Backward: (y-r-c-s-e-d) - You--really--can't--see--every--detail . . . at first glimpse.
di-scover by scru-tiny
descry - at a distance when people cry out loud.. you notice them... so you descry (sight) them
descry rhymes with discover, to findout
another meaning as a verb is to discriminate or discern... so not to respond to Des(i) cry(cries) is to discriminate
The police asked the witness to describe what he descried
catch something distant we forget to close the eyes dust will fall and will cry
descry sounds like describe; You cannot describe a person by descrying; You have to be a friend or alteast be close to him
evoke means to memorize, rememberance (yaad dilana)
like in DABBANG Sallu says kameeney se yaad aaya tumhare bhaiya ji kaise he
Temporize means avoid commiting oneself, gain time
obviously when u r not commited u will save time
Amnesia means loss of memory.. in Ghajini Aamir loses his memory due to injury
descry = de + s +cry; to student cry to attract the sight of ppl.
describe a far cry from here
Definition (verb) preserve by removing all water and liquids from
Cat(CATE) is carrying dashboard(DESI) in a very dry(DRY UP) area and suffering from dehydration(DEHYDRATE)
Desiccate = des (country) + icc + ate; country is been ate by icc cricket so the offices in working days are empty i.e dry up due to match between india & pakistan.
Definition (verb) leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
despoil(de=they{criminal}+spoil)they spoil the country ,took the rifle,violate the law made foray on village,loot and plunder people ,raped the ladies.
war booty means spoils of war , so despoil is a bigger form of spoil which spoils a whole landscapea and plunders the country side
the word despondant looks like pepsodent. So wen u don't brush in the morning... Ur day will be gloomy and depressing.
think like des 'pond'-> 'ponder' when we dont ponder(think) eventually we lose hope
DEreSPOND...means no response...a person who is in low spirits doesn't respond hence suffer from despondency
desp+on+dent = desperate person dented (hit emotionally) = gloomy and depressed...
relate it with response. one who is in good mood gives response. one who is depressed
relate it to response. one who is cheerful gives response, one who is depressed(despondent) does not give ane response.
despondent is like desperate, (also called despo in slang).. he loses almost all hope
when u get disappointed by something....thn u become depress by it
Imagine a sad and hopeless person sitting on the edge of a 'pond' and 'pondering' over his misfortune....desPONDent.
Because North Korea is ruled by a despot, the whole country feels hopeless.
despondent=desh already is in ponded in corruption no body can rectify it...
rem with correspondent-take despondent as removing him from post-so he will be depressed,gloomy.
sounds like de + sponsor. You would be desponsored only if they lose hope on you and give up on you
if you don't score good in GRE even after diligent hardwork u feel despondent
DE+ (corre)SPONDENT : if u are even replying to a correspondent then u r very DEPRESSED and GLOOMY.
opposite of respondant (cheerful)....
despondent : des (this) + ponde (pond) + nt (not); We are despondent as 'this pond' also does 'not' have any water and there is no other source of water left in our village.
when u r 'Respondent' u r not 'Respondent', u r too 'depressed' to answer and talk to others
in despair, disappointed, not responding, depressed, sitting near a pond and pondering in gloom
Definition (adj) poor enough to need help from others
sounds like desi tute(tution) a guy who is attending tution in desi langaues shows he is very poor.
Dave's attitude (homophone of destitute) looks like a poor's.
Destitute sounds like 'this institute'; Imagine someone advising you "It's not worth studying in this institute, as it's difficult to get a job after studying from there and hence will destitute you (make you poor)."
Person who is not astute ends up being destitute.
Definition (adj) marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; jumping from one thing to another
Example Sentence
desultory thoughts
the desultory conversation characteristic of cocktail parties
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desultory
De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to nothing.
desultory think like de story-> moving away from the main story without)+sult(RESULT)+tory( a member of conservative party in britain known as TORY) if the tories DID NOT WIN ANY ELECTION THIS TIME becoz of their desultory attitude..or since they lacked any definate plan to win election..t
Imagine a thirsty, hungry man in a DESoLaTe DESert wandering aimlessly from one mirage to another.
..or since they lacked any definate plan to win election..they were WITHOUT any good RESULTs THIS TIME.
and now THINK a MEMBER OF TORY party jumping to another party to join it and than to another.
Think: Desolate Story... Desolate=(Empty) Story=(Chain of Events) empty or purposeless chain of events and/or jumping from one thing to another
if u work DESULTory then u will INSULted
de salute = a person in army who does not salute to his superior surely does not have an aim
De + resultory >> If you do not go according to a method, you will always get wrong result...
de(down)sult(result) ory(tending to)root word meaning so if result ofur is down(fail) u will jump from good boy to bad boy in school.
As it is SULTORY outside, Aimless or Haphazard people fill DIESEL in the car and go out for a drive
desultory=দেশানà§à¦¤à¦°à§€;so aimless,jumping around
de+result--- if you LACK IN CONSISTANCY OR you are UNFOCUSED, it will result in DE-RESULT
desultory(desert+salty)the thirsty man in salty desert walking aimlessly for water
the slut stories are always not planned :P
aimless result
Definition (verb) deprive of freedom; take into confinement
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