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(noun) an inadequate payment
Example Sentence
  • they work all day for a mere pittance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pittance

PIT<->TIP(to waiter)

Pity + Allowance very sad payment,,,

pittance = petty allowance

Pit (Hindi of beat) + Tenants. Coz they gave less rents

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mnemonic : Pittance rhymes with Patience; You need to have patience to work all day for a mere pittance.

Hey Mr.PITT (Brad Pitt), this is your TIP for your DANCE

The opposite of what Brad Pitt Earns.

U feel pity for servants who get less payment and can't even afford two time meals..


(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
Example Sentence
  • She managed to mollify the angry customer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for placate

PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone.

"playing" wid "cat"...it'll surely pacify salman...

placate--pla(playing)+cate(cards)===playing cards pacify's anyone........

the word's origin means 'to please'

Placate: Plate+cake= a plate of cake which calms and appeases.

Placate: just concentrate on pronunciation Placate resembles "Pluck Ate",so just imagine ur a thief and went for a Apple farm and Plucking and Ate the Apples silently,calm,pacify,appease,soothe,placate.......

its like pla(playing)+cate(think cafe)....so playing in cafe pacify u...

if a tree is favorably inclined we can pluck its fruits and eat

it can be place+ate. when he got that place by betryaing i.e. ATE THE PLACE.people had to please him.

place + ate >>> when u give some1 place to eat, u will certainly gain his/her good will....


(adj) (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
Example Sentence
  • a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay
  • the quiet waters of a lagoon
  • a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky
  • a smooth channel crossing
  • scarcely a ripple on the still water
  • unruffled water
(adj) not easily irritated
Example Sentence
  • an equable temper
  • not everyone shared his placid temperament
  • remained placid despite the repeated delays
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for placid

a student well PLACED in his college will sit calmly and peacefully...as compared to those who did not get placed.

if a student gets PLACED in a company as soon as he finishes his study, then his life will be calm without any disturbances

play CID you need to be calm and composed

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PLACE+ID(recognition, you are famous).....when yo get a good house to live and people IDentify you because you are popular, then you will be very calm.....what else you want?????

PLACID= place i sit

FLACCID, if something is weak and soft, it should be calm and quiet

play CId one must be calm and composed


(verb) take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property
Synonyms : lift plagiarise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plagiarize

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Plug(plag) the idea(ia) that arise (ize)from others.

divide it like pla(plan)+gi+arize(arise)...so a plan arises in your mind to steal your friend's notes and show it to your lecturer.

basically it is derived from Latin plagiare which means to kidnap, to wound..to claim ....kidnap means steal..so STEALING OR KIDNAPPING SOMEONE'S IDEA.

plagiarie = play + guitar + rise -> pritam is rising in bollywood by playing guitar

For all who watched SECRET WINDOW...Depp was accused of plagiarism

Plague and Idea have smthing in common.....they spread!!! Also Plague = Scourge = Bad....So bad ppl steal ideas and spread them Muhahahahahhahhhahah

plagiarize: plag(plague)+i+arize(arise):my friends are very hungry so i have stolen bun from rat cage as we are left with nothing, havent told this to neither rat nor friends, eating that has ARIZEd PLAGue because of I.


(adj) expressing sorrow
Synonyms : mournful
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plaintive

Plaintive can be split into plain(plane)+tive(relative). Suppose a relative dies in a plane crash, we mourn. Thus plaintive = mourn. Sorry for the sadistic mnemonic.

lol its so easy wtf plaintive = remove L pain + tive = mournful

plain means to complain. one who always complain is sorrowful,mournful

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plain+tv(black and white)==sad....

The PLAINTIff, in a court case, has been injured by the defendant and is feeling PLAINTIVE.

PLAINTIVE= PONTIFF..Roman catholic pope who generally attend in a funeral(mournful) ceremony

pLAintive= LAment, PlaINTIVE=laMENT

Very Plain tips. The waiter is in sorrow.


(noun) a trite or obvious remark
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for platitude

flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks.

or we can think of plastic: it is veru cheap and of very little value just like platitude

Latitudes vary from place to place ...whereas Platitude is common to all ..i.e. COMMONPLACE...ORDINARY ... TRITE...

Take it as (PLATE + ATTITUDE) this hungry man was throwing the PLATE on server face bcos of serving late. Chef is obviously strongly REMARKING towards his ATTITUDE.

The word 'platitude' is derived from the word 'plat',which is the French version of the word 'flat' and means literally "a flat remark.

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platitude {altitude} ..some thing related to mountain ..which is common place to every one

platitude=pl(please) + attitutde ppl r always giving weak comments

Platitude = please + attitude; please attitude is always is always shows poor behavior.


(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy
Example Sentence
  • Platonic dialogues
(adj) free from physical desire
Example Sentence
  • platonic love
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for platonic

Platonic - Plato (disciple of Socrates) wrote all the theoretical philosophies.

anyone who stays in pluto,are free from the physical desire and have real love...

if someone is willing to go live in plato then he must be prepared for a spiritual and non sensual life


(noun) enthusiastic approval
Example Sentence
  • the book met with modest acclaim
  • he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
  • they gave him more eclat than he really deserved
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plaudit

rhymes like "applaud it"

remove 'p' u'll get LAUDIT. which can mean loud it. Victory should always be praised by loud cheer i.e. with enthusiastic approval.

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plaudit - laad (in hindi) means approval or pampering

PLausible 4 AUDience->Sth plausible 4 audience leads to applaud; Hence, enthusiastic applause or approval

plaudit-plot+it plot ing a tree will make u feel enthusiastic


PLenty people AUDITed. Must be GOOD!


(adj) apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
Example Sentence
  • a plausible excuse
(adj) given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments
Example Sentence
  • a plausible liar
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plausible

Plausible rhymes with possible "Something that may or may not be possible" true,but open to doubt.

plausible(posible):some thing is possible to happen if its reasonable,valid,truthful. so something resonable or valid or truthful is == plausible.

plausible sounds like (laugical)logical!!!

plausible = believable

when you are correct and truth full generally u will get applause which sounds like plausible

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most of the politicians give APPLAUSIBLE speeches but they do nothing and their speech becomes PLAUSIBLE !!!!!!!

Plausible sounds like "possible", as in "It's possible he's telling the truth".

plaus=getting applaud and plausible(pausi) telling a pause.so telling something what every one applauds but with a doubt(pause)

able to be applauded


(noun) one of the common people
Synonyms : pleb
(adj) of or associated with the great masses of people
Synonyms : common unwashed vulgar
Example Sentence
  • the common people in those days suffered greatly
  • behavior that branded him as common
  • his square plebeian nose
  • a vulgar and objectionable person
  • the unwashed masses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plebeian

sounds like pebble which are found every where and are very common

plebeian - sounds like play with lesbian which is very vulgar

basically this word is taken from plebs...which were the common people in ancient rome.

Playboy.. A common vulgar magazine.

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we can also link it with american millitary where the freshman is known as pleb..because fresher are generally bad dressers and unsocial.

People in LEBANON are lesbians; LEbanon contains all common people doing vulgar things..

plebeian - sounds like pedestrian, almost all pedestrians are common people

divide this like P(here it stands for people)+lebeian..sounds like Lebanon in south west asia & economy of this country is in disatrous state due to civil strife.so people of this country are not rich -only middle class people&they are commen people.

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