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    pensive - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pensive

    (adj) deeply or seriously thoughtful
    Example Sentence
    • Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man
    (adj) showing pensive sadness
    Synonyms : wistful
    Example Sentence
    • the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pensive

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With a pen in your mouth, you are always indulged in somekind of thought.

pensieve is a word in harry potter which is collection of thoughts. so it is like indulging in thoughts.

PENSIVE=PEN+SAVE....with a PEN in your mouth you are dreaming about your SAVIngs(SIVE)

pensive means become "pen mouth mein rakh kar" sochna.

ex-pensive=when u wana buy something but it is too costly , u must b too sad.pensive means too sad.

keeping the PEN in mouth and SIVEing(chewing) so u are dreaming and thinking something instead of writing : hence contemplative

Pensive = Pen+Sive with a pen anyone can be dreamily thoughful in writing.

pain + sive >> when we are in pain especially given some loved one then we are always in PAINFUL THOUGHTS...

pensive = pen + si(si=silicon) + ve(about); When you are writing about the properities of silicon you are always serious so that donot mix property with germanium.

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