• word of the day


    articulate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word articulate

    (verb) provide with a joint
    Synonyms : joint
    Example Sentence
    • the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood
    (verb) put into words or an expression
    Synonyms : formulate , give voice , phrase , word
    Example Sentence
    • He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees
    (verb) speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
    Synonyms : enounce , enunciate , pronounce , say , sound out
    Example Sentence
    • She pronounces French words in a funny way
    • I cannot say `zip wire'
    • Can the child sound out this complicated word?
    (verb) unite by forming a joint or joints
    Example Sentence
    • the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones
    (verb) express or state clearly
    Synonyms : enunciate , vocalise , vocalize
    (adj) expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language
    Example Sentence
    • articulate speech
    • an articulate orator
    • articulate beings
    (adj) consisting of segments held together by joints
    Synonyms : articulated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for articulate

arti kyun late...? now she really has to explain clearly or she is GONE !~

ariculate sounds like 'article + ate'. An article in a magazine or newspaper must be 'clear and fluent in what they say'

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articulate speech is 'artistic'...it attracts attention of ppl..

articulate ~ art + calculate; if you are good in art of speaking as well as good in calculations (maths), you will be able to express yourself in a better way.

art+late....although art takes time(late).......an art always conveys what the artist wanted to speak clearly

aarti(pooja) kyon late??coz the pundit wasnt articulate..

Word used in video below:
text: enunciated articulate ass all right okay
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