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(noun) a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno
Example Sentence
  • a Stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny
(noun) someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
Synonyms : unemotional person
(adj) seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
Synonyms : stoical
Example Sentence
  • stoic courage
  • stoic patience
  • a stoical sufferer
(adj) pertaining to Stoicism or its followers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stoic

Think: "Stone-like"--> To be like a stone means you don't experience pleasure or pain. You are unaffected.

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STOIC sounds similar to TOY (if that 'c' is removed)...a toy is impassive and unmoved by joy or grief

STOIC = STO (ie stony) + IC (ie icy) meaning thereby stony n icy...unaffected n emotionless

sTOIc,,,,,,, TOI stands for Times of Inda, the newspaper,,, and their articles are indifferent to emotion and bias

stoic:s+toy: at the age of playing with toys, child shows no emotions.

a child was very happy as his new toy would be coming. but seeing that the toy is made up of stone he turned stoic



story becomes stoic after being dry i.e. unemotional.


(verb) stir up or tend; of a fire
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stoke

<br>Sounds like "stove" which is a furnace.

Remember the word stoke as strike.. We start a fire by striking the match stick..

stoke rhymes with poke, so you are poking the fire, similar to stoking the fire.

poke+stove ..so, when you poke a stove, it'll stir up a fire and will be fed plentifully with fire

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ST-OKE sounds like stir+smoke so stoke is stirring up a fire which brings about smoke


(adj) having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
Synonyms : impassive
Example Sentence
  • her impassive remoteness
  • he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight
  • a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course
  • her face showed nothing but stolid indifference
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stolid

stone like It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions.

STOL(sounds like stool)..and a stool is a nonliving thing without any emotion,simillarly a STOLID is like stool without any emotion,always dull and boring.

when you are stolid your face is solid

Remember stolid as solid. As we all know that molecules in solid are not moving randomly as in liquid or gas. So they are dull. So stolid means solid and dull.

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stone --> no feeling

stoic ( stubborn & emotionless ) persons are stolid.....

Stand or stone + Solid.

stolid - a lid on show or making a show of emotions

when u r sad ur face is solid.. UNEMOTIONAL...


(noun) a maneuver in a game or conversation
Synonyms : gambit ploy
(noun) an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade
Synonyms : contrivance dodge
Example Sentence
  • his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stratagem

strategy to deceive some one

STRATEGY+GEM(costly stone like diamond)....in order to steal gems, thieves had strategy for gems i.e stratagem....

strategy by a GEM..!!

stratge-m , the deceitful strategy of m

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Their STRATEgy of sneaking up on the enemy was a total GEM.


(verb) spread by scattering (
Synonyms : straw
Example Sentence
  • straw
  • strew toys all over the carpet
(verb) cover; be dispersed over
Example Sentence
  • Dead bodies strewed the ground
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for strew

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strew =screw

strew sounds like straw.....sugarcane straw were spreaded in the field

s+trew..tree..tree scatter its seed which are further spreaded to whole area by wind....flowers are spreaded on the field becoz someone has scattered them all over ....

strew=straw..if you sprinkle water with the straw it wil SPREAD RANDOMLY

straw : with a straw u sprinkled ur spit all over his face

strew - that which is strayed is strew



(noun) abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway
Synonyms : stenosis
(noun) severe criticism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stricture

STRICTURE rhymes with strict sir...so a sir who is always strict CRITICEZES SEVERELY. And also constricts (limits)

Since structure of the building was somewhat confined the people critised the builder severly

When a girl has a good STRUCTURE.. every boy will CRITICIZE(Stricture) her(in a good way though).

Rhymes with scripture - something that never faces stricture.


(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
Example Sentence
  • blatant radios
  • a clamorous uproar
  • strident demands
  • a vociferous mob
(adj) of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then') Definition
(adj) being sharply insistent on being heard
Synonyms : shrill
Example Sentence
  • strident demands
  • shrill criticism
(adj) unpleasantly loud and harsh
Synonyms : raucous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for strident

Think of "stree"(wife) + "dant"(tooth). A girl's mouth is always loud and harsh - craving for supremacy or attention :)

s+TRIDENT= the OBEROI 'n TRIDENT hotel waz occupied by terrorists...'n dey wer loud n harsh der on ppl...hostages

Very close to 'Student', just ri=u. Anyway primary students are always loud and harsh.

STrident: STri (Street) DENT (TEETH). STreet Teeth connotes Street talking which is usually noisy or loud. Thus STRIDENT (Street Talk)

STRINGENT .means strict...strict teachers are always loud and harsh and so they are strident

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S-TRIDENT. Think of Poseidon with his trident, with loud and harsh waves striking against rocks nearby.

strike+dent---loud noise will be produced

TRI + DAANT = apne teen daanton ko ek doosre k against rub karo aur dekho kaissee awaaz aati hai :)


(adj) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
Synonyms : rigorous tight
Example Sentence
  • rigorous discipline
  • tight security
  • stringent safety measures
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stringent

STRI(Lady) N GENT are binded together- both have to follow some rules when they are together


astringent causes contraction stringent is opp which is rigid

Definition: Harshly restrictive. Imagine you and your friend are robbing a gentleman with a bowler hat, monocle, and handle bar mustache. You say to your accomplice, "Take that STRING and tie-up the GENT. A STRING GENT

stringent-stringent seems itself like the strict

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stringent-stringent seems itself like the strict


(noun) a proud stiff pompous gait
Synonyms : prance swagger
(noun) brace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression Definition
(verb) to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
Example Sentence
  • He struts around like a rooster in a hen house
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for strut

rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out.

Rhymes with straight. For something to be straight, you need a support.

m not spamming guys, its a video on how you strut ure ass. Watch these 2 minutes and enjoy the memory aid

Imagine a SLUT on the podium of pole dance...how she walks POMPOUS(shaking her ass) And she dances with the help of STRUT(Supportive bar)

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strut=pompous walk by a slut..... also,besides slut's house generally there is a supportive bar for providing drinks. so strut = supportive bar

sounds like STUD: one who shows off to impress others

there is struts framework in Java, it provides SUPPORT n help to programmers to program with quality.. relate this.


(verb) prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence
Example Sentence
  • nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself
(verb) cause to appear foolish
Example Sentence
  • He stultified himself by contradicting himself and being inconsistent
(verb) deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless
Synonyms : cripple
Example Sentence
  • This measure crippled our efforts
  • Their behavior stultified the boss's hard work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stultify

Stultify sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man and fails then he looks stupid.Stultify=stunt+failed.

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Stultify rhymes with NULLIFY which is easy 2 remember.. u can remember the meaning like this.. Stultify means to NULLIFY your efforts (or) make it useless!!!

stultify - stupidify

ultify = makes u do ulti

Add 'in' to the word...it becomes kinda 'insultify'..meaning to be insulting or ridiculing.

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