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    pliant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pliant

    (adj) capable of being influenced or formed
    Synonyms : plastic
    Example Sentence
    • the plastic minds of children
    • a pliant nature
    (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
    Example Sentence
    • ductile copper
    • malleable metals such as gold
    • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
    • pliant molten glass
    • made of highly tensile steel alloy
    (adj) able to adjust readily to different conditions
    Synonyms : elastic , flexible , pliable
    Example Sentence
    • an adaptable person
    • a flexible personality
    • an elastic clause in a contract
    (adj) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
    Synonyms : bendable , pliable , waxy
    Example Sentence
    • a flexible wire
    • a pliant young tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pliant

sounds like plant and Plants are more pliant[flexible] than trees.

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like comPLIANT

it comes from PLIER ,which is used to bend wires .....so pliant --> able to be bent,foldable,flexible, .

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