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(noun) a person who travels by foot
Synonyms : footer walker
(adj) lacking wit or imagination
Synonyms : earthbound prosaic prosy
Example Sentence
  • a pedestrian movie plot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pedestrian

ped means foot pedestrian means one who walks on foot is obviously ordinary

pedestrian -it seems like paidal which means walking on foot

pede+strian=pede(poor)+strain(nervous)..poor people feel nervous becoz they walk ..talking about them feels like boring ,unintersting

The ppl who always walks on foot in the road without car or bike is always ordinary ppl.

tonsure heads need a Tonic for Sure


(adj) easily irritated or annoyed
Example Sentence
  • an incorrigibly fractious young man
  • not the least nettlesome of his countrymen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peevish

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pee+vish( pee means asking forcibly to drink,,, n vish is poison) so irritating easily..

Someone who wishes(~VISHes) to go to the bathroom to PEE but cannot because they is no vacancy will be irritated

pee means toilet vish means wish so peeing in any place where u wish is irritable

if children PEE on bed its irritable(PEEVISH)

If u wish(vish (really want) to pee, then u r easily being annoyed and irritated if u r not allowed to (u r in an exam for eg)

Harry Potter fans...Remember Peeves...Very irritating ghost

kisi pee(drunken)kar aye hue man ki vish(wish)puri na karo to to wo irritated ho jata hai.


(adj) expressing disapproval
Example Sentence
  • dyslogistic terms like `nitwit' and `scalawag'
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pejorative

Pejorative = Pig + Orative, a pig will certainly have bad connotations

Owner of a Mitsubishi PAJERO belittles everyone on the road.

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Pejorative meaning is to disparage or belittle; of negative connotation : Relate to Pejor (means to hate in latin)

"majority" wala group doosre group ka effect khatam kar deta hai...causing a belittling effect..

pee + orative... u make some one feel like shit by being orative about his dick

People call Bajarba ivanoda only when they consider him of little value

To disapprove something jore pe jore lagao(Hindi)

its like pejor is opposite to cajole so wen cajole is to flatter some one pejore is to hate or loathe some one

peevish+"jorse orative",a person who is peevish doent approve a thing,a nd orative in nature is derived from a root called orator means speaker

PE+JORative...is word pe jor dena padega coz this word has become depreciatory....

Nobody has the prerogative ( basic right ) to use pejorative (/ criticizing ) words against anybody other...

If you have a PIG JURY, things don't look too good for you, brother.

if a jury declares a man guilty they are showing dissaproval towards whatever h did

A Hero in a Pajero, when drives past you has a "belittling effect"

word prepare

In Punjabi..PE JOR tay kar dayy disapprove

PJ + Orative ... one who always ortaes a PJ will have an belittling effect from others.


(adj) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity
Example Sentence
  • the cold crystalline water of melted snow
  • crystal clear skies
  • could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool
  • lucid air
  • a pellucid brook
  • transparent crystal
(adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
Example Sentence
  • writes in a limpid style
  • lucid directions
  • a luculent oration
  • pellucid prose
  • a crystal clear explanation
  • a perspicuous argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pellucid


a PELican flew over the LUCID water.

pellucid means TRANSPARENTLY CLEAR...so break it as PALE+ LUCID..PALE(which is close to transparency when u imply to vision)...n lucid means clear...so PALE+LUCID means transparently clear :)

Remember that lucid means clear/ And that pellucid is just an alternative/ Word that is so very near/ In meaning and use as an adjective



(noun) remorse for your past conduct
Synonyms : penitence repentance
(noun) a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution Definition
(noun) voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penance

'penance' can be read as 'pain on us' what we take as a punishment on ourself for our sins.

penanace is similar to penalty wich is given for wrong activities

Big punishment if you are asked to write answer without a pen that is without a pen..answer!

imagine if you go without PENIS for a week. big punishment

Penance = Pin in Ass. One can only do that if really repentant or Penitence.

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writing answer in a pen(animals place) is a punishment

penance = pen + ance; with pen write you confession.


(noun) a strong liking
Example Sentence
  • my own preference is for good literature
  • the Irish have a penchant for blarney
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penchant

p+enchant- something that enchants you, you have a strong liking for that.

chant- verses are chanted by sages because they have a strong inclination towards spiritualiism.

Some fool is chanting his pen because he likes it so much.

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think of a pendant that you wear and love very much

penchant sounds like pention............generally retired people have strong liking towards pention

PEN(pen frnd) chant(chatting) some one chatting wit pen frnd will have strong inclination in chatting

I remembered this word by the following mnemonic and neva 4 got the meaning.. : PEANUT CHAT - every loves peanut chat , hav a strong inclination over it..affinity, fondness, passion... ;)

A new parker PEN comes in the mkt and you have a strong desire for it and hence you CHANT about it where ever you go..

a PENDULUM has a penchant to swing back and forth.

in hindi.. chant is a person who will go for what he likes and take risks even if its disapproved.. especially in the context of getting dates...

rhymes with pungent which also means taste or smell


(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor) Definition
(adj) feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
Synonyms : repentant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penitent

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inside a tent if you do some thing wrong with a girl by giving penni(money) you will repent it later.

read it as pentant.. rhymes with repentant

penniless:: if u become penniless u repent ur deeds.

he invested his peni in the tents,then booom,he lost all...


(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution
Example Sentence
  • their indigence appalled him
  • a general state of need exists among the homeless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penury

pen+ru(pee).........no rupee to buy a pen

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pen (penny) + ury (uri means ud gayi in hindi) means penny penny ud gayi matlab poverty

in telugu ury means hanging urself,so no mny to buy a pen also so ury veskunadu


penury sounds like pisinari in telugu language which means very stingy to spend money or even poor

Imagine a poor person dropping all his PENNIES in a men's bathroom and some of them roll into the URNAL.

Penury-Consider the person who puts Urine in pen istead of ink beacause of his poverty

pen + udhaari.. so much poverty that one has to take pen on "udhaar"

PEN UR EHW your pen is so cheap shows your poverty

penury = live in manure

penury-pe(e)+noorie ,because you nooiri is ver poor

pen + ury(sounds noorie) >>> noorie doesn have money to buy a pen also.. she is that poor...

penury -peon which is the low post holder in the office ,so has to spend his life in the poverty

doesnt have any peny!!

pe is a rich person who usually "pe" on nooriie who belongs to poor family


(noun) (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment
Example Sentence
  • Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
  • a demon from the depths of the pit
  • Hell is paved with good intentions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perdition

It sounds like partition.. So Relate perdition to Partition of India in 1947 due to which several families were completely ruined.

'PERpectual adDIcTION' ;i.e; never ending addiction leads to ruin ultimately.

There was a movie named Road to Perdition, if someone has seen it he can very well relate to this word

PER-Completely + DI-DIe => Perdition - Completely Die

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If someone has listened to the song ghost of perdition by the band Opeth, he/she can easily relate to it.

perdition can be relate with pardon, no pardon for the people who commit sins in the earth.


(noun) traveling or wandering around
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peregrination

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remove 1st 3 letter egrination sounds like migration, which means the same

its like a piligrimage, which means going on a tour.

per=person and grination=go out of nation. i.e. a person travelling abroad

prepared to go to different nations

per(a person)+egri(every)+nation=a person travelling to every nation

going to a destination........peregrination.

pair+grind+nation---pura nation ghumke pair grind ho gaye hain......

if u r a sadhu, u will go on per (PER) thru the green (grin) nation (nation)

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