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(noun) an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
Synonyms : dabbler sciolist
(adj) showing frivolous or superficial interest; amateurish
Example Sentence
  • his dilettantish efforts at painting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilettante

DIL(my heart) ETTANTE ATU..watever my heart says ill jus follow bilndly

'Dil' (Heart)+ 'e' (hey) + ttante sounds like (anti). So when you are doing any work against your heart, you don't take it seriously.

i called ramu tent wala and ramu tied dhilla(loose) tent because he was dilettante.

DIE + LET (t) + ANT + (e) = An amateur who lets the ant die because of lack of expertise

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dilettant sounds like DEBUTANT (an unskilled person)

If you move the 'di' to the end of the word, you can get 'let ants die', which someone who kept an ant farm for superficial reasons would do

divide it like dilett+ante(aunt)...dilett(sounds like DELIGHT)......so your AUNT who does painting just becoz she gets DELIGHTED BY DOING THIS..BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVe any interest in it to persue it further as her career.

dilettante - let + ant let me follow the ant ( imagine ants moving one behind the other even i will do the same ) so i am aimless follower

DILETTANTE: Interesting word sounds like it came from the combination of -DIS LITTLE ANT- which of course for a human being is derogatory and can only be used for an amateur, a novice or a dabbler.

A person whose interest can dilute very easily

sounds like militant >>> there are many militants who are blindly following their predecessors in the name of jihad, without any personal fights against ppl..

dilettante; you have to take it from dile,becoz he drops it to dile so he is not careful.

Dante is no Dilettante , He is a great poet


(noun) a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dirge

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Dirge - di means die, so when you die and have done good things for people in life, a song of grief or lament will be sung for you.

A dirge gives me da (the) urge to start crying.

DIRGE sounds like DARD(pain)..song filled with DARD

looks similar to DARGAH..where people MOURN WITH MUSIC for the loss of loved ones

sounds like hindi word DARD and TARAZ(music) so dirge is DARD TARAZ or mournful song

Imagine a DARGE(tailor) dies n on his departure a lament mournful song is being sung.. which is rare n stupid i kno! :D hehe

In the word dirge, look at DIRgE (DIRE), which is something really bad. So at the dire event of a death, they will play a dirge.

dirge = die in age i.e in fire, the mournful song for dying.

afraid(dir in hindi)=> we afriad when someone die and sing song called dirge(just for remembering)


(noun) denial of any connection with or knowledge of
Synonyms : disclaimer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disavowal

d+is+a+vowal - ‘D’ is a vowel. Think of a most stupid teacher teaching students of KG. one day he taught the students that D is a vowel. next day topper of the class complained. Then the teacher straight forwardly deny this. He told, he never said

dis + avow + al Dis- denial Avow - to declare openly, bluntly, and without shame

dis + a + vow >>> denying that u have not taken any such vow..


(adj) perceptible by the senses or intellect
Synonyms : discernable
Example Sentence
  • things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause
  • the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations
  • the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles
(adj) capable of being perceived clearly
Example Sentence
  • an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
(adj) capable of being seen or noticed
Synonyms : evident observable
Example Sentence
  • a discernible change in attitude
  • a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript
  • an observable change in behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discernible

break as Dis-earn-able anything from which money can be earned is easily distinguishable...

discern sounds like an opposite of concern.wen u discern someone ,u would find a distinguishable change after u meet that person after a long time...isnt it ..!!!?

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Dis (sounds like This) + CERN (physics project in Europe, if u don know google for it) = THIS CERN project must have a lot of mentally quick and observant scientists, since it is one of the largest projects in the world!

dis-is-earnable (perceivable)

"NIBBLE" is to spend time on small things .. that is distinguish smallest part in details.. :P similarly Disernible

if u r discerning...everything is discernible...!!!

split as did and earn means that the money earned is distinguished for every employee

sounds like VISIBLE that is perceivable


(adj) not in agreement or harmony
Example Sentence
  • views discordant with present-day ideas
(adj) lacking in harmony
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discordant

FOCUS ON disco-RDANT. dISCOs ARE always inharmonious. same as cacophonous

dis+chord as in not a chord, so it is conflicting or harsh in sound

Con+Cordant means "with agreement". Dis+Cordant means "Without Agreement"

DISCORDANT = DIS(not) CORDANT(can be taken as COORDINATION) .. when there is NO COORDINATION there will be NO HARMONY and there is a possibility to CONFICT..

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dis+chord as in not a chord, so it is conflicting or harsh in sound-PIANO WITH HARSH NOT HARMONIOUS SOUND

dis+cord. cord-related to heart. So if heart doesn't meet that is discordant

dis+cord—CORDial means friendly, DISCORDANT means not friendly, NOT IN HARMONY, HARCH IN SOUND, also antonym of CONCORD, ACCORD

discordant=dis+accord, accord is an agreement. hence, discordant-> conflicting, not harmonious


(verb) express a negative opinion of
Synonyms : belittle pick at
Example Sentence
  • She disparaged her student's efforts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disparage

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dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others.

dis-opposite, parage-praise so if u don't praise 4 someone u criticize him.

disparage~discourage : when you give negetive comments/opinions about the effort put by people around you they get DISCOURAGED!


26th janury ki parade ke background mein kisine disco ka music chala diya and that led to everyone's disparade

we DISPARAGE a 10-paisa coin

we know Disparity=inequality or difference in some respect... same Disparage=belittle someone..


(adj) fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
Example Sentence
  • such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing
  • disparate ideas
(adj) including markedly dissimilar elements
Example Sentence
  • a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disparate

Dis(this) + parate(parrot) is different from the rest. But how?? It can talk!!!

Disparate can be broken as: "This" "sEparate" so read as "this is separate"!

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Disparate == Dis + parate ; This parrot and that parrot are completely different

"disparity" which means inequality or difference----->disparate

Disparate: Two lovers are talking 2 each other Girl:how to Identify Boy and Girl. Boy:Remove ur cloths i will say Boy & Girl:Get Naked.Boy:See ur Pussy and my Penis(Dick) they both are DISPARATE.and he fucked the girl.she say Ouch

disparate…di(as we call our elder sister by this name usualy didi.)+sparate(separate)..didi has got separate TV in her room , which is very much different from our old TV.

'disparate' is NOT 'desperate'- it's "very different"

two roots words.. dis - not parity - similarity disparity means not similar


DI +SPARATE.. pronounce it as the separate!..


(verb) occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion
Synonyms : amuse divert
Example Sentence
  • The play amused the ladies
(verb) play boisterously
Example Sentence
  • The children frolicked in the garden
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • The toddlers romped in the playroom
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disport

diSPORT - you play/watch sports for your amusement.

Disp-o-rt : to display-own-art display-SPORT to amuse others

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disport = di ( double) + sport; ppl r playing sports with double enjoyment i.e. making noise.


(noun) a person who dissents from some established policy Definition
(adj) characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
Synonyms : heretical heterodox
(adj) disagreeing, especially with a majority
Synonyms : dissentient dissenting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dissident

ASSENT = agree; DISSENT = disagree; DISSIDENT = a person who dissents/disagrees.

resident- one who agrees and co-operates, dissident -one who is rebellious.

dissident..dis+sident......this word sounds very similar to resident....think you are a resident of particular place and if some one suggest you to leave that place....will you do that...no certainly no...you will disagree..

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no certainely no...you will disagree or dissents from that person...suggestion.....or opinion...

sident means sit....dissident means can not sit so rebellious.

assent-to agree with; assenter: the one who agrees with. dissent - to disagree; dissenter - the one who dissents. dissident - the one who strongly dissents and criticizes the govt.

in Resident Evil movie.. the main characters Rebell against the company.. :)

dissident met president


(verb) become wider
Synonyms : dilate
Example Sentence
  • His pupils were dilated
(verb) cause to expand as it by internal pressure
Example Sentence
  • The gas distended the animal's body
(verb) swell from or as if from internal pressure
Example Sentence
  • The distended bellies of the starving cows
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distend

try to relate it with dis means distance and extend means to expand.

This(DIS) Tent(TEND) can expand easily

dis(apart) + tend(stretch) So distend means to stretch apart or expand.

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stend- take it as stem. stem generally expands or swell out ,wen there is a clot of water ..

Imagine DISTance from an END ->Extend;Wider;swell out

TENDancy to DISassociate=DISTEND

Distend-or this tond(belly) has expanded

close to distance...reserved people stay at a distance (secondary meaning of distant is reserved or aloof)

Tendentiousness (tend) towards distant (dis); Therefore reach the distant.

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