Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indigent

indigent == indian + gents (they are mostly poor ,needy due to demands of their wives)..hahahahhha

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The first 3 letters of Indigent is I.N.D which can be an acronym for I NEED DOLLARS !!!!

'Indigent' people are bound to eat 'Indige.stible' food due to lack of money.

The INDIA AGENT is a poor man.

see indigence

In+dig+gent : Imagine "In I dig and dig on the ground for food (etc tapioca] of a gent" to relate to being very poor to the extend of digging for food on the ground

The first 3 letters of Indigent is I.N.D which can be an acronym for I NEED DOLLARS !!!!

in-d-igent: One who has INsufficient Dollars to spend is POOR!

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