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    cunning - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cunning

    (noun) shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception Definition
    (noun) crafty artfulness (especially in deception) Definition
    (adj) attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness
    Synonyms : cute
    Example Sentence
    • a cute kid with pigtails
    • a cute little apartment
    • cunning kittens
    • a cunning baby
    (adj) marked by skill in deception
    Synonyms : crafty , dodgy , foxy , guileful , knavish , slick , sly , tricksy , tricky , wily
    Example Sentence
    • cunning men often pass for wise
    • deep political machinations
    • a foxy scheme
    • a slick evasive answer
    • sly as a fox
    • tricky Dick
    • a wily old attorney
    (adj) showing inventiveness and skill
    Synonyms : clever , ingenious
    Example Sentence
    • a clever gadget
    • the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
    • an ingenious solution to the problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cunning


cunning = cu(copper) + n(and) + ni (nickel) + n(and) + gas has trickery property for building up several agents.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

cunning = cu(copper) + n(and) + ni (nickel) + n(and) + gas has trickery property for building up several agents.

cloven:-In cooker left(cl means cooker left) in oven the eggs are broken.

Word used in video below:
text: Well, Steve, through ruthless cunning,
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