• word of the day


    pedestrian - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pedestrian

    (noun) a person who travels by foot
    Synonyms : footer , walker
    (adj) lacking wit or imagination
    Synonyms : earthbound , prosaic , prosy
    Example Sentence
    • a pedestrian movie plot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pedestrian

ped means foot pedestrian means one who walks on foot is obviously ordinary

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pedestrian -it seems like paidal which means walking on foot

pede+strian=pede(poor)+strain(nervous)..poor people feel nervous becoz they walk ..talking about them feels like boring ,unintersting

The ppl who always walks on foot in the road without car or bike is always ordinary ppl.

tonsure heads need a Tonic for Sure

Word used in video below:
text: we've arrived at a pedestrian Crossing
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