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(noun) pancake batter baked in a waffle iron Definition
(verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
Synonyms : hesitate waver
Example Sentence
  • Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waffle

Rhymes with "baffle" which means confused. Waffle also means something similar.

waf+fle..waf(wife)+ffle(eiffel tower...so ur plan of visit eiffle tower with ur wife is uncertain, as u hv lot of work to at office......so ur not decided as wat to do...and holding ur plan.....in uncertainity..

a dog barks like : WAFF WAFF WAFF ... repeating the same.. when human repeat same words in their speech .. implies that he/she is hesitant doubtful and unclear

waffle.... think of waffer...we often hesitate to give waffers to anyone!!

ruffle lays khaate huay

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wayaphat badabad

boss to employee:please dont tell anyone exact figures .just waffle..(wafwadar rehke keep some info hidden).

waf+fle..waf(wife)+ffle(eiffel tower...so ur plan of visit eiffle tower with ur wife is uncertain, as u hv lot of work to at office......so ur not decided as wat to do...and holding ur plan.....in uncertainity..

waffle...are cook in waffle iron..which give this cake ahoney comb shaped structure...becoz of the two metal plates...whic are equal in size... the plates shd be of equal size otherwise u wont get a honey comb structure..like the size of the metal pl

waffle...are cook in waffle iron..which give this cake ahoney comb shaped structure...becoz of the two metal plates...whic are equal in size... the plates shd be of equal size otherwise u wont get a honey comb structure..like the size of the metal pl

Waffle is somewhat similar to stifle or even muffle, in the sense that they mean, to supress or hold back.

Babble due to waffle... ie is due to uncertainity

WAFFLE = water fall; water fall is always vacillating.

waffle = va + full, talking aimlessly but not made up his mind


(noun) an instance of accomplishing something by scheming or trickery
Synonyms : wangling
(verb) achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
Synonyms : finagle manage
(verb) tamper, with the purpose of deception
Example Sentence
  • Fudge the figures
  • cook the books
  • falsify the data
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wangle

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wrangler is the originial and wangle(r) is the fake

Wangle sounds like Bangle. Buying golden bangles to a girl and tricking her into bed.

wan(VAN)+gle(gal)--if you want a GIRL TO SIT IN YOUR VAN--you HAVE to PLAY SOME TRIcKS WITH HER , like you have to persuade her to come with you by making fabricated stories and fake offeres .

"Van" + "Girl" -> He made a "girl" sleep with him in van using trickery.

wangle=wrong angle..using fake stories --- van+girl

wangle...very close to wagon...wagon vehicle......we heard of wagon wheels....wheels are round in shape.....so if someone talk round ...that means he is decieving us by confusing us in his talks.....

Wangle sounds like mangle...wangle means to obtain by trickery while mangle means to mutilate something...in both there is a destruction of something.

wangle = With angle, not straight. Hence wangle your way into the committee instead of passing all formalities which takes so long.

wangle = With angle, not straight. Hence wangle your way into the committee instead of passing all formalities which takes so long.


(noun) a confused multitude of things Definition
(verb) toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way
Example Sentence
  • The shipwrecked survivors weltered in the sea for hours
(verb) roll around,
Synonyms : wallow
Example Sentence
  • pigs were wallowing in the mud
(verb) be immersed in
Example Sentence
  • welter in work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for welter

I would remember it as 'world tour'. so you are planning for a world tour, but 'confused' as where to start from, because there are quite a lot countries to be covered. Hence 'confused due to multiple things'.

I fell into a WELL of TAR to get drenched and entangled in it.

WHEN PRONOUNCED sounds like WET in WATER....SO WHEN you went to visit sunder bans you suddently fell into mud thus you became wet due to muddy water.

Welter is like helter-skelter. Welter means a state of turmoil, while helter-skelter means, in a disorderly haste...thereby showing a confusion.

Split it up into WET(WEL)+WATER(TER).So, yu lie soaked in water with a confused look on yur face as wat to do next?

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well - jalian waala bagh ~ 1. turmoil 2. people soaked in blood

welter sounds like wilderness. The wilderness produces a welter of paths. When you get lost in the wilderness, you would welter about, wandering which one of the paths to go.

When a WELTERweight boxer gets punched in the head, he becomes confused.

During World Tour where to take SHELTER...its confusing due to multiple hotels..Hence it WELTERS choosing SHELTER during WORLd TOur...

the well+water(welter) is drinkable or not confused and it look like rolled with mud

welter = wel + ter read in hindi . wel mai ter means kue mai tair .. swimming kar . agar aisa koi aapko kahe tohu ll confuse wot he was saying .. he is mad .

When you go to a hotel and shout " Waiter" there is a turmoil amongst the waiter. They get confused about who has been called and hence a confused multitude of things start to happen. Syn : bewildered

WELL (Wel) THERE(Ter) are many restaurants here that serve good food

pigs welter in mud as they dont have shelter.

WALTER VETRIVEL- the confused chaotic satyaraj movie


(verb) make keen or more acute
Synonyms : quicken
Example Sentence
  • whet my appetite
(verb) sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whet

sounds like WET, when you see a wet girl,you get stimulated

whet - tamil - வெட்டு, means to cut...it s sharpened wen cut (pencil)

Whet sounds like wet. So, before using the whetstone to sharpen your knife, you have to wet it a little.

sounds lik VEET:- veet stimulates hair cells to grow another is on seeing a veet gal (katrina) u get stimulated

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compare it with "wheat". Mom's persuades her child to have "wheat" that will make him more "whet/acute, sharp"

wet ur clothes before washing them to stimulate washing dirt.

once your senses have been WHET, you no longer have to say, "What?"

When she fell asleep, she WET, washed her face to sharpen her senses

whet-wet girl stimulates


(noun) a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie
Synonyms : mystery mystery story
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whodunit

WHO Did this murder?? Its a WHODUNIT


(adj) marked by skill in deception
Example Sentence
  • cunning men often pass for wise
  • deep political machinations
  • a foxy scheme
  • a slick evasive answer
  • sly as a fox
  • tricky Dick
  • a wily old attorney
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wily

wily - வில்லி... in tamil...villy means villain, artful, cunning

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sounds like willy which means someone who wants to fulfill his will by any means. He has to be clever to do so.

Wiley Coyote tried to trick Road Runner. (cartoon)

WILY=WILling to trick people what anyone wants to have

WILLY(a lot of will)...WILY people are cunning

Pronounced opposite..it is 'evil'

its look lilly .lilly is crafty,artfull girl

wily is like witty witty ppl can be crafty, artful, cunning

sounds like silly(meaning foolish and dumb): so wily is the opposite of silly meaning artful and cunning.

wil+y : one who has a wil and can do anything to complete his wil, WILY

i will memorise it as WILLY as BILLY, as when billy mkes amew sound ,its very CUNNING to me.

Wily and slily, both are similar and they mean, cunning.

it sounds like willy of willy wonka movie , in which he decepts people

wily( vie + lily ) : he vies but puts lily flower in ear... cunning

wily = (West Indies) + lying.west indies bowlers are always using tricky method to fool the opposition batsman.


(noun) the facial expression of sudden pain Definition
(noun) a reflex response to sudden pain
Synonyms : flinch
(verb) draw back, as with fear or pain
Example Sentence
  • she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
(verb) make a face indicating disgust or dislike
Example Sentence
  • She winced when she heard his pompous speech
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wince

when opposite party WINS our faCES becomes wince

Wince and pinch sound somewhat similar....you winced when you were pinched.

it is similarly to rinse ,rinse means drown up.So we will move back,or shrink because of fear.

Remember Expressions of Vince McMahon from WWE...So like the vince ..Wince

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if vince mc man attacks u, u shrink

when press people try to come close to PRINCE william.he WINCED.

wince:- win becomes cement i.e it becomes tough.

Think past tense of win is wince, now the win at past becomes discolour.

win ce ..to win position of chief engg u have to move back suddenly

rinse you will move back in sudden fear on soap may fall in eyes


(noun) the act of separating grain from chaff
Synonyms : sifting winnowing
Example Sentence
  • the winnowing was done by women
(verb) separate the chaff from by using air currents
Synonyms : fan
Example Sentence
  • She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field
(verb) blow on
Example Sentence
  • The wind was winnowing her hair
  • the wind winnowed the grass
(verb) select desirable parts from a group or list
Synonyms : cull out
Example Sentence
  • cull out the interesting letters from the poet's correspondence
  • winnow the finalists from the long list of applicants
(verb) blow away or off with a current of air
Example Sentence
  • winnow chaff
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for winnow

WINd + NOW = WINNOW so, the blowing wind helps to separate the CHAFF.

WIN NOW will separate you from looser

sounds like binno (hindi)- sift

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its like window,when window is opened the chaff or mud or dust will be cleaned or get seperated

Win + now... you can win now...or win + owing...owing to something you could win a prize.

Winnow=Wind the minnow (the lesse one the chalf) form the grain.

winnow = win + now i.e winning is easy when u r good in something...therefore winnow is to separate good things from bad


(adj) thin and weak
Synonyms : wisplike
Example Sentence
  • a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet
(adj) lacking clarity or distinctness
Synonyms : dim faint shadowy vague
Example Sentence
  • a dim figure in the distance
  • only a faint recollection
  • shadowy figures in the gloom
  • saw a vague outline of a building through the fog
  • a few wispy memories of childhood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wispy

whispy=whisper...which is barely discernible..

Whisp for its second meaning...wispy sounds like WHISKY..u drink tht daily u become thin n weak..

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see spy in the word. spy is hidden always, so it's barely discernible.

when the chips are WISPY they are more CRISPY

Wispy and risky or better still... wisp and risk...the wisp of smoke could be showing a risk of fire.

Wispy- Wiskey.. once we drink it.. we wont speak clearly...barely discerning.. lacking clarity


(adj) showing pensive sadness
Synonyms : pensive
Example Sentence
  • the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wistful

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Wistful and Wishful...Wistful = Full of longing or unfulfilled desire. Wishful = Seeking advancement or recognition.

wistful ~ wristful ..havent u ever longed to have ur wrist full of bangles?

Wistful : like full of waste; Becoming sad; while rememberring

He was holding his head resting on WRIST showing that he was wistful like THE THINKER by rodin . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thinker

too many wishes makes a person wistful

Wish Fool:He or she was foolish enough to made an impossible wish

"Wasteful" - You become sad when you see how wasteful humans are.

wishful—a person is wishful, he wishes that he should have worked hard in the past.. so the meaning

with full - thinking about it sadly

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