Take it as PRIVACY..
what do YOU need for privacy, a room, house, but if you dont even have that then? its a life of hardship i.e.,
a lack of the basic things that people need for living
In Private companies, u r Deprived of ur Rights and have to do Hard work...
Add DE to PRIVATION and it becomes DEPRIVATION which is a synonym of PRIVATION, meaning the state of being deprived.
PRIVATION- private tuition/education. one cant afford private education for their kids if they are poor and living in hardship
Definition (noun) complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
Example Sentence
in a world where financial probity may not be widespread
he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for probity
PRO(pahle)+beti(ladkiya) sounds like girls first 'something having high morale'
crast (crust) study of earth crust has been postponed due to lack of money
PROCRASTINATE; PRO GRASS IN NIGHT:its like when u smoke grass, u end up postponing things the next day
He was in favor of putting it off until tomorrow and getting some sleep tonight, so he was PRO CRASHING (going to sleep)TO NIGHT: PRO CRASHING TO NIGHT
[party-crasher-ate-late] Due to the party crasher's drama the dinner was served late and we all ate in hurry.
procrastinate sounds forecasting is ate. ate always sybols of something lessen; therefore forecasting is going to late or delay.
Definition (noun) the act of procrastinating; putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time
prod(rodies) +gals(girls)=extravagance.
If you are with girls of rodies then you have to be extravagant..
prodigal = prodi (proud )+ gal (girl)= the girls who is having excessive proud is always wasteful
or divide prodigal as PRO+DI+GAL, => PRODUCERS and DIRECTORS r using gals for sex.it means they are PROFLIGATE.
PRO with GAL: to become a pro (casanova) among gals you will have to waste money
i show rod to my girl when she was wasting my money
prodigal = pro + dig 'digger'. A super digger dig his farmland. What a wasteful!
prod (poke) a girl: you r trying to hook up with a girl by prodding her waist, and she ignores you. therefore, all that you tried to do was lavish, extravagant.
PROs (in sports) lavish their GALs with extravagant things
Learn two synonyms!
Pro-d-igal: one who has PROfuse Dollars to spend is a SPENDTHRIFT/PROfligate!
prodigal-pradeep sir and gals imagine pradeep sir has become extravagant and is hovering around girls
Prod(Prada)+Gal(girl).Girl buying prada is waste of money.
prod(proud)+gal(girl) will always wastes money
Definition (adj) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
prod refers to production and gious sounds as genious so someone genious in production we say him as marvelous, great.
prodigy is very talent person, so prodigious means talented person who is GREAT IN SIZE
Think PROfessional/DIGger=HUGE amount. A PRO DIGGER--with his fancy digging uniform and silver shovel--digs such HUGE quantities of dirt that he's able to completely fill in the ocean.
Like Prodigy - Huge or just gifted.
we fight about prodigious dirty dishes
if we dig something we can get amazing, awesome diamonds, jewellery.
Definition (noun) an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration
Example Sentence
she is a chess prodigy
Definition (noun) a sign of something about to happen
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