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    profligate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word profligate

    (noun) a dissolute man in fashionable society
    Synonyms : blood , rake , rakehell , rip , roue
    (noun) a recklessly extravagant consumer
    Synonyms : prodigal , squanderer
    (adj) recklessly wasteful
    Example Sentence
    • prodigal in their expenditures
    (adj) unrestrained by convention or morality
    Example Sentence
    • Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
    • deplorably dissipated and degraded
    • riotous living
    • fast women
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for profligate

Profligate= spend Profusely like bill Gates

split it like prof(professor)+li(lee)+g+ate(past f. of eat).. your Professor whose son Lee spent all of his father's money .. eating at all five stars hotels...what a wasteful use of your Professor's money....

PROperty FLy through GATE - because you spend like crazy

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profli(profli)+gate...so think f candidate whose profile reveals about his hand in some immoral activities..such a candidate is even not allowed to even enter to the GATE OF some colleges and organizations....

PROFLIGATE: DIVIDE IT INTO 3 PARTS, PROF+LEE+GATE. think that PROFessor had thrown LEE out of GATE bcoz he was extravagant.

Pro fil(fli) gate .. The proletarians filed the gate of their boss with sweets just before the appraisal day .. Wasteful and def wildly immoral

this word is taken from phlibein means to squeeze ..so think of a prodigal..or profligate son..who has squeezed his fathers pocket in doing all wasteful activities

Because of his immoral behavior his PROFITS were all LITIGATED

Due to the Profligate use of assets by PROFessionals IGATE company got dissolved.

<B>Flagrantly Prodigal</B>.

who earns PROFit at good rATE spends a LOT

(also means corrupt): he is PRO FLoggIng people at the GATE of the city

Profligate = His job PROFile in resume is so wasteful and lack of planning, that the manager thrown it out of the gate.

spell lyk pro(professional)+fli(FLY)+gate(Jet)...--->there r so many low cost airlines still professional travel through JET airways and "WASTE their MONEY"....

fli + gate... fly through gate. implies wasteful thing.. and we throw wasteful things

"prof" -professor "fli" -flew or spent "gate" -all his money building college gate...

all high-profiled ppl are mostly spendthrifts.

pROFLigate: When you tell Professor Flagrant that he is being wasteful and should be ashamed, he just ROFLS (rolls on the floor laughing)!!!

PROFuse and LIberal spending w/o GATE (thoughts or constraint). Profuse = extravagance.

pro+fly+gate....why to fly over the college gate on some plane, when we can walk and go through without wasting money...

pro+fli+gate, imagine a fly (fli) crosses the gate of ur house to buy a choclate which is a waste expenditure for it... this seems to be a stupid mnemonic but give it a try... u will remember it for sure :))

pro+fly+gate = pro things fly over the gate therefore lessen or worsen things are there.

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