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    eschew - Dictionary definition and meaning for word eschew

    (verb) avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
    Synonyms : shun
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eschew

es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT.

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ppl tend to avoid u..when u have severe cold and u say.."AAAh chuu!!"

EScape from CHEWing tobacco.

we chew Chewing Gum to avoid Smoking habit

eSCHEW could be thought as "SHOO".. as in shoo away, which is a form of avoiding...

If somebody have just pulled out his tooth then he cannot chew...so he would have to ESCHEW (Avoid) chewing...

Eschew cashew's if you're allergic to nuts!

To avoid having to "chew the cud" with her, I shun answering the phone.

es+CHEW - You chew a chewing gum but you HABITUALLY AVOID gulping it.

Ee + shoe - Avoid it. This shoes is very old and torn. avoid using it.

Rhymes with Skew- not in a straight direction hence u AVOID whats ahead of you

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