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    plunder - Dictionary definition and meaning for word plunder

    (noun) goods or money obtained illegally
    Synonyms : booty , dirty money , loot , pillage , prize , swag
    (verb) take illegally; of intellectual property
    Synonyms : loot
    Example Sentence
    • This writer plundered from famous authors
    (verb) plunder (a town) after capture
    Synonyms : sack
    Example Sentence
    • the barbarians sacked Rome
    (verb) steal goods; take as spoils
    Synonyms : despoil , foray , loot , pillage , ransack , reave , rifle , strip
    Example Sentence
    • During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners
    (verb) destroy and strip of its possession
    Synonyms : despoil , rape , spoil , violate
    Example Sentence
    • The soldiers raped the beautiful country
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plunder

plunder...sounds like BLUNDER so taking something illegally means you are doing a blunder.

Word used in video below:
text: ♪ We could be Vikings who plunder the sea ♪
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