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(noun) a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources
Synonyms : medley potpourri
(noun) a work of art that imitates the style of some previous work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pastiche

PASTi+CHE......pasti...PASTE...........we do copy PASTE......while copying we imitate the style of others and paste it where we want

paste- we use paste to stick posters of superstars we want to imitate .

pastiche=past+stitch,stitch is also a thread art and so it has been of the past,and it has been copied

past+iche ITCHING to copy from the PAST Movie songs.

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Paste + Stitch => Paste & Stiching give a picture of mixture & combining (of ideas & works)

u can read it as PAST+CHEAT..so it is a work of art that is a cheat from the past work.

PASTICHE -> PASTE + STITCH. PASTing and STITCHing connect disperate objects. PASTICHE connects to a PAST artwork.

past se lekar chipkaaya gaya...

Copy chesi PASTE chestam, ala paste chesinadaniki STYLE add cheyakapote CHE antaru...

Just imagine music composer Deva with the Tooth paste in hand.


Pastiche = Past + i + che, From the past i am watching it.



(noun) a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
Synonyms : poignancy
Example Sentence
  • the film captured all the pathos of their situation
(noun) a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others
Synonyms : commiseration pity ruth
Example Sentence
  • the blind are too often objects of pity
(noun) a style that has the power to evoke feelings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pathos

PATHos.. is a part of the word symPATHy.. and you have sympathy for the people for whom you feel pity or who are in sorrow..

pathology is study of disease. this means pathos is related to disease. and you feel pity for the diseased

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path is the root word for feeling... when we say "oh", its sound like something sad.... so pathos means a feeling that is sad... so sorrow

We Feel Sorry for the Poor whom we see on our PATH

when we see poor people on our PATH we feel O SORRY(PATHOS) for them

PATH O(f ) S(ympaty)

Pathos -when you see someone in the pathetic situation then the feeling of pity automatically arouse upon you

Pathos = path + os; got the path to execute the os means operating system so we are in delight.


(noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
Example Sentence
  • they don't speak our lingo
(noun) a regional dialect of a language (especially French); usually considered substandard
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for patois

(Sounds like potato) Some say patois, some say potato and some say aloo while all seem that round vegetable only difference of language.

pato+is...say your friend is saying you to "pataoo(flirt) isko (that girl)..by talking in her own patois.

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Patois - 'pat'a nahi k'onsi' bhasha bol raha hai

its origin from french..where patois means to handle something very clumsily.so illetrate people basically handle situation very clumsily while communicating so they don't give much importance to what they are saying hence use dilects.which are genar

haven't u heard the phrase - "pataeto potaeto" means two ways of saying potato, different dialects will have different ways

Split like PATO+IS.. PATO IS a brazillan player who speaks in his local brazillan language.

focus on PAT ..means..exactly suited to the situation....so the DILECTS WHICH are said by particular group of people , are SITUATION BASED, OR SPOKEN DURING a particular SITUATION.

The spelling is a hard part OIS stands for Other Interpretations of Sentences

patois is pronounced as "pathwa" which is similar to "Fatwa" which is given by the regional Muslim leader. Speech by regional muslim clergy. ...yeah,well no one cares what jargon muslim clergy uses

ragra paetis..maharashtran jargon and substandard one at that..perfect mnemonic

patois is pronounced as "patwa" from this pronouncing one could remember that each country read it in their own ways.. because difference in their accent.

Example:Bhojpuri dialect



(noun) a person of refined upbringing and manners Definition
(noun) a member of the aristocracy
Synonyms : aristocrat blue blood
(adj) befitting a person of noble origin
Example Sentence
  • a patrician nose
(adj) belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
Example Sentence
  • an aristocratic family
  • aristocratic Bostonians
  • aristocratic government
  • a blue family
  • blue blood
  • the blue-blooded aristocracy
  • of gentle blood
  • patrician landholders of the American South
  • aristocratic bearing
  • aristocratic features
  • patrician tastes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for patrician

consider ST PATRICK'S SCHOOL those who study in that school are noble

pater = father, patres = fatehrs in Latin. So, anything with "patr" in the beginning will refer to father(ly figures).

Imagine a girl named Patricia with gowns and aristocratic dress

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patri=pati, i want my pati to be noble

a member of a PATRIARCHY.

Patrician The father of nation.

patrician~britan; They are very critical about their behaviour in public as they think they are noble and aristocratic!

PA(papa)+TRICIan(tricky)...so a father playing tricky games is an aristocrat

a person who is having patriotic feeling over his country is considered to be a noblest person


(noun) an insufficient quantity or number
Synonyms : dearth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paucity

pau - paav as in paav bhaji and only one "paav" for the whole city...so obviously it will be scarce

take it as somebody saying about a city as pau;in hindi PAU(pao-a small weght)i.e "ek pau ki to city hai"

paucity=scarcity....these two words rhyme....

pa+city works has been PAused in CITY bcoz of SCARICITY

pau+city=in bangla pau means to get(pawa)In city it is very difficult to get (city te pawa khub kothin)

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Paw+City, Just replace PAU/W with SCAR/E. If animals attack with their PAWs, it leaves SCARs and we get SCAREd.

In a "city", there is a "scarcity" of many things

Beautiful City called PAU (parries) is very small and scarcity of cold of minus degree temperature.

paucity: pav means a low money in telugu......so by this scarcity comes

PAUper - Poor individual PAUcity - poor state of affairs

"pau"(bread)+"city" ---> sohore pauruti nai

+city—the city in whch only paav are available LACKS in vegetables

a city where anything is not sufficient....


(noun) a petty misdeed
Synonyms : indiscretion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peccadillo

"pecc" (actually, pecado) refers to "mistake" as in impeccable. pecking others etc., So, peccadillo means small mistake.

no one is PUKKA . we tend to do small and petty mistakes

If you watch American pie 3 movie you can easily remember this word in this movie the heroin have this peccadillo ( penis shape dildo ) which girls use for the small offense or sexual satisfaction

pecc(mistake) + dillo(dhila)means loose,so small mistake..

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peccadillo=penis-ca-dhorlo(bangla)..it means to hold penis..you can say it as handling..it is not a serious offense

pecca means drink beer and dillo means looseness so peeke offence kar diya

peccadillo=peca +adi+l(light)+o(lo(tesko))..playing cards is a minor offence

sound like BACARDI LAO(bring)...you are asking your friend to bring bacardi....and drinking bacardi is a minor crime(morally).....

peccadillo sounds like -- puchka dhil marlo -- which is slight offence

pakka di low blow = petty act

the armaDILLO PECked my arm but I considered this only a minor offense because he could have bit my arm off

pe+ca+dil+lo....so ek person pe ke dil lo-dil lo bol rha hai....means it is a slight offense

Peccadillo means Pecca Dil Lo yani ladki ka Dil pakka lo aur "make small mistake" yani thodi galti karo

Pecca Dil Lo aur this surely will be your petty mistake in life.

pecca (playing card) + dil (deal) + lo (low offense)….


(adj) relating to or involving money
Synonyms : monetary
Example Sentence
  • monetary rewards
  • he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pecuniary

One NAARY(woman) after PE-KAY(drinking)was lying on the ground beggind for money

sounds like "penny" which is money.

well PECUNIARY sounds similar to "penury" which means extreme poverty.. which is something related to MONEY..

Pecuniary: PECU + Niary. We are all very much peculiar when we are involved in a money matter.

peculiar + nari = a peculiar nari who doesnt like spending...weird right?

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pecu = money pecuniary = relatted to money


(noun) someone who educates young people
Synonyms : educator pedagog
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pedagogue

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ped normally means for a child.. and -agogue means a leader.. hence pedegogue..

PEDA(a sweet)+GOt...student GOT a PEDA from TEACHER

ped+agog+ue--- pedantic means who is inclided towards academic learning, and agog means exicted, so pedagogue means a WHO TEACHES, as teacher are always excited to TEACH

split as ped(tree) + ago + gue(give) >> Trees teach us the 'value of giving' right from the time of youth. So trees are pedagogue

pedagogue-pedos means child and agogue means the leader ,hence it means the child teahcer or instructor


(noun) a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit
Synonyms : bookworm scholastic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pedant

Pedant rhymes with PATENT. Usually those students get PATENT who do research. Since they do research they must be scholar.

(ped + ant)remember as padaai karne wali cheeti(ant).ie scholar

pedant rhymes with student. Think of a special kind of student.

"pendant of books" har waqt books latkake ghoomta rehta hai... "kitaabi keeda"

rhyme with VED+AANTH ..jo Veda ko aanth tak padhta ho matlab ki SCHOLAR,kitabi keera

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Pedant:Ped(Pedda=Big)+Ant,so lets suppose think like this as small ants have little knowledge and big have high knowledge because they are Pedda,since who learned much(shows off Learning)

Pedant:Ped(Pedda=Big)+Ant,so a person who sees smallthings(Ants) as a big one(Pedda),chinna vatinikuda peddadiga chesi chustadu,because he is found of knowledge(who shows off learning)

remeber pendant- it is small but also if lost you will worry about it. hence the meaning

rhymes with VEDAANT(hindi)..jo jo vaada aanth tak padhe i.e. scholar,kitabi keera

pedant the ppl who gives you peda i.e. rule you they always follows formal rules.

pedant=ped(legs) + ant (aunty): If aunty has to strong his ped(legs) she has to study..

ped (read as pad in hindi) + ant (small) -> so the one who is very small in "padai" so who is not very much capable of teaching on his own, so gives emphasis on book learning.


(adj) marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects
Synonyms : academic donnish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pedantic

Can u smell the word <b>'PANDIT'</b>( "Scholar" in english) from "Pedantic"? PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff.

pedantic sounds like VEDANTIC. Any body who follows Vedas is usually a v. conservative and bookish person.

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rhymes pendant. pendant is a small thing but when it is lost you are damn worried. so worrried about small things

we distribute PEDAS when we want to SHOW OFF OUR LEARNING after exam results!! lol

ped - to do with a child; pedantic = ped + anti + c; therefore not childlike; showing off bookish learning

ped(tree) + ant >>> we see ants crawling on tree.. they are considered to follow their trivial tendency of walking in line.. same is here.. someone following his trivial knowledge..

think "frantic-antic" or doing something with urgency...

similar to pandit and tantric...having the traits of both.

PEN FRANTIC - the teacher is writing too much on the board you can't copy fast enough

padha aatt taak

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