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(verb) speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
Example Sentence
  • She pronounces French words in a funny way
  • I cannot say `zip wire'
  • Can the child sound out this complicated word?
(verb) express or state clearly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enunciate

e+nun+ciate....sounds like A NUN CITEd....something she proclaimed about the church rules and regulations...and that is what the word means....citing means announcing something to be true..or proclaiming something.


same idea.. "A NUN SHE ATE"..u enunciated so clearly dat "A NUN ate smth"

rhymes with communicate..which is nothing put to speak or utter..

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Saw virgin territory? Hero screwed the nuns and he could speak.


(verb) extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle
Synonyms : border ring skirt surround
Example Sentence
  • The forest surrounds my property
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for environ

environ..resembles enviroment...and our enviroment is SURROUNDED BY MANY GASES.

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putting barb enVIRE(WIRE) ON, that can ENCLOSE & SURROUND ur land

EN (TO become)+VIRION..(VIRUS)....A virus becoming attched to a cell via its receptars and then it surround the cell and degrade it.


(noun) anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
Synonyms : ephemeron
(adj) lasting a very short time
Example Sentence
  • the ephemeral joys of childhood
  • a passing fancy
  • youth's transient beauty
  • love is transitory but it is eternal
  • fugacious blossoms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ephemeral

sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is SHORT

'fermi' is a very small secientific unit [10 ^(-15)] So think of fremi second with ephemeral (e-phermi-real)

elephant+marela hai..he lived short! :|

sounds similar to epidural, which would make giving birth go by much quicker

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epHEMeral contains the word HEMI, which means half. (It takes half or a shorter time)

apheme (which is a drug) ka nasha bahut hi ephemeral hota hai

ephemeral sounds like effervescence...which is momentary bubbling of a gas

PERENNIAL-lasting for a long time....perennial rivers which carry water round the year..EPHEMERAL rivers..which carry water for a short period

ephemeral = if(ep) he murder( mer) all, if the the cat is able to murder the rates then rats life will be short span.


(noun) a defamatory or abusive word or phrase
Synonyms : name
(noun) descriptive word or phrase
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epithet

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Concentrate on the latter part of the word, epiTHET (Threat): If someone threatens you, he's going to use abusive words.

epithet = a + pithet -> a pathetic (person)...pathetic is an adjective.

E+PIT+HET~>A PET name that HURTS...

api+thittu (telugu) IF a singer is bad, you api (to stop) and then tittu (scold). you give him an epiteth.

Concentrate on the word PIT and gives a meaning defamatory.

A pathetic person hurls insults at others rather than speaks his truth.

E-PIT(beat)-THAT- that person was pita gaya(beat) and abused too.

Epi(appy)+thet(theft) - Appy ko theft karne par abusive word



(noun) a standard or typical example
Synonyms : image paradigm prototype
Example Sentence
  • he is the prototype of good breeding
  • he provided America with an image of the good father
(noun) a brief abstract (as of an article or book)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epitome

Epi(EPIC)+tome(TOMB)...there is a EPIC about the TOMB of Mumtaz Mahal (TAJ MAHAL) that it takes nearly 200 years to complete that’s why it’s A PERFECT EXAMPLE of MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE

epitome,at d end it sounds like TOM-remember tom n jerry r d "perfect example" of EPIc.

e+pi+tome: tome is a book, mathematical pi is concise. So epitome = a concise prologue or epilogue of the book. Also means example

epi+tomb(tome)...qutubshahi tombs contain dead bodies of emperors therefore these bodies are EMBODIED into them and these tombs are still in a perfect condition hence they ARE A PERFECT EXAMPLE

a happy home is a perfect example for everyone of living life blissfully.

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EPITOME: E+PIT+OME, Don't fall in pit by not doing home work like Rahul(Example)

A BIT OF ME - epitome: a standard or typical example

e(he)+ pito(marna) + me(mujhe).. so usne mujhe mara, it is a 'perfect example' that he is a gunda!

epitome=optimum optimum designs are always epitome


(noun) steadiness of mind under stress
Synonyms : calm calmness composure
Example Sentence
  • he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for equanimity

EQUAL+ENEMY(ity) Seeeing enemy as a friend i.e., with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT.

equal mind

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When meditating, you find equanimity when you find your EQUILIBRIUM.


equi + animity >> when one thinks about other creatures as equal to himself, he or she has a great composure of mind and is calm and thoughtful about others..

equanimity=equal+enmity; when u see your ENEMY u get angry; so it is necessary for u to maintain EQUAL temper and calmness if you are in public to avoid any outroar


(adj) straying from the right course or from accepted standards
Example Sentence
  • errant youngsters
(adj) uncontrolled motion that is irregular or unpredictable
Example Sentence
  • an errant breeze
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for errant

Same as Aberrant ..

errant=err(error)+ ant = If there is a error in ant plan they were wandering every where

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running errands without a plan, and therefore making errors.

errant : wandering split this word as er + ran + t and assume when u make error [like u broke a monitor in college] then tum ran karate rahogo then u will become errant


(adj) having or showing profound knowledge
Synonyms : learned
Example Sentence
  • a learned jurist
  • an erudite professor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erudite

taken from rude+ite...in olden days people who were higly educated were basically very rude...as they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people.

e+RUD(RUDE)+IT+e....now just concentrate on RUDE IT....NOW THINK OF rude IT PROFESSIONAL WHO IS BASICALLY CONSIDERED AS A LEARNED man..or scholarly.

R U DEITY? Are you a deity; deities are gods and know it all.

erudite has Latin root: eruditus = e + rudis = e + rude(untrained) After training ruder, he becomes an erudite person

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ER (Engineer)-U-di(did)-IT(it)-E ..... you have gr8 knowledge if u becum an engineer.

the letters in the word are E-R-U-D-I-T-E...pull out the letters E-D-U EDU is short for education. Being educated= scholastic, learned and wise.

Focus on ERU ... sounds like Hero... heroes usually show profundity in movies

[a+rude+elite]= elits are rude, cos they have erudite skills

HERO+DITE- ppl eating HERO DITE are erudite

sounds like rite... right only a person having profound knowledge knows what is right

there is a CAT preparation institution called ERUDITE

Think of a person called Dite. He's very well educated, so you listen to him carefully, and you encourage him to speak: "I hear you, Dite!"

When you are right, people think you're erudite.

Ex-Rude. You are no longer rude which means belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness. You are now educated and instructed.


(verb) avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
Synonyms : shun
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eschew

es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT.

ppl tend to avoid u..when u have severe cold and u say.."AAAh chuu!!"

EScape from CHEWing tobacco.

we chew Chewing Gum to avoid Smoking habit

eSCHEW could be thought as "SHOO".. as in shoo away, which is a form of avoiding...

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If somebody have just pulled out his tooth then he cannot chew...so he would have to ESCHEW (Avoid) chewing...

Eschew cashew's if you're allergic to nuts!

To avoid having to "chew the cud" with her, I shun answering the phone.

es+CHEW - You chew a chewing gum but you HABITUALLY AVOID gulping it.

Ee + shoe - Avoid it. This shoes is very old and torn. avoid using it.

Rhymes with Skew- not in a straight direction hence u AVOID whats ahead of you


(adj) confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle
Example Sentence
  • a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for esoteric

HISTORIC things are known to few people

the world is like Estrogen, which is a female hormone..and we all know that females are HARD TO UNDERSTAND and KNOWN ONLY TO FEW :) !!

Experts (E) are so (SO) fond of terrible (TER) words.

Esoteric <> Exoteric. Ex- = outside, external

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its so tedha (hard to understand)

jumbling 'esoteric' gives the word 'secret'.. esoteric relates to secret brotherhood kind-of.. its mysterious and also understood only by the members of that group

E-sot-eric sounds like: "He sought eric" to explain to him the difficult philosophy text.

esoTERIC-TERRIFIC.something terrific is difficult to understand

Esoteric: E(Einstein)+So+Teric(Terrific=of great size,amount,or intensity, excellent),Hence Einstein theories(general relativity) are SO Terific,only known or understood to only few

esoteric = e + storic = one story; It is included in a story.

A sort of trick - So understood by only few people

Eso sounds like "S" and "O" which stand for specific organization

toyota big...iota small

hE'S SO TERribly InCoherent

e+so(some)+term So few people

A religion that finds AIR SO TERRIfiC/ is known and understood only by a few.

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