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(adj) extremely pleasant in a gentle way
Example Sentence
  • the most dulcet swimming on the most beautiful and remote beaches
(adj) pleasing to the ear
Example Sentence
  • the dulcet tones of the cello
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dulcet

DIL SE song sounds sweet to the ear.

When You are Dull Then Music can Set it right.Dull + Set. It sets ur dullness to happiness by pleasing you when you listen to the song.

EAMCET-ICET-KCET. All seems to confuse or threaten while hearing.But introducing of DULCET by GOVT is very pleasant and sweet to hear for DULLERS.

dulcet sounds like drum-kit...which produces a sweet sound.

dulcet - CUTs the DULLness by a sweet sounding voice

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Good singing and pleasant days are never dull.

DU-ET: duets are romantic and sound sweet

Imagine like DRUM-SET which is sweet in sound


(noun) compulsory force or threat
Example Sentence
  • confessed under duress
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for duress

u + dress; that is u enforce your wife to put on a particular dress.

Remember "durex". U r forced and restrained to use a condom to safeguard urself from STDs


dure means hard like in endure.. so duress also means hard condition thats forcible..

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Duress rhymes with 'stress'

DURess(logon se dur)..when you are away rom people, you are in duress

duress - darr se

DUring REStraint->DURESS:when u say somebody did something under DURESS u mean that they did it during a period of restraint and thus, were forced to do it

do+stress = duress

Duress= Do + rest..> Your boss got a job of completing 10 files and he threats you by saying I will do one, you do the rest.

He put her under DURESS to DO LESS Curse


(verb) become smaller or lose substance
Example Sentence
  • Her savings dwindled down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dwindle

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if a swindler swindles you then your savings dwindle.

sounds like wind+dull�u say wind is dull when it is reduced gradually�.

The wind is reduced because some windows are closed.


Bundle is formed by dwinddling something

wind shrinks the amount of money kept on table

the wind le, hawa kam ho rahi hain


(adj) joyously unrestrained
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ebullient

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Your dad purchasing you a new 'Enfield Bullet' so you shpw ur 'Excitement' -> ebullient! :D

If u can think this word in a good sense, "bulli" is always showing exitement or overflows with enthu ,wen a hot gal passes

it is close to jubilation...which is excitment

when water boils, it seems as if it is showing great enthu or excitement thus being ebbulient

A bull is violent(excited).

guys.. think of "BULL" in eBULLient.. it is always excited n raring to go

Red Bull

ebullient="e+bullet"so u r the don and now u have new e-bullet so obiviously u r so hppy with this

In bullfight my bull won the medal and hence I am ebullient today

wen we get over-excited over any issue we generally get into argument wid some1 or even bully with them.so 'bulli(y)'

"bull" is always ready to hit you.so it is high-spirited & exited.

A strong bull is always excited to hit the humans..i.e showing his lot of excitement

E_bull_ant, BULL seems enthusiastic when an ANT goes in to the ears


(noun) a clergyman or other person in religious orders
Synonyms : churchman cleric divine
(adj) of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church)
Synonyms : ecclesiastical
Example Sentence
  • ecclesiastic history
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecclesiastic

(ecclesiastic = eccles + iastic) eccles sounds like 'EGG-LESS' and priests generally don't eat eggs.

assume the word eccles as x-les.so people who dont have(less) " X"(girlfrnds,wives.etc), are generally priests in west...lol...

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eccles = sex less.. priests are forbidden from having sex. (No offense meant)

think it as eclairs +ealstic--- we get ecliars at church -- @ khrismas


(noun) someone who selects according to the eclectic method
Synonyms : eclecticist
(adj) selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eclectic

eclectic or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is the meaning of the word eclectic

nowadays even after the elections the governments formed are generally eclectic.composed of many parties

sounds like election, and in election only the best candidated are chosen !!


ECLECTIC: EC(ek) LAC TICket.... EKk lakh ticket me se sirf ek hi ticket select hogi...... to is tarah best ticket ka selection ho jayega.....

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eclectic sounds like election; during election time - only SELECTIVE candidates can compete.

eclairs-a chocolate which s made by collecting various elements

Eclectic-Elect choosing the best party from a group of parties {parties = related to politician}

eclectic one election , choosen from many ones.

selection of ideas, knowledge, information....not physical things That stuident is filled with eclectic ideas

Eclectic = prepare one lecture from many sources so give it tick.


(adj) suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious
Example Sentence
  • an eerie feeling of deja vu
(adj) inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening
Synonyms : eery
Example Sentence
  • an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods
  • an eerie midnight howl
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eerie

EERIE is something SCARY.

Sing a song : eelie re eelie (sounds similar to eerie) kya hai paheli??—meaning strange

eerie EEE in five letter word is something strange

eerie can b understand as a person ERIC who is frightening nd fearful


(adj) marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay
Synonyms : decadent
Example Sentence
  • a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility
  • a group of effete self-professed intellectuals
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for effete

effete...ef+fete..feet...so when you walk for longer distances on your feet, you feel completely worn out......as if you are lacking in power .......

relate the word with defeat..which means losing ones power

Ef+FETE.. Concentrate on the secind part, it sounds like Fatigue, which means drained out of energy or exhausted,worn out...!

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power in a person or human is said to be in our feet thumb.And the feet thumb is present in the feet.so if there is an effect ,probly a bad effect to your feet(fete), that means u have lost ur inner or original power and ur feet is worn out and u are

it sounds like defeat ,if we were defeated we lose power n our power vanishes

effete...e+fetus, i.e. WORN OUT by bearing young(fetus)

Eff ete - F it, I give up, gonna go have some shennanigans

eff-efficiency ete-eat or eaten...

effete sounds like on feet. If you walk long distances on feet, you will be effete (worn out)

effete= take effete is the past tense of effect, i.e. a effect has occurred not it is exhausted.




(noun) capacity or power to produce a desired effect
Synonyms : efficaciousness
Example Sentence
  • concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for efficacy

effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y)..so just check out if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling .

EFFICACY = EFFI + CACY = EFFEct producing CApaCitY

efficient+accuracy = efficacy;if sth is efficient and accurate,it does produce desire result

efficacy==> efficiency :))

efficacy resmebles or reminds us of the popular word delicacy.A delicacy has a power to produce any desired effects wen u treat them to ur girlfrnd...lol..!!

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(noun) a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
Synonyms : image simulacrum
Example Sentence
  • the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln
  • the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for effigy

a fig(ure) y

after india knocked out of t20....angry crowd burnt da dummy(effigy) of ms dhoni .....ffig can b thought of figure....

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e+ ffigy --> ye furgy (misrepresented)

Famous footballer ef"FIGO" do dummy tricks with football...

efFIGy... when FIGO moved from Braca to Real his dummies were burnt

hE has the FIGure of a GuY

effigy = ef (effective) + fig (figure)

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