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    unguent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word unguent

    (noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
    Synonyms : balm , ointment , salve , unction
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Ungent if rephrased as urgent can be used as, say, 'There is an urgent need for the ointment (ungent).

ung(body in hindi)+bent(injury) = unguent--> so u need ointment

its easy. ointment is a cermony that marks a kid becoming a man. a kid or an UN-GENT. get it?

synonyms:.... analgesic, application, balsam, cerate, compound, cream, demulcent, dressing, embrocation, emollient, formula, lotion, medicine, ointment, potion, poultice, preparation, prescription, salve, soother, soothing agent, unction, unguent

p+Ungent..ointments have pungent smell

Unguent can be broken as Un+gue...Now in hindi joo is a leech in the hair which causes irritation and itching...So joo can be removed by using an ointment..

unguent can be spelt as urgent which means fast.now when a surface is slick or oily any object slides on it with speed.therefore, unguent = urgent = speedy = oily = ointment

in hindi "anjan" means a medicine. so u can remember unguent means anjan/ointment

anju(unju) ent doctor told to apply ointment in broken tooth.

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