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    resplendent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word resplendent

    (adj) having great beauty and splendor
    Example Sentence
    • a glorious spring morning
    • a glorious sunset
    • splendid costumes
    • a kind of splendiferous native simplicity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resplendent

resPlENDENT: Pendent, if gold, is shining and glowing...

word 'resplendent' is synonym of 'splendid'. (focus on 'splend' in both the words)

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

resplendent looks and sounds like splendid. Word gives out the definition itself.

re(again)+splende splende bike if drive again & again it is very inressive to us

ReSplendent - Really Splendid..!!

Resplendent: Re splend (splendor bike) is looks dazzling and it is so economic that itis a brilliant choice to buy

splendid pendant

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