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    insular - Dictionary definition and meaning for word insular

    (adj) relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island
    Example Sentence
    • insular territories
    • Hawaii's insular culture
    (adj) suggestive of the isolated life of an island
    Example Sentence
    • an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist
    (adj) narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
    Synonyms : parochial
    Example Sentence
    • little sympathy with parochial mentality
    • insular attitudes toward foreigners
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insular

IN(not)+SECULAR...a country which is not secular is INSULAR !!!!!

Insula+r: Insulated by Religiouos, Ritual ,superstitious and blind faith that one becomes narrow-minded.

sounds like insiders - they are narrow minded

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insular - SOLAR,, i u have solar energy , u can be isolated/detached from society,, and live anywhere , since u still have electricity

an insulator can supply power locally

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