Take into consideration the First three words QUAgmire. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sinks under your feet.
quagmire think it like this quag is sound of frog and mire can be changed with hire so where frog hire of course in quagmire
add A to it.. AQUA+MIRE == aqua means water .. hence wetland
remember family guy-quagmire!
quagmire(quake-earthquake) when earthquake occurs it makes the sitution dangerous by devastating the houses and so on
QUA(ck)+gmire;quack reminds u of ducks and ducks generally live in marshy areas :)
remember tom cruise in Jerry MAGUIRE?
In the movie he opposes his boss...eventually landing in a difficult situation
Take into consideration the First three words QUAgmire. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sink under your feet
quag=big:mire=mine: dangerous
If you know mire, you can relate, quag, mire, quagmire all mean the same
Definition (adj) strange in an interesting or pleasing way
Example Sentence
quaint dialect words
quaint streets of New Orleans, that most foreign of American cities
Definition (adj) very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance
Example Sentence
the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name
came forth a quaint and fearful sight
a quaint sense of humor
Definition (adj) attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic)
If you PAINT that house, you will destroy its old fashioned charm.
quaint rhymes with PAINT..something is good to paint implies it's picturesque,attractive,charming
and if i want to paint something unpleasant/ugly ,im an ECCENTRIC,weird,bizarre person
Definition (noun) a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
I was in dilemma whether I give my cloths to laundry or wash them at home
Quandry=quants+vocabulary .wat to study for gre.confusion and dilemma.
In a QUANDARY about whether to suicide in QUAN (well) or DARYa (river)
kon + da + (ko)ri
sounds like Q(why)+ DARI(fear).....when we r in dilemma we become frightened so people ask us why r u in fear??
QUAN(KAUN) bolega DARY(route or way) i am in a dilemma...
Quandary - Foundary - Legendary .. Whether this foundry has been built by the legendary Casanova, Barney Stinson, or not is still a mystery.
quandary: i am in dilemma, whom(Quan) of these 2 girls are "dar rahi" (dary)
i am in dilemma ki wo mujhse q (qua)+ dary(dar rahi) hai
remeber QUESTION!
Definition (noun) enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of disease
Definition (noun) isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease
Definition (verb) place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons
Example Sentence
My dog was quarantined before he could live in England
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quarantine
quarantine is pretty familiar in case of antivirus softwares you can quarantine the virus affected files which means to ISOLATE THEM...
quara+ntine....quara..sounds like KUWARA..AND a kuwara person is always seen isolated..in family functions.
Definition (noun) a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
Definition (verb) extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry
Example Sentence
quarry marble
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quarry
quarry sounds like query we know query is to ask questions when you r in doubt or when you desire to know more, and quarry means to dig deep when you want something from earth.
q+uarry..sounds like worry....when you worry about something, you dig deep into the matter .
quell comes from "cwellan" which means to kill. quell also rhymes with kill, to an extent.
QUEUE+WELL.i was forcing people to jump into a well to suppress the population
quell rhymes with HELL were your pleasures will be SUPPRESSED
quell taken from qualen means to vex, this word also rhyme like kill.means when u crash something you are killing something...whatever it may be...so quell means.....to supress or crash completely
quell sounds with quail, which we have learned before, quail means fear, so quail makes you quelled.
quell sounds with quail, which we have learned before, quail means fear, so quail makes you quelled.
fell on one another like a well and suppress and crush below one
Quell means Do well.
QUELL=WELL:water extinguisher and used to put down fire
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