without injecting..
ABJECT IS AB+ JECT, wich is spoken as jack.... so a person having no jack at all lacks pride and is wretched in society
interpret "abject " as opposite to OBJECT...Wen we think of object immediately it strikes that object is a point or thing point or thing has got some location or some reference to opposite to no reference and no hope that is miserable o
abject sounds like ab + eject, ab means away eject means throw so abject means thrown away, losers are thrown away, for example an abject loser
abject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to buy jacketabject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to bu
A DEJECTED (depressed) person will be in ABJECTED state of condition/mind.
your Object is so Abject! Aim higher or you will be rejected
Abject-not(A) having any objection.
Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up
ab+jure...jure- jor (in Hindi) Jor lagaao chodoo mat....(Don't Give up) (this mnemonic is in Hindi Language)
abjure ~ ab (away) + jure (jury). He abjured (rejected, moved away from) her earlier statements in front of jury.
ab jury ke saamne kasam khaata hoon, i'll not do this again
ab+jaanede+yaar (abjure) am renouncing
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ABJURE = the prefix AB- means against. -JURE means rule (like JURY) So, ABJURE means to rule against.
ab(now);(jury).one compulsoryly have to take an oath in front of a jury
Abjure = Ab jure (Zaroori in HINDI) .. under pressure you say "Ab zaroori nahi hai"..
abjure sounds like "object" which both are the same in the meaning to renounce
Ab indicates negative meaning. -jure can be thought as JOR in hindi meaning GIVING UP UNDER PRESSURE is ABJURE
ab+chod--give up
Sounds like: "Abb joor lgaa ke chodh dho." (Now go all out and give it up)
read ab+jure like ab+jaa(i.e remove,renounce)
I SURE never believed in this crap!
Take an oath in front of jury to denounce one's belief.
WoW: you don't want to conjure water but you abjure to do it.
ab jane de re. (in marathi ab(ata) jau(ju) de re) means give up.
abode sounds jus like aboard= a+board... boarding refers to living room or place
a-bode(body) ......a body needs a dwelling place/home
Children use Adobe software to make abode(houses) in pictures
abode: some people get bored (from bode) staying in home.
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Abode is built using Adobe. Adobe means sun-dried brick.
abode... ab odh ... sote waqt odhna.. means you are at some dwelling place/home/abode
Sounds like a boat. Some people live on a boat.
bode is similar to bride, Abode-A place where bride stays most of the time i.e. home
Imagine a boy is making sighs to a girl standing in front of her GATE,seeing that ,her BRO comes & get rid of the boy (abolish)
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ab (now) + rog (disease) + ate (eat) so, eat the disease and abolish it now.
rogam-disease need to b abolished
ab+*rog*+gate What does a ROGUE do if he is given power? -> Abolish things officially !!!
(this mnemonic needs understanding of Hindi language) ab ro gate par aakar (in Hindi) imagine a person crying(ab ro gate par aake) in front of a gate because his form has been cancelled (abolished)
ab*ROG*ate .. concentrate on ROG , it sounds like rogue and normally we like to ABOLISH rogues
A-BROke-GATE = abolish
A's (someone's) Brother is standing near INDIA GATE to abolish the excise duty law.
abro-gate to ask someone to get out of our gate . thus you are abolishing that person.
ABROGATE = ABOlish or ABATE leGAlly.
A + Bro(Brother) Gate(at gate) a brother turns away at the gate
A+Broke+Agreement ---> abrogate ---> to end a law/agreement
ab+rog+ate: ab rog ne use kha liya...
Ab ro gate par cos tender has abrogated.
A Bro Gate, a gate for brothers only, which abrogates the hierarchy.
aman+bra+ gate :Ladies revoked or abrogated as the man was putting bra on GATE.
bro(brother)bfr gate, child should not beg it should be abolished
a + bro + gate they put a gate on my bro to revoke him or my bro was leaving home, so they closed gate to stop or revoke him.
A bro not going into a gate and turning back.
aman+bra+ gate :Ladies revoked or abrogated as the man was putting bra on GATE.
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