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(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress Definition
(adj) tending to deter
Example Sentence
  • the deterrent effects of high prices
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deterrent

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DETER + RENT. A high rent IS ALWAYS A discouraging factor FOR TENANTS.


[hindi] dete bola rent, nahi diya.. bechara discourage ho gaya, sala rent lene mein itne hindrances..

you can also imagine deterrent as detergent + ant ; if you put detergent in front of ant it will obstruct and hinder its path

sounds close to deteriorate

Deterrent = detergent. Detergent always hinders or discourages the dust/viruses on the clothes or other materials.

Think of deterrents as the wrong answers on the mutliple choice of the GRE. These "deterrents" discourage you from choosing the right answer.

sounds like shattered!!! "Our hopes were shattered(deterred)!"

Abe O!!! De Tera Rent... :D


(adj) deeply religious
Synonyms : god-fearing
Example Sentence
  • a god-fearing and law-abiding people
(adj) earnest
Synonyms : dear earnest heartfelt
Example Sentence
  • one's dearest wish
  • devout wishes for their success
  • heartfelt condolences
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for devout

Dev...Dev... bolkar head 'out' ho geya; how pious he is!

people devout(devote) their time to pious and religious deeds with sincerity and earnestness.

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DEVil+OUT one who devil is out of him/her

devout is derived from devot; someone devoted to god

Dev: as Dev referring to God;out; so going out to pray to God,showing sincerity and deep respect to Gods


(adj) skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
Synonyms : deft dextrous
Example Sentence
  • a deft waiter
  • deft fingers massaged her face
  • dexterous of hand and inventive of mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dexterous

dexter, a cartoon charecter is someone ,who is very skillfull and uses his hands and minds in a very skillfull manner.

THE+EXTRA+RUS(juice)- the people who drink extra juice are very dexterous


(adj) showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil
Example Sentence
  • devilish schemes
  • the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen
  • the diabolical expression on his face
  • a mephistophelian glint in his eye
(adj) extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell
Example Sentence
  • something demonic in him--something that could be cruel
  • fires lit up a diabolic scene
  • diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils
  • a fiendish despot
  • hellish torture
  • infernal instruments of war
  • satanic cruelty
  • unholy grimaces
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diabolical

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di + aboli(abolition)....process of destroying something usually done by devils

DAI(midwife)+BOLI(spoke)- DAI at the time of birth BOLI that kid is going to be very DIABOLICAL(wicked).

bolica- assume to be a devil

concentrate on DIABLO ie. a bike used in ROAD RASH game..which was meant for develish people.

diabolical=dian(Hindhi,Bitch)+boli......so evil

dia+bol+ical-> two persons playing with a ball is extremely cruel.


the lamborghini DIABLO....is very majestic ... horrifying...cruel ...devilish in look!.... like the bull

The ppl who r telling dia boli that means have two meanings in his word is always danger to other ppls.

the letters sound like devil, iblees, beezelbub


(noun) thunderous verbal attack
Synonyms : fulmination
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diatribe

diatribe = di-tribe = two tribes fighting...criticize

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dia+tribe:the lower ranked tribe(in caste division) always face thunderous verbal attack from upper caste people.

Diabolic Tribute

Denounced In an Abusive manner by TRIBE. [TV Ref: Survivors] (my book's def. for Diatribe = a harsh and abusive denunciation.)

Think of the prefix "Dia" as Dynamite! A dynamite verbal attack against a tribe of crazy Indians. [note to whoever wrote this: u sound dumb and racist. the end.]

tribute = respecting dead ppl tribe =social division of ppl diatribe = bitter letter for somebody so, in tribute(funeral) relatives come(tribe/of same cast). And diatribe the some diatribe the GOD for doin this.

dia-circle,tribe-tribals..if you are stuck in the middle of tribal people you would have to face bitter scolding!

dia(do) tribe hain, unme ladai ho gyi.. and they diatribe each other

Dia(Mirza)-scolds,attacks verbally on tribal people for misbehaving with her :)

dia+tribe:people from the lower ranked tribe(in caste division) always face thunderous verbal attack from upper caste people.

take tribe in it where tribal people are always abusive and scold each other

Diatribe = di means two; atribe ( attribute); There is controversy who has given the attribution.


(noun) being twofold; a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses
Synonyms : duality
Example Sentence
  • the dichotomy between eastern and western culture
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dichotomy

can be think as di + cut _ ... so dichotomy is cutting into two parts

DICHO-'two'+TOMY-'cut' so CUT INTO TWO


mayb relating to dicot seeds which split into 2 parts or dicot meanin 2 halfs might help

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DI(two)+CHO(corners) - split in two corners..

dikho- ‘in two, apart’ + -tomia

sounds like Botany-branching into two (of trees etc.)

koot naiti ... practice of spliting people


(adj) instructive (especially excessively)
Synonyms : didactical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for didactic

didi always acts in a way she is teaching something...''didi-act'ic

diactic=did+act You do an act to teach something,as in a moral thus didactic=teach

did + tactic or someone teach tactic

Did + Attic. I bought an instructional phamphlet that shows me how I can construct and did an attic. Please help make this make sense gramatically

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Dida (Grandmother) Teaches us many thing in childhood specially moral lesson

Dictators act in a way that their teaching something

didactic interpret it as did as do + actic as acting. do acting teacher is always teaching how to do acting.it may help.

Didactic: when we pronounce it sounds as "die+acting".An actor teaching another actor, how to act as died person.

balls up your ass

The General gave a didactic to instruct in tactics

a classroom spelling dictation


(noun) lack of self-confidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diffidence

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it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident

diffi means deficiency and relate ffidence with confidence so lack of confidence

This word sounds similar to Confidence but is opposite in meaning. So, Diffidence means lacking self-confidence.

diffidence -d + if + i + dance - I will feel shy

I have much diffidence when it comes to solving differential equations.

it is difficult to dance if u feel shy

root “Fido” means trust diffido means distrust hence one having distrust on themselves;

Different than confidence.. i.e. low in confidence


(adj) in deplorable condition
Example Sentence
  • a street of bedraggled tenements
  • a broken-down fence
  • a ramshackle old pier
  • a tumble-down shack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilapidated

I drank a DILuted API(appy) juice which was outDATED(expired).... my stomach got RUINED as a result of my own NEGLECT.

dilapidate=daily+update if u wont update ur antivirus daily ur sys will be ruined due to negligence

wen dil is dated and neglected, it falls into peices and in bad condition.it is completely ruined.

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interpret this as di+lap+dated..lap is part of complete race.to complete therace you have to complete all laps(pieces of race track).it may help.

di's(didi) LAPI(LAPTOP) got outdated and ruined bcoz of her neglect

Interpret this as di+lap+dated. lap is part of complete race. When you fallen down in middle basically you are dead for the race and hence di+lap+dated .

dil+ api+date--- diluted appy(api) on date… so stomach in POOR CONDITION



(noun) state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
Synonyms : quandary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilemma

DIL le gayi woh AMMA(mother) ab main kya karun ....problem khadi ho gayi hai ...how wil i breath

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dil ni mann rha....kya karun....ye ya wo

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