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(noun) someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks
Synonyms : diversionist wrecker
(noun) a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader
Synonyms : fifth columnist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for saboteur

sab(in hindi we all)+teur..sounds like tear...during the gujrat riots when people were destroying property..people who were eying on tv sets .un.SAB ki aakho me tears aa gaye.

This can be taken as sab-tod(in hindi)means one who destroys things,property etc..

SABOTEUR a DESTROYER - One who commits sabotage, causes wilful damage to machinery or materials or disruption of work.

it sounds like sabertooth(an ancient tiger specie)which destoys everything...or even u can link saber tooth from Xmen

SABOTEUR = destroyer

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SABkO TEaRs dene wal destructor.

saboteur == sab + utar, one who destroys everything definitely he is going to sab utar dey...

sound like "CACTUAR SABOTENDER", a monster from Final Fantasy.


(adj) must be kept sacred
Synonyms : inviolable inviolate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sacrosanct

In Hindi 'sacro' or more likely 'sainkdo' means 'hundreds' and 'sant' means 'a hermit (a sacred person)'.In the Hindu Mythology we have descriptions of hundreds of the MOST SACRED hermits.

try to look at the lastsacro+SANCT(SANCTITY).....AND think of saints who are living life of sanctity.

SACRO(pure) n SANCT(Pure) are the root words of pure which results da etymology of many imp words... sacrosanct is pure+pure => very pure , inviolable

sacrosanct -the first part of the word sacro indicate the sacred and sanct indicate saint whose life is sacred

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sacro(sacred)+sanct(saint) like...


(adj) acutely insightful and wise
Synonyms : perspicacious sapient
Example Sentence
  • much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument
  • observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions
  • a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators
(adj) skillful in statecraft or management
Example Sentence
  • an astute and sagacious statesman
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sagacious

sagacious look like suggest us.....and we always ASK WISE PEOPLE to suggest us, whenever we are in trouble.

sage-a-cious a sage is wise and learned

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saga+cious—SAGA means legend, so anything that is old/legend will have expierence and will be SKILLFULL IN MANAGEMENT AND JUDGEMENT

SAGACIOUS or INTELLIGENCE which sound somewhat similar refer to someone who is wise, perceptive.

sagacious means acutely wise,sharp,insightful,skillful.It has word 'saga'which means a narrative story(mytholpgical).In Mahabharat epic, u obeserved how Srikrishna delivered wise lectures,sharp suggestions,skilful arts to Arjuna.

saag(palak ka saag) khao sagacious ho jao.

A SAGE is a wise man: The SAGE is GAY: Let's all PRAY the GAY out of the SAGE.

Wise people narrates a SAGA of their experiences. Hence - SAGAcious

Sagacious person knows SAAG sad gaya hai

sagacious -sagai (engagement) is done to the schrewd or clever man

The man who brought saga from the saga & sagi is a skillful person.


(adj) characterized by lust
Example Sentence
  • eluding the lubricious embraces of her employer
  • her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature
  • prurient literature
  • prurient thoughts
  • a salacious rooster of a little man
(adj) suggestive of or tending to moral looseness
Synonyms : lewd obscene raunchy
Example Sentence
  • lewd whisperings of a dirty old man
  • an indecent gesture
  • obscene telephone calls
  • salacious limericks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salacious

salacious involves SALA(abusive word for a characterless jeja) who is salacious for his SALI.

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salacious involeves "SALAIVA" pronounciation who secrete saliva looking at you is lustful man....

Remember song "Mein karoo toh SALA character dheela hai", it has word SALA and character dheela.. relate it..

SALACIOUS or LECHEROUS or LASCIVIOUS which are rhyming words refer to someone who is lustful, has excessive sexual desire, is erotic.

mera SALA has salacious desires for saali


(adj) promoting health; healthful
Synonyms : good for you healthy
Example Sentence
  • a healthy diet
  • clean healthy air
  • plenty of healthy sleep
  • healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy
  • the salubrious mountain air and water
  • carrots are good for you
(adj) favorable to health of mind or body
Example Sentence
  • not the most salubrious campsite
  • one of the less salubrious suburbs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salubrious

(related to bollywood)remember salman khan........all health and all.......

SALUBRIOUS and NUTRITIOUS are rhyming words which describe something that is healthy or health-giving.

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SALory+U+BRIng+US then happy&healthful

SALLU and BRIOUS(brothers)....sallu and his brothers are healthy....

SALUbrious You would SALUte someone you admire; a role model who has good health.

Salubrious sound like salud, so: Los médicos en el televisor dicen que salud es buen por nos. The doctors on the TV said that health is good for us.


Two things: Think "salad" or "salivate"

spanish uses "SALUD" for health, therefore something "saludibrious" (corrupt the spelling) is healthy.

salubrious.....made from the word cellulose which is the basic element of human body cells so it means healthy .....

SALad and gym cLUB are for the seRIOUS health nuts.


(adj) tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health
Synonyms : good
Example Sentence
  • beneficial effects of a balanced diet
  • a good night's sleep
  • the salutary influence of pure air
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salutary

relate to SALUTE..so you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE.

SALUTARY and SANITARY having a similar sound and meaning, refer to something that is used for the complete health or well-being of the people.

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statuary warnings on cigarretes is for ur health.

SALUTEary...salutary means benificial.....when people salute me, it's BENEFICIAL for me because I feel extremely proud of myself.....

salutary and salubrious are synonyms and they sound similar too.

Salutary-->(Saali loot Rahi) can be used for Phoolan Devi who stood up against vicious landlords for the BENEFIT of poor people. So, something beneficial is Salutary

remember salutary has slightly a different or a second meaning from that of salute. Just think of when do u salute a person? When he does some benefecial or improve the wellbeing of others or improve the health conditions

if you salute your seniors you will allways stay healthy ie its beneficial for ur health

when a woman is depressed she will cheer herself by going to a SALE or TERRY at a SALE

salutary=(sal+utary ~ ut~uthna.. my salary(sal)is going up this means my performance is IMPROVING and getting GOOD,ofcourse this will be BENEFICIAL to me and my company. benificial,tending to improve.

we salute your remedial improvements


(noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation Definition
(noun) anything that remedies or heals or soothes
Example Sentence
  • he needed a salve for his conscience
(verb) save from ruin, destruction, or harm
Synonyms : relieve salvage save
(verb) apply a salve to, usually for the purpose of healing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salve

salve sounds like SOLVE..a doctor solve the problem of a patient by giving him medicines that can heal him.

salve is the root of 'salvation'

SOLVE...when you solve all the problems of your life, it works as a soothing ointment


(adj) accompanied by bloodshed
Example Sentence
  • this bitter and sanguinary war
(adj) marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
Example Sentence
  • bloody-minded tyrants
  • bloodthirsty yells
  • went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanguinary

root word: "sangui" means blood.....so SANGUINARY means blood-thirsty

sangu....in ...army....wen dere is army der will b war nd hence bloodshed

sanguinary rhymes with SANG(WITH)-ARMY.....there were more BLOODSHED when ashok attacks along WITH(sang) his ARMY...

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She was angry & cut her artery.. So much blood..

sangeen naari = kill bill

SANGUINARY or GORY which are rhyming words also have the same meaning which is, blood-thirsty or full of bloodshed.

Imagine a penGUIN that is sanguinary to others who SANG, because he himself is not able to.

sanguinary=s+aang+urinary, some body parts which contain BLOOD

Sangui + (Merce)nary - BloodThirsty!

In tamil nary means fox. Imagine a nary killing animals for food

angui(angry) + nary(nari) >>> an angry lady will try and kill u and shed ur blood or can even cut her hand and shed her blood..

A nari(women) sang contineously in a sanguinary incident,,


(noun) a blood-red color Definition
(adj) confidently optimistic and cheerful Definition
(adj) inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life
Synonyms : florid rubicund ruddy
Example Sentence
  • a ruddy complexion
  • Santa's rubicund cheeks
  • a fresh and sanguine complexion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanguine

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SANGUINE is pronounced very much like "SANGEEN" in hindi which is usually referred with crime-"sangeen hatya" which shows serious murder with blood red colour...

break it like sang + vine, so wen u drink vine and singing song you feel cheerful, happy

Sanguine - Penguin : Kids cheer up when they see penguins .. Penguins are very cheerful and hopeful (Ref the movie "Happy Feet")

sangui root means blood.i like a girl whose cheeks are sanguine and i find her very sanguine(cheerful)

he is SANGUINE (confident) that the jewellery he has bought is GENUINE

Sang+queen(guine). When queen sing we feel cheerful

Sang+uine---- sang unitely: means when we sing in unity we are cheerful and full of energy

sanguine = sing+win .. when do u sing and what do you do wen u win .. becom cheerful !

Break it as Sang Ui UINE = Sing we will win/... \m/

sangu(sangu bhai or sanjay dutt...indian actor) is very CHEERFUL,CONFIDENT AND OPTIMISTIC.

Looks like sangria, which makes you happy.

COn"Sanguine" in local language is "Gothram", so related to blood relations. So any word with sanguine is related to blood.


(verb) fill to satisfaction
Synonyms : fill replete sate
Example Sentence
  • I am sated
(verb) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
Example Sentence
  • She stuffed herself at the dinner
  • The kids binged on ice cream
(adj) supplied (especially fed) to satisfaction
Synonyms : satiated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for satiate

I SAT & ATE till I was full!

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remember with s-ate, so when we have completed our food,we are satisfied to full..(pet bhar kar khaana)

SATIATE - The greedy glutton SAT and ATE and ATE and OVER ATE until there was no food left at all.

: sati+ ate--- so you satisfy what you ate(food)

Kha Kha ke buddha sathia gaya.

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