• word of the day


    inviolable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inviolable

    (adj) incapable of being transgressed or dishonored
    Example Sentence
    • the person of the king is inviolable
    • an inviolable oath
    (adj) immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
    Example Sentence
    • an impregnable fortress
    • fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
    • a secure telephone connection
    (adj) must be kept sacred
    Synonyms : inviolate , sacrosanct
    (adj) not capable of being violated or infringed
    Synonyms : absolute , infrangible
    Example Sentence
    • infrangible human rights
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inviolable

violate is to break, to infringe thus inviolable is which cannot be broken or infringed, or which cannot be corrupted

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In+violable Viola is a root tht means - tht must not be dishonoured. so inviolable is an opposite to that.

InviolABLE, concentrate on the word ABLE means absolute and strong

Picture a man trying to rape a VIOLA, but the VIOLA is defending itself with a giant Cambel Soup can LABEL. VIOLA LABEL

You can't get IN the door because she will hit you with her VIOLA.

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