paraphernalia= parapher (fera far = marriage kar)+ n (and) + alia (giving equipments)= the people giving lots of dowry / gifts and equipments for the marriage
(para+pherna+lia)imagine u r going for a theft(dhoom 2)u r asking ur partner did u take (PARAchute+PHERna ka(magnetic substance which rotates(pherna) and attracts guns+LIYA(did u take)
parked the car because of thirsty .so u need to drink cool drink
In March (and April) the summer is at its peak in places like delhi,nagpur,mumbai ... the climate becomes extremely dry and hence you are extremely thirsty
Parched!! ..Pls try the word preched instead for remembering. Think about the story of thirsty crow perched on a tree which put stones so that it can drink water from pot.
if you are left in a car PARKED in sunlight ..then after sometime you will become THIRSTY...
if u march[walk] in march you will be thirsty[parched]
after marching in parade or pocession you feel dry and thirsty
I "marched" in the parade thats y m feeling thirsty
Yeo(GEO)man = earth man means FARMER.....!!!!
Definition (noun) a person who is rejected (from society or home)
Pariah: Pari->Sari. If Someone discomfits a woman anyway by pulling her sari, he will definitely be SOCIAL OUTCAST. (Any way pls don't mind)
Pariah was an outcast in the choir because her voice didn't sound like Mariah's.
pariah :: Pare Ho : As is said in local hindi language pare ho (go away), so a Pariah is someone who is rejected from society and is ordered to stay away
Definition (adj) relating to or supported by or located in a parish
Example Sentence
parochial schools
Definition (adj) narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
paroxysm sounds like "proxy" when we give proxy in class, we laugh a lot after class if it is successful. But professor may go in a rage if he gets to know about proxy and he may hit and give fit of pain or attack
para+OXY+ism .. it is said that excess of oxygen gives people the high that alcohol gives.. and such people can be considered to be in a rage or have a sudden outburst of anger..
Par-OX-ysm : focus on OX, the husband of cow ;) OX, is an attacking animal. Better yet imagine a pair of uncontrollable oxen attacking and the attack IS...UM..very sudden
Focus on paROXysm. Imagine you're at a ROCK concert and you have a sudden uncontrollable urge to dance crazily and yell, "THIS ROCKS".
parsi-purse,,, who will not take money from his purse -
a greedy person.....
this mnemonic requires understanding of hindi..parsi(parsii..a kind of community) mony sound like "money" now imagine a parsii man who has got lot of money but still he is frugal..he doesnt want to he is parsimonious .
parsimoney means "purse mein money".... miser always have money in purse which he does not take out.
sparse + money = one who takes money rarely.
parsimony: partial money - spends money very partially or scarcely
Parsi =Purse Seal,mony=money,so a purse with money but sealed,why bcuz unwilling to spend money
parsimony:parse+money: parsing the money again and again means counting/looking/thinking again and again would be usually a stingy guy.
parsi oldman having money
a cynic person acts like a sink , he just want to see dirty things
imagin sm1 whose purse has been stealed,so he will take very good care in spending the small money he had
Definition (noun) a fervent and even militant proponent of something
parv+enu(sounds like NEW)...SO something that has been newly started.
parvenu=parar hogaya venu,he took all the money from every body and went,he gained economic status
helpful 4 mallus.
Tell "paavam aayirunnu" in malabar dialect.
It sounds like "paaveynu" which is similar to "Parvenu". Which means he "was poor". Has the similar meaning
Break the word into UPPAR meaning upper or higher class in HINDI. and then VENUE of english. So it's a hinglish word meaning a higher standard or position
venu ke par lag gaye
Think of happy gilmore! A rejected hockey player puts his skills to the golf course! PAR for golf, which he is V (the) NEWcomer
newly up to par
Farmer become rick when his nadi par venue property rose in price but he was still rustic in manners.
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