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    despoil - Dictionary definition and meaning for word despoil

    (verb) steal goods; take as spoils
    Synonyms : foray , loot , pillage , plunder , ransack , reave , rifle , strip
    Example Sentence
    • During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners
    (verb) destroy and strip of its possession
    Synonyms : plunder , rape , spoil , violate
    Example Sentence
    • The soldiers raped the beautiful country
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for despoil

The mob SPOILED (equivalent to destroyed ) the whole house and looted the valuables.

desh+ spoil; our desh(India) was spoiled because of despoil by english ppl

despoil(de=they{criminal}+spoil)they spoil the country ,took the rifle,violate the law made foray on village,loot and plunder people ,raped the ladies.

war booty means spoils of war , so despoil is a bigger form of spoil which spoils a whole landscapea and plunders the country side

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