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(noun) something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
Synonyms : blind
Example Sentence
  • he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge
  • the holding company was just a blind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subterfuge

subterfuge: 'sub taraf fuse', if you see electrical fuses everywhere its certainly a misrepresentation, and not the true nature of connections

subterfuge -> sab ko fool.. i.e fooling everyone..

fuge means to emit, as in centrifuge. sub (internally) + ter (terrible) + fuge (throw out) i.e., internally terrible but externally not.

Shob tar fuse - ami je current er tar gula kinsi tar shob tai fuse -> cheat, false

sub(in hindi 'all')+r(e)fugee....sub log(ppl.)PRETENDED as if they were refugees

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it can be sab(hindi)+te+refuse ....means k sab mana karne k liye bahane banane lage...

subterfuge -> sattar (70) fools so easy to fool to blind.. mu hahaha

SUBTERFUGE = SUBMARINE. SUBMARINES are used to deceive the enemy.

In Latin subter-'beneath' and fuge- 'flee' so subterfuge is to escape secretly without alerting others and thus deceiving others.

She SUBbed TURkey (ter), which I'm allergic to, for my USual (uge) ham to deceptively get me sick.

sub-ter-fuge : under cover "Err"ant refuge - evasion or pretense

sub(inner side) can differ(misrepresenting) from the original (0uter side) of human


(noun) a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
Example Sentence
  • without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor
  • don't argue about shades of meaning
(noun) the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze
Synonyms : niceness
Example Sentence
  • you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subtlety

SUB(all) did not LET(allow) him enter.bcoz he was CUNNING,GUILE

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(adj) briefly giving the gist of something
Example Sentence
  • a short and compendious book
  • a compact style is brief and pithy
  • succinct comparisons
  • a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for succinct

SUCK+INK - brief/summary of story sucks less ink on the paper

when you suck juice out of a carton it becomes less, so brief terse or compact

Sounds like HINT ie short reference to somthng ir gist

it has word in between " sucess " we used to find short cut for success ek raat pehle study karna is also an example of many talented guys

I succed at Statistics, so my involvement inct was brief.

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Sounds like sachin who has short height! :)

sucks int(precisely integer value only 2 bytes)

succ sounds like suck up, inct sounds like int or say point a SUCked up version and to the poINT


(noun) assistance in time of difficulty
Example Sentence
  • the contributions provided some relief for the victims
(verb) help in a difficult situation
Synonyms : succour
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for succor

Succour in hindi sounds like sukkar(IYA)....SUKKARIYA.....means thanks....so to whom do we say sukkariya or thanks??...obviously to someone who HELPS or ASSISTS us in OUR DIFFICULT TIME ..OR in a time of difficulty.

..This word sounds like Shakkar/(Sugar) in Hindi.. we usually go to our Neighbors when our sugar gets over... So in a way we seek their assistance in the time of difficulty.

it sounds like SUCRE.. all prison break fans know sucre was michael's aid and always there to asssist him in need :/


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succor ----> soccer...where one players assists (aids) the other in the game...

a sucker sometimes shows sympathy and helps out. succor- aid, assistance

It will seem funny but i bet that you will surely love this one. Remember this song : " Succor(Chukar) mere dil ko kiya tune kya ishara ?? " The ishara was to ask for help,aid or assistance !!!

SUCCOR(Aid) your boss in his work and be a SUCCESSOR(Take his position) ... hahaha:)

SARKAR is one who helps in the difficulty or distress.

Succor - Sukhamundonnu anveshicho?


(verb) consent reluctantly Definition
(verb) be fatally overwhelmed
Synonyms : yield
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for succumb

succumb(Suck + thumb)- Children doesnt give up sucking their thumb - Children are succumb in sucking thumb

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succumb= sir+comb, when sir asked you that do you have a COMB(which is a bad thing, in school)? you gave your comb reluctantly

SUCCUMB = suck + thumb; All the money of your father has taken away by your boss there is nothing left for you other than sucking thumb.


(noun) an advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suffragist

Think opposite of saffron brigade term used for Hindutva activists not supporting woman's right (to vote) [No offense meant; just for mnemonic]

Sufferer + just: A suffrajist is being just or trying to do justice to suffrers (women in most cases)

Suffragist... XXXgist always means a person... so Suffra rhymes with sufferer... & all know sufferer is always women... so a person with women for her rights... or advocate of women rights (vote even)

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Remember FEMINIST both are almost same.

suffragist~polygamist; a suffragist will fight for women rights like voting etc. (please forget about polygamy that was just to bring you to this mnemonic!) ...afterall just a cue shud b enough 2 recollect the word !


(verb) cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across
Synonyms : perfuse
Example Sentence
  • The sky was suffused with a warm pink color
(verb) to become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light
Example Sentence
  • His whole frame suffused with a cold dew
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suffuse

akin to other fuses: diffuse, effuse - all of which mean flow or spread.

SUFFUSE=SUFficient+difFUSE. So, Suffuse is to Diffuse Sufficiently, that is, spread through, over or across


(adj) showing a brooding ill humor
Example Sentence
  • a dark scowl
  • the proverbially dour New England Puritan
  • a glum, hopeless shrug
  • he sat in moody silence
  • a morose and unsociable manner
  • a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius
  • a sour temper
  • a sullen crowd
(adj) darkened by clouds
Example Sentence
  • a heavy sky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sullen

Your face is SWOLLEN ( by some insect bite ) and so you feel SULLEN

sullen....sull..soul..sole..sole means alone...so a person who leaves alone.. doesnot hv any social contact..such a person always lives in anxiety and live a dark and lonly life....so he remains silent...and show a BROOding ILL HUMER...

sull rhymes with dull.. sullen ~ dull n gloomy

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sullen..sull+en..SULLMAN.khan....who life is surrounded by dark clouds..after the recent verdict that he may have to live in JAIL FOR FEW YEARS becoz of his chinkara killing case.

something like sullied. i.e., tarnished, darkened.


(noun) United States painter (born in England) of portraits and historical scenes (1783-1872)
Synonyms : thomas sully
(noun) French statesman (1560-1641) Definition
(verb) place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
Synonyms : cloud corrupt defile taint
Example Sentence
  • sully someone's reputation
(verb) make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically
Example Sentence
  • The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air
  • Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man
(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example Sentence
  • The journalists have defamed me!
  • The article in the paper sullied my reputation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sully


sully sounds like saaley in hindi we use this term to cast doubt on some one acting wrongly

sue(su)+ lee(lly) by doing this we disparaging lee

Jake sully in avatar was soily and tarnished after his training in pandora

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To all tamil guys. "Chali" means "cold" and whenever you get cold you become dirty with your kerchief full of mucus. So "sully" is also dirty. But note that here "make dirty" means "tarnish"

sully is like gully in cricket.. "By standing in gully, ganguly sullied the match" using ganguly just becos sounds lik gully..no offences !!

sull always means dirty.


(adj) sexually exciting or gratifying
Synonyms : sensual
Example Sentence
  • sensual excesses
  • a sultry look
  • a sultry dance
(adj) characterized by oppressive heat and humidity
Example Sentence
  • the summer was sultry and oppressive
  • the stifling atmosphere
  • the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sultry

SLUT - sluts are usually HOT

sul+try sun+tre u rest under a tree when it is sunny

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Break SULTRY = sul + "TRY". Assume that you are TRYING to get something. For that you are working physically very hard. When you work hard you will feel hot and feel like sweating.

if u r in a sultry place u will sweat and sweat is salty

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