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    barren - Dictionary definition and meaning for word barren

    (noun) an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation
    Synonyms : waste , wasteland
    Example Sentence
    • the barrens of central Africa
    • the trackless wastes of the desert
    (adj) providing no shelter or sustenance
    Synonyms : bare , bleak , desolate , stark
    Example Sentence
    • bare rocky hills
    • barren lands
    • the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
    • the desolate surface of the moon
    • a stark landscape
    (adj) not bearing offspring
    Example Sentence
    • a barren woman
    • learned early in his marriage that he was sterile
    (adj) completely wanting or lacking
    Synonyms : destitute , devoid , free , innocent
    Example Sentence
    • writing barren of insight
    • young recruits destitute of experience
    • innocent of literary merit
    • the sentence was devoid of meaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barren

A student of 'Barren' 'Brain' will not be able to memorize wordlists of Barron's GRE.

barren=bar+ran u ran into a bar and had had lots of wine then u will become dull hence barren=dull

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

bar...ren that is one which is barred or is desolete

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