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    quiver - Dictionary definition and meaning for word quiver

    (noun) an almost pleasurable sensation of fright
    Synonyms : chill , frisson , shiver , shudder , thrill , tingle
    Example Sentence
    • a frisson of surprise shot through him
    (noun) a shaky motion
    Example Sentence
    • the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe
    (noun) case for holding arrows Definition
    (noun) the act of vibrating
    Synonyms : quivering , vibration
    (verb) shake with fast, tremulous movements
    Synonyms : palpitate , quake
    Example Sentence
    • His nostrils palpitated
    (verb) move back and forth very rapidly
    Synonyms : flicker , flitter , flutter , waver
    Example Sentence
    • the candle flickered
    (verb) move with or as if with a regular alternating motion
    Synonyms : beat , pulsate
    Example Sentence
    • the city pulsated with music and excitement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quiver

Quiver..... sounds like shiver.... when we have fever we shiver/ quiver..... tremble/ shake.

quiver=quick+waver waver means moving back n fro...so quick+waver means moving bk n fro quickly...means shaking

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the soldier quivered when he found that there are no more arrows left in his quiver...!!!

quiver rhymes with fever....when we have high fever we started TREMBLNG

quiver = quick + waver

Word used in video below:
text: in my quiver.
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