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(noun) a broken piece of a brittle artifact
Synonyms : fragment sherd
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shard

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s + hard..it is very HARD to join the broken FRAGMENTS OF POTTERY.

( visualize SHARaD pawar our head of BCCI---his face is like broken pot.

Shard - flip 'd' vertically. You get sharP, broken part of pottery and glass are usually sharep.

sharp and hard , of a glass or pottery....

shard - sounds like the noun form of shred - which is to tear to pieces

SHARD and DISCARD - The shards will have to be discarded as they are now useless and cannot be put back together again.

shared pieces of a brittle artifact

s (shattered) + hard >>> crockery, pots, glass are all hard and brittle... and shattered means broken into pieces...

remember from the movie "lord of the rings"...SHARDS of narsil! :)

s for sachin is hard & sharp at mind.

SHARD-- shred.. something shredded in pieces..


(noun) a weak and tremulous light
Synonyms : play
Example Sentence
  • the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers
  • the play of light on the water
(verb) shine with a weak or fitful light
Example Sentence
  • Beech leaves shimmered in the moonlight
(verb) give off a shimmering reflection, as of silk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shimmer

sounds like "glimmer" and "s" gives the meaning of sharma sharma ke means intermittently

listen eagles famous song "hotel california" shimmering light

compare it wid swimmer...a swimmer breathes by putting his head out of water intermittently(regular intervals) and everytime sun shines on his face...!!!

SHIMMER and GLITTER are similar in sound and they mean, to glimmer or shine brightly.

The glimmer shine & **** in distance


(verb) avoid (one's assigned duties)
Example Sentence
  • The derelict soldier shirked his duties
(verb) avoid dealing with
Example Sentence
  • She shirks her duties
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shirk

remember shark..., normal people used to avoid him as he was an ogre.

shirk sounds like shark..u dont deal with the sharks...

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remember shrek. He used to avoid work or responsibilities as he was fat and was not able to do so.

SHERKNA - to move aside;

grouse=you "browse" internet and "complain" that net is slow

SHIRK and SLACK are words that refer to a lazy and negligent person.

sounds Jerk >>> In wake up Sid, Sid was a Jerk who din joined his fathers successful company, and RAN AWAY FROM HIS DUTIES..


(noun) reclaimed wool fiber Definition
(adj) cheap and shoddy
Synonyms : cheapjack tawdry
Example Sentence
  • cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on the low taste of the mob
(adj) of inferior workmanship and materials
Synonyms : jerry-built
Example Sentence
  • mean little jerry-built houses
(adj) designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently
Synonyms : deceptive misleading
Example Sentence
  • the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm
  • deliberately deceptive packaging
  • a misleading similarity
  • statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading
  • shoddy business practices
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shoddy

sounds like "showy" means in look things are good but in quality they are not good as they are made up of inferior material

Shoddy - take this as Show + Body, Hot women usually show their body when they intend to mislead or deceive men.

He is shady and sells shoddy goods.

shoddy..sounds like noddy..and noddy is made of wood which is an inferior material...

shoddy ==badly and carelessly made, using low quality materials: "shoddy goods" mnemonic === remember cricketer ritender singh sodhi===a poor quality criketer...

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think toddy .. its inferior quality of liquor.

SHODDY is BADLY made or done.

shoddy material doesn't suit the body

sho+oddy—to show odd(oddy) things, odd things are usually of poor quality and made badely

SHOWING+BODY = showing body is bad quality (especially women)



(noun) a scolding nagging bad-tempered woman
Synonyms : termagant
(noun) small mouselike mammal with a long snout; related to moles
Synonyms : shrewmouse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shrew

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Split Shrew like SHE+SCREW means scolding women, termegant

I tried to SHOO away the SHREW that had got into my garden.

the shrewd woman was a shrew

if a man is shrewd enough he will never marry a shrew

She is rude & should be screwed.

Taming of the Shrew, a Shakespeare novel which describes Petruchio's attempts to win the wealthy but haughty and temperamental Katharina (the "shrew" of the title).

A shrewd can handle a shrew


(adj) marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
Synonyms : astute sharp
Example Sentence
  • a smart businessman
  • an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease
  • he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow
(adj) used of persons
Example Sentence
  • the most calculating and selfish men in the community
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shrewd

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just think of shrew i.e. a small mouse like animal....so thing "is chote hamesha chalak hote hain..."(Hindi)

those people may be rude sometimes if they're too smart

Shrewd(shre+wd~ western digital)The smart/hardheaded intelligent managers of WD western digital has decided to start a new busines in India for high profits at low making cost,and they named it as SHREwd(aded shre fr indian touch

spelled as [shrood] sounds like a sword (a sword is sharp so a person who is shrewd has a sharp brain*clever* ,penetrating*going to the depth of matters especially practical ones* )


(verb) avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
Synonyms : eschew
(verb) expel from a community or group
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shun

shun sounds like SUN so keep a distance from the sun.

SHUN is like SHANI DEV (a Hindu God of destruction). So keep away, steer clear.

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shun...shunn...shunn.. bullets are raining.. wrong place & time to hangout, keep away

some 'pakau aadmi' repeatedly calls you 'shun, idhaar aa' - you want to go away :P

Shun him or he will shunt you into a space shuttle.


(noun) a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods
Synonyms : pettifogger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for shyster

shy + star...if you are shy and still want to become a star you have to use unethical methods because stars have a charisma in them which is lacking in shy people.Shy star +sinister

Shiny (Ahuja) is a star (SHYSTER), and you all know what he's done was unethical.

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SHYSTER - S=SHE + HYSTER=HYSTERICAL. SHE was quite HYSTERICAL when the unscrupulous lawyer or SHYSTER began asking her the most objectionable questions in front of a sitting audience.

shy sister, why is ure sister shy to come out? coz she is embarraced of her pettifogger husband

A shyster have no shy

shyster - sounds like a trickster , but only not shy

SINister & SHYster sin & shy + ster relate these two

precipitate ~ pre-anticipate: make sth anticipate, occur before(pre-) the time it should.



(adj) resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
Example Sentence
  • the high priest's divinatory pronouncement
  • mantic powers
  • a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions
(adj) having a secret or hidden meaning
Example Sentence
  • cabalistic symbols engraved in stone
  • cryptic writings
  • thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sibylline

sibyline=see + by + line...see within the lines...have you heard the idiom reading between the lines...this word has exactly the meaning.

In Harry Potter, Prof Trelawney's first name was Sibyll. She was the divination teacher!

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when duryondhan was born, god said, "yeh to trailer tha, i predict 99 more siblings"

Pronunciation : Sib-e-lin ... By converting marks to grades, we wonder whether Mr Sibal(our education minister) is PROPHETIC/SIBYLLINE or not?


(adj) of or relating to the stars or constellations
Example Sentence
  • sidereal bodies
  • the sidereal system
(adj) (of divisions of time) determined by daily motion of the stars
Example Sentence
  • sidereal time
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sidereal

SIDEREAL is pronounced as SY-DEE-RIAL and not SIDE+REAL, therefore CELESTIAL is a more appropriate suggestion, as it not only rhymes with sidereal, it also has the same meaning-relating to the stars or the constellation.

SIDE+REAL...the STARS by our SIDE are REAL

break it as side+reel, reel signifies something to do with movies, and movies=movie stars (actors), so eventually relating to stars :)

The real side of an axis is known as infinite space. The infinite space is related to stars or celestial bodies !!!

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we dont know which side of a star is real... it's a sidereal question

Side+Real : visible beside the moon and are really illuminant

sidereal - see-ether-real = sidereal, when you see an ethereal body,it must be the stars!

SIDE sounds like the name 'Said' [pronounced: sigh-eed] => to keep it REAL, Said lost his Papa's watch so he learned how to tell time by looking at the stars.

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