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(noun) a government order imposing a trade barrier Definition
(verb) ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons
Example Sentence
  • embargoed publications
(verb) prevent commerce
Example Sentence
  • The U.S. embargoes Libya
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embargo

embargo = ban + cargo

end+bar( a way of earning money , a kind of business)+go--imagine if the government Bans(end) people from Going to the Bar's, it is IN TURN stopping the business activity.

they bar a business activity from going, we call it embargo

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embargo ~ end+bargains ... kinda loss or restriction on trade

In the wordo emBARGO( sounds like CARGO), so in most of the planes some of the items are banned

Remember bargo with margo soap:- The government imposed a ban on business of margo soaps.

embargo = no barge go


(verb) add details to Definition
(verb) be beautiful to look at
Example Sentence
  • Flowers adorned the tables everywhere
(verb) make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
Example Sentence
  • Decorate the room for the party
  • beautify yourself for the special day
(verb) make more beautiful
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embellish

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emBELLish--we add BELL to the Christmas tress to adorn it

belle is used to describe beautiful girls.. they generally adorn themselves

concentrate on the middle section of this word - belli (Belly), which is said to be one of the most sexiest part of the female body. So girls usually adorn it (by Belly Ring) to enhance its beauty.

emBELLish- BELLY of a girl makes her more beautiful!

Women beautify,enhance their skin by applying different cosmetics , after that their skin BLEMISHES ( to remember embellish)

em"BELLA"ish...if u know twilight movie...bella is so beautiful girl

a BELLY dancer is beautiful

think of the priests who come to your house in navratrs with a adorned bull(bell) and ask for money

Embellish = the food is prepared by gorgeousness Emb (foreign) llish fish.


(verb) decorate with colors
Synonyms : color colour
Example Sentence
  • color the walls with paint in warm tones
(verb) decorate with heraldic arms
Synonyms : blazon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emblazon

connect with blazer-> rich people

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remember AMAZON - warrior women..u can make up the rest :)

embla+zon.(jhon)...embla..emblem......so imagine an emblem decorated with colours......

her ornaments were shining like blaze(em+blaz+on)


(noun) toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin
Synonyms : cream ointment
(adj) having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emollient

divide it as e + moll(..mole which is a black spot)+ ient. If we find a black spot on our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.

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break it like e + moll, now moll = mall, so in summer we go to a mall because of its centralized 'AC' for a soothing climate.

to mollify is to soothify so emollient is to soothe loosers

*Harry p fans can understand this better Emollient=e(a)+Molly+ient Molly weasly was very gentle and caring person.SO that trait can be associated wit her.Thus,in times of distress(voldemort's reign),meeting her would be emollient

e (I) + mol....its the name of the tablet that cures pain....a pain killer

emollient came from EMULSION. and every cream (soothing) is considered to be an EMULSION

shE knew that the MaLL would soothe her in the evENT of a breakup with her boyfriends

yes mall me na tea le.. very soothing


(adj) marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness
Example Sentence
  • gaga over the rock group's new album
  • he was infatuated with her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enamored

Enamor is a famous brand of bras. Who's not "in love" with bras? :P

en+AMOR+ed.....focus on middle part amor...AMOUR..MEANS A LOVE AFFAIR.....SO SOMEONE WHO IS ENAMORED...IS IN LOVE.

enaMOREd..u go on asking more n more if ur in love with it

enAMORed remember amorous....moved by sexual love and so enAMORed is IN LOVE


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enamored= name + marred i.e. as occurs in hindi movies- uske naam pe mar mituga, so u r in LOVE.


(adj) formally expressing praise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for encomiastic

comiac looks like comic... a comic character is always praised by children.

sounds like "Encourage the majesty" ie by praising the majesty

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Encomiastic sounds like "Encore" asking...demanding an encore performance from a rock band is very flattering for the band!

encomiastic: it sounds like economistic/ecnomist: an economist is always a praise worthy because he is the one who saves country with all his skill from inflation.


(noun) any entry into an area not previously occupied
Synonyms : intrusion invasion
Example Sentence
  • an invasion of tourists
  • an invasion of locusts
(noun) entry to another's property without right or permission Definition
(noun) influencing strongly
Synonyms : impact impingement
Example Sentence
  • they resented the impingement of American values on European culture
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for encroachment

Encroach sounds like cockroach when a cockroach enter in ur territory then it annoyed u.

focus on 'croach' in 'ENCROACHMENT'; croach ~ cockroach; cockroach generally enters into another's house without right or permission

en=inside,croach is similar to approach ..hence the meaning


(verb) weaken mentally or morally Definition
(verb) disturb the composure of
Synonyms : faze unnerve unsettle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enervate

ENERV(w)asTE whwn you waste you energy you become weak

break it as e + nerve(nerv) + ate... what happens when our pulse reduces; we WEAKEN.

can also be broken as ener(energy) + vate (wait) when energy is waiting somewhere else....you have less energy left in yourself

enervate ~ evaporate

E=emergency Nervate=nerves Rushing nerves to the ER is a sign something bad happened...like a stroke..potentially paralyzing , weakening.

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Enervate: ener(ENERGY) + vate(evaporate) Ur energy is evaportaed, so u feel weak


INNER WEIGHT- if your INNER WEIGHT is very high i.e. you are very fat then you get ENERVATED very soon.

assume that ENER=ENERGY VATE=WAIT If You wait for a long time we lose our energy and WEAKEN

ener(inner)+vate(weight) : if ur inner wt increases u feel weak....

enervate = energy is being (v) ate by sunlight so he is become weak.


(verb) devote (oneself) fully to
Example Sentence
  • He immersed himself into his studies
(verb) flow over or cover completely
Example Sentence
  • The bright light engulfed him completely
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engulf

en+gulf(gulp)..so how much do you gulp or swallow in a day....??

gulf has swallowed such quantities of petrol that other countries from outside are relying on it

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Golf courses swallows huge area of cultivable land.

gulf is swallowed by south indian people. You can see south indian people everywhere. Just to remember the word

ENGLUF sounds lyk aloof,jab hum log aloof(lonely) hote hai tab engrossed or absorbed hokar kam karte hai


(verb) fix firmly
Synonyms : settle
Example Sentence
  • He ensconced himself in the chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ensconce

ensconce sounds something like iskon (lord krishna's temple which is a peaceful place..hence can settle comfortably ... (feel like staying their only and settle down in such peaceful place..)

a child gets his ice cream CONe which makes him settle down comfortably.

en- "make, put in" + sconce "small fortification, shelter,"

Ensconce - en (IN) sconce (SECONDS) when return home, IN SECONDS you can 'settle down comfortably'.

ENSCONCE : contains the word CONC which is a short form of CONCENTRATE..so when you concentrate you fix yourself very firmly, so it can be used as an hint

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sound like CONE...if you put the cone upside down on the floor..it remains stable and settles comfortably.

EN(In) Science quizzes you have to settle yourself comfortably, safely, secretly....


Ensconce Ens(Ans) + Once hence boy says to gf Ans me Once do you love me and l will not move from here till you say yes

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