• word of the day


    prosaic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prosaic

    (adj) not fanciful or imaginative
    Synonyms : matter-of-fact
    Example Sentence
    • local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones
    • a prosaic and unimaginative essay
    (adj) lacking wit or imagination
    Synonyms : earthbound , pedestrian , prosy
    Example Sentence
    • a pedestrian movie plot
    (adj) not challenging; dull and lacking excitement
    Example Sentence
    • an unglamorous job greasing engines
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prosaic

mosaic--->beautiful artistic work with full of vibrant colours.....prosaic ...opposite of that ...dull

divide it like pros(prose)+aic- prose consist of facts and facts do not produce any interest in you, do not require any imagination so prose is dull and unimaginative and very boring in reading.

Prosaic - Prozac is a tablet given to depressed people. Depressed people are dull and unimaginative

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prosaic=mosaic,stone which is dull

mere pados(neighbor)me kuch exciting nahi hota,so living here is prosaic

p+rosa+ic—ROSAna same khana dal roti, DULL, BORING

prose consists just of matters of fact whereas in poetry is full of imaginative expressions. so obviously prose is dull and unimaginative

imagine dat a "prose" composition is "sacked" frm ur eng-prose book...coz it was so "dull n unimaginative" dat no1 wnts 2 read it...

prose consists just of matters of fact whereas in poetry is full of imaginative expressions. so obviously prose is dull and unimaginative

prosaic= pro (in favor) + sa(South Africa) + ic (indian cricket); Indian primier league in favor of south africa is hopless for us.

pro=bro saic=sail which is govt. leading compny...so my bro is in sail..there is uninspiring nd unglamorous atmosphere...

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