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    recant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word recant

    (verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
    Synonyms : abjure , forswear , resile , retract
    Example Sentence
    • He retracted his earlier statements about his religion
    • She abjured her beliefs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recant

RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."

re + chant(sing): singing/telling again. what?? telling what i told earlier is wrong wrong!!

re+cant telling that it cant which means it is wrong and DISAVOWED, DISCLAIMED

RECANT = when you REspond i CAN´T say it again, you're recanting what you've said before.

recant means to publicly take back. DECANT means to pour out.RECANT means to pour in back..that is to take back and confess.

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RAJANIKANT.....actor....in his movies, when a criminal sees him, the criminal RECANTS after he is injured by RAJNIKANT

When u recant something, u simply cant refrain from recalling and correcting what u said earlier.

when we decant, we make something pure...

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!

becoz of "cant" i.e military pressure this cant be done or formaly rejected

As Decant is to empty.. similarly recant is to fill back again .. or we may say that we are taking in wht was decanted before..

Re+cant=Reet(hindu religious law) cant be accepted.So i reject it.

Re earlier said he Wreck Ant but now Re can't??

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