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(adj) conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Example Sentence
  • restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
  • famed for his eccentric spelling
  • a freakish combination of styles
  • his off-the-wall antics
  • the outlandish clothes of teenagers
  • outre and affected stage antics
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for outlandish

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out+landish => the one who is from some other land. Means unconventional and bizarre to our land.

divide it like out+land(ish)..so THINK OF SOMEONE WHO IS OUT of his land..means..someone who is not living in his own land..means living in a foriegn country.

Watch the movie OUTLANDER then you wont forget the word.

outlandish..IS ALSO A NAME OF musical band.(IN DENMARK)& the kind of songs that they compose are unique to people and the lyrics has their origin from many langueges this is what makeS the album OUT OF ORDINARY ALBUMS..hence..BIZZARE.

OUT+LANDISH...FOCUS ON landish..very close to lavish..so a lavish spender always exceed the limit ....hence unconventional...to many people.

OUT + LAND -> came from a different land, alien, peculiar.


(verb) be or do something to a greater degree
Example Sentence
  • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
  • She outdoes all other athletes
  • This exceeds all my expectations
  • This car outperforms all others in its class
(verb) go far ahead of
Synonyms : distance outdistance
Example Sentence
  • He outdistanced the other runners
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for outstrip

getting stripped in a colloquial language means being insulted, which is also felt if ur defeated or outdone.. hence try relating outstrip it..

out+strip...consider a rubber strip,if u strech out the rubber strip with some force it extends a lot

Demands for trips and outings outstrips in summer.

strip outside -be or do something to a greater degree


(adj) unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
Example Sentence
  • extravagant praise
  • exuberant compliments
  • overweening ambition
  • overweening greed
(adj) presumptuously arrogant
Synonyms : uppity
Example Sentence
  • had a witty but overweening manner
  • no idea how overweening he would be
  • getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overweening

a person who wins over and over becomes arrogant. He now arrogantly presumes that he will always win.

OVERly flailing your WEENER. Otherwise known as cock-waving.

derived from over(MEANS ABOVE, MORE)+ween..latin venus..means charm or love....so think of the lady(RELATE IT TO OUR primary school story..a lady who was more beautiful and CHARMING than moon..that moon also use to praise her because of that she BECA

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if u WIN u tend to do OVERACTIONS...so overweening :P

it is the overween+ing form...and now..OVER+WEEN(MEANS to hope, think, expect, intend)..so if you get something over(means beyond) what you EXPECT ...you become arrogant...you unrestrained in your feelings.

opposite of over-weenie (which would be overly cowardly).

because of that she BECAME VERY ARROGANT...and killed her daughter..)

Ponting’s overweening ambition of winning the match in 1 over in his nation.

arrogant guy asking me to play over weenai(musical instrument)


(adj) deeply agitated especially from emotion
Synonyms : distraught
Example Sentence
  • distraught with grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overwrought

over+wrought => remember wrought iron. Which has become so due to agitation and hysterisis.

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sounds like OVER HOT

wrought sounds lik drought...during drought people run mad behind food...they are in a state of agitation

wrought means worked.. or donr something.. hence overwrought = overworked.. and worked up ppl tend to get irritated and agitated..

over wrote(wrought)in exam in last 5 min - excited or nervous

Amitabh was overwrought when someone wrote “Mera Baap chor hai” on his hand.


(noun) any of various nonruminant hoofed mammals having very thick skin: elephant; rhinoceros; hippopotamus
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pachyderm

derm means skin(dermatologist is a skin specialist) and eg for pachderm animals are elephants,hippopotomus,etc ..the word pachy sounds like pack.. so the skin is so packed that is becomes thick.. thus pachyderm is thick-skinned

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Pachy(Paanch,5) + Derm(Skin)...Five layers of Skin...thick skinned

Packed derm(skin)...hence thick skinned animals.

pachy a greek root means thick + dermwich means skin

pachyderm-derm means skin and pachy means hardly packed like the skin of the elephant,hippopotamus


(noun) a formal expression of praise Definition
(noun) (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
Synonyms : pean
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paean

it is pronounced exactly as P.N. remember it by 'Priase Number'=praise song.

Paean sounds like "pian+o" which is used in praise songs

(paean sounds like pain) If you take pains and achieve something, then you will hear paeans about you.

Pagan worship(Worshipping natural forces) involve Paen(songs)

take it as peon....he always praises

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paEAn...EA sports have taken lots of PAIN to make comp games...hence ppl paean them for that..........love playing cricket and fifa..EA SPORTS

paean is pronounced like pee-un == unpee.. you are not going to pee ... on da contrary, you'd praise them... so paean = praise/ eulogy

PAEAN = PA + EAN ;PA means personal assistant always wants to earn praise from bosses.

peon ban gaya G.M. so gane laga paean

PAAN SINGH TOMAR movie: their PAAN SINGH did the work with gr8 effort, so their was a song of praise for him in the movie


(adj) acceptable to the taste or mind
Synonyms : toothsome
Example Sentence
  • palatable food
  • a palatable solution to the problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palatable

PAL+AT+TABLE - u nd ur PALs At Table......obviously food is gonna very tasty...

PALATABLE sounds similar to Palak (Spinach) on the table. So the palak on the table is very pleasing in taste.

its easy - plate - able - only tasty food hi rakhte hain

Anything which the palate can take in is palatable

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sounds like placate which means to pacify someone or make him agreeable

PLATE n TABLE. so u are having plate on table


(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
Synonyms : extenuate mitigate
Example Sentence
  • The circumstances extenuate the crime
(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain
Example Sentence
  • This pill will relieve your headaches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palliate

it can be like pale(faint coz of disease)+ate so eating the pain.i.e. reducing it.


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palli+ate.I was hungry,had pain in the stomach,so ate some palli(groundnut).It eased the pain but didn't cure it.

a friend = a PAL will ALLEVIATE your pain.

PALL+I+ATE..ease pain.. PALL means become borin.. u got bored of the pain..fed up of it..so u ATE it..to ease the pain..

pal(friend) + ate(lessen) >>> a friend always LESSEN OUR PAIN when it grows a lot

now here a latin root could help fix few words. Pallere means concealed. cloaked hence something which has become pale . u can find this root in words: palliate: to ease or cloak pain without curing. pall: become pale >less intresting after much


Pall when sick I ate something and i felt better ... same will happen with you.


(adj) capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
Synonyms : tangible
Example Sentence
  • a barely palpable dust
  • felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
  • the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton
  • a palpable lie
(adj) can be felt by palpation
Example Sentence
  • a palpable tumor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palpable

palpable..divide it like..PALP(SOUNDS LIKE PULP)+ABLE.....after touching the PULP of fruit ITS OBVIOUS THAT every one would be ABLE TO PERCEIVE whether THE FRUIT is fresh or not.

PAL means a close friend....now PALPABLE...means we r able to touch or feel our pal even when he is not present

palm:: so palpable means sth u can touch by palm.

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word is taken from Latin palpare means to stroke in the feeling of love ...so..if someone touch you, it will be PERCEPTIBLE OR TANGIBLE to you whether he is touching you in feeling of love or hatred.

when your girlfriend "PAL" sits on your lap you feel something..

pal pey bal...or pal pey balwaan. if some balwaan was sitting on ure pal, his pain would be tangible to you


(verb) cause to throb or beat rapidly
Example Sentence
  • Her violent feelings palpitated the young woman's heart
(verb) shake with fast, tremulous movements
Synonyms : quake quiver
Example Sentence
  • His nostrils palpitated
(verb) beat rapidly
Synonyms : flutter
Example Sentence
  • His heart palpitated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palpitate

palpitate-split it as pal+pit...my pal(frnd) fell on a pit, as a result of which my heart started to BEAT RAPIDLY

palpitate = pulse + agitate.. generally heart beat faster in fear

split it into palpi ->PAAPI and tate ->australian bowler shaun TATE. as tate delivers a ball at a very high pace so the batsman aginst him starts palpitating as of fear.

palpitation..you may have often heard doctors..cardiologists using this word in case of heart attacks patients..

when my turn came to address the gathering from PULPIT, my heart BEAT IRREGULARLY because of FEAR, or ANXIETY.

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PAL(friend/dost) + PIT(mar khana in hindi) gaya so watching him ur heart THROBBED. therefore PALPITATE= THROB or FLUTTER.

kinda sounds like Pulse Per Iteration->Pulse per second->Beating of the heart in each iteration(each heart beat)

How do u create PULP(palp).. by beating wood hardly...

PALPIATE- pulp- he -ate of fruit , good for heart, heart started to THROB after he took pulp, because that gives instant energy

palpitate and sound similar to heartbeated means heart beat.when you get excited ur heart get bea erraticlly.

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