prodigal = prodi (proud )+ gal (girl)= the girls who is having excessive proud is always wasteful
or divide prodigal as PRO+DI+GAL, => PRODUCERS and DIRECTORS r using gals for means they are PROFLIGATE.
PRO with GAL: to become a pro (casanova) among gals you will have to waste money
i show rod to my girl when she was wasting my money
prodigal = pro + dig 'digger'. A super digger dig his farmland. What a wasteful!
prod (poke) a girl: you r trying to hook up with a girl by prodding her waist, and she ignores you. therefore, all that you tried to do was lavish, extravagant.
PROs (in sports) lavish their GALs with extravagant things
Learn two synonyms!
Pro-d-igal: one who has PROfuse Dollars to spend is a SPENDTHRIFT/PROfligate!
prodigal-pradeep sir and gals imagine pradeep sir has become extravagant and is hovering around girls
Prod(Prada)+Gal(girl).Girl buying prada is waste of money.
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