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(verb) make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation
Synonyms : besot
(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to
Example Sentence
  • This beats me!
  • Got me--I don't know the answer!
  • a vexing problem
  • This question really stuck me
(verb) make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow
Synonyms : stun
Example Sentence
  • stun fish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stupefy

remember it like stupidify..

remember d spell STUPEFY

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remember by STUPefy....U know about sanchi stoop, big monument that doesnt move...so when one is unable to move due to fear, he is stoop-e-fied

stupefy:Sem Topper if I......

From latin stupefecere means stuck somewhere, so stupefy means the one who is stucked in his one senses & unable to think clearly...means senseless..

stupefy:to make someone stupid


(noun) the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally
Synonyms : daze shock
Example Sentence
  • his mother's death left him in a daze
  • he was numb with shock
(noun) marginal consciousness
Example Sentence
  • his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows
  • someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stupor

If u have STOPPER on ur mind then u will be unaware abt things.

stupid whore

Stupor(Stoop on her),on seeing he lost all his senses and he stooped on her

Stupor X Super

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If U have STUPID ideas in ur mind,u will grow LACK OF AWARENESS for important things.


(adj) hellish
Example Sentence
  • Hence loathed Melancholy.../In Stygian cave forlorn
(adj) dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades
Synonyms : acheronian acherontic
Example Sentence
  • in the depths of an Acheronian forest
  • upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stygian

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stygian... think it as one living in a sty(pen for pigs) .. it is expected to be be disgusting and therefore dark or dismal

stygian sounds like sky + agyan. i.e., hell.

Stygian,rhymes with Contagion(spreading of disease) which is DEATHLY,GLOOMY and no doubt HELLISH,those who fall in trap of that.

Angelina Jolie as GIA(the model.. google it). Gia had a tragic career.Her favourite spot to snort cocaine was in a pig STY and that made her burn like HELL on the Inside.

The main river that flows in HELL is STYX...hell is a very dark and gloomy place.

Sounds like "stitch you in!" Imagine being stitched into a body bag and thrown in a dark and dismal pit!

sounds like stingy. Rahul was a stingy pesron. He was always in gloom whenever he spend money

jinko STYle ka GIAN(knowledge) nahi hota,woh stygian hote hain


i knew an agyaani that thought hell was in sky, and heaven was below us

Satan giant lives in gloomy and dark place

"The darkness was cheap and Scrooge liked it." Scrooge's quarters were dark because he was so stingy.

Sky gone...so its turned dark and gloomy


(noun) a situation in golf where an opponent's ball blocks the line between your ball and the hole
Synonyms : stymy
(noun) a thwarting and distressing situation
Synonyms : stymy
(verb) hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
Example Sentence
  • His brother blocked him at every turn
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stymie

Stymie is a negative word. Stymie means "tie me". i.e., prevent from moving forward.

sty- a sty in your eye blocks or prevents you from seeing

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sounds a bit like stand in the way of.... which means preventing

consistent with the software company's STYle, Microsoft IE crashes all the time to thwart and block my internet browsing.

A <B>stye</B> is a blocked oil gland in the eyelid.

relates to TIE ME. when hot girl hug u and sali chad di nai

[sty=stay,mie=me];an obstacle stays me[block-hinder]

The stemmie left over from the downed Red Wood is in my way!

Stymie:Anything that makes me feel like a pygmy

stay in my way

WHY ME? always i have the obstacles in my path :(


(noun) the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suavity

Suavity: Remember suAMITY(avity) is friendship and good friendship needs manners.

SAAB JI--SAAB JI log have quality of suavity.

suavity == first four words are suav we can relate its shave so people who has the suavity musta be shaved.

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Saw you ity=suavity=Polished way of meeting people gracefully.

Soa ("100" in Hindi) Witty - To make a witty man courteous all you have to do is to put him in a room with "soa" other wittty people.


(noun) a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain Definition
(adj) inferior in rank or status
Example Sentence
  • the junior faculty
  • a lowly corporal
  • petty officialdom
  • a subordinate functionary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subaltern

SUB+ALTERNate.....an alternate, someone who is inferior (sub)in position, meaning a SUBORDINATE.

subALTERN rhymes with PALTAN[hindi:chiller party}i.e group of young children playing with adults...they are considered as subordinates with playing games...like cricket

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SUB = SUBDUE, LOWER and ALTERN rhymes with A lantern that is a person who follows with a lantern to a big one i.e. A SUBORDINATE


(verb) put down by force or intimidation
Example Sentence
  • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
  • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
  • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
(verb) make subservient; force to submit or subdue
Synonyms : subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subjugate

it just sound in hindi like "SaB JUkhkege mere GATE ke aage"...mean conquer , bring under control..(it sounds good) ;)

It sounds like: subdue + gate. i.e., put the gate down i.e., conquer a place.

SAB+JO+GATE...imagine people who are standing near the gate of the house of a politician to protest...what will happen...they will be put down by force or intimidation

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women subjugate after they conjugate :P

subjugate...sounds like subject......so imagine if you are the only authority who is SUBJECTED TO bring the situation under control......and if something happens you will be accountable for everything...so you have to CONQUER...every situation in fav

sub jugaad hai mere pass - everything is under control

Sab + Jo + Gate >> Sab jo gate pe khade hai woh mere guards hai... im the ruler.. i dominate them..


subjugate = sub (every) + jug (age) + ate(eat); Every bad or good time he has passed i.e he can control every situation.

subjudge(subjug(ate)- who dominate corruption from evil society.


(verb) incite to commit a crime or an evil deed
Example Sentence
  • He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife
(verb) procure (false testimony or perjury) Definition
(verb) induce to commit perjury or give false testimony
Example Sentence
  • The President tried to suborn false witnesses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suborn

sub+porn = to force someone to see porn is unlawful

break it as SU+BORN.change born to burn (Sanskrit) su(meaning good) + (English) burn i.e., burn good (truth).i.e., order someone to burn the truth i.e., tell lies.

sex determination of child in womb is unlawful.. but people try to persuade doctors to do it asking SU(what in gujju) born ?? :/

SUBORN=SUB(sab in hindi)+ORN(ornaments) ... all pple not having enuf pay wear ornaments taking bribe or similar stuff... ALITER: SAB witness ko ORNaments distribute karna as bribe..


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in the movie BOURNE IDENTITY. The CIA suborns Jason Bourne to be an assassin.

suborn sounds like sworn..so it's the opposite of sworn i.e perjury which is making false statements under oath.

suborn == sub + orn , suburbs people are easily persuaded to act unlawfully to get ornaments.

latin sub- "secretly" ornare "equip" . Ganster equipped your home completely when you lied in court

consider a mother's child was stolen from her at his birth. the nurse is asked to suborn by the rascal who stole him from her :(

Terrorist Organizations PERSUADE its militants by telling them"U are BORN for our nation" go fight fot it.

Suborn is giving bribe..its usually the stubborn ppl who don't do the work and we may hav to SUBORN(bribe) dem to get our work done

suborn;show ornate things and induce subordinate into commiting crime.

Real history of word: SUBORN = SUB + ORN SUB = lower ORN = ornaments lower some one by giving arguments so to induce them to do some false.

su + born ~my friend sushant is known for lying especially under oath (perjury)


(noun) a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court Definition
(verb) serve or summon with a subpoena
Example Sentence
  • The witness and her records were subpoenaed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subpoena

Its pretty simple... read it as COURT MEIN "SABOOT POST KARNA"!!!

ounds like SAB+ P + HEY NA ?? Here 'P' stands for PRESENT. So court issues a writ confirming SAB P(resent) Hey Na?? if not they have to pay fine. Smile

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"Sub + poena" in Latin means "under penalty" The person who's under penalty is required to attend the court hearing. So he's issued a subpoena.

sab ko aana hai

remember the word "sub court" ..

subpoena = I everybody drunken, i.e ur asked a a witness.


(verb) contain or include
Example Sentence
  • This new system subsumes the old one
(verb) consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle
Synonyms : colligate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subsume

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subsume -- sub + sum + e. Sum -- summing. summing something means adding up and hence to include everything.

akin to consume i.e., to take in. sub = something inferior/smaller sume = include i.e., include something into it = encompass.

subsume~assume; I was so confident of my debating skills that i assumed that my name will be subsumed(included) in the finalist lists !

subsume => sub(Everything) + usme......means included


asSUME ke tum SAB ke jaise ho!= subsume= encompas; include as a part of group

subsume sounds like resume .. u include all ur credentials in the resume .. hence include or encompass

SUBStitUte ME into the game and I will be included

The root word "sume" is similar to "sum" i.e. adding or including so anything that has "sume" is somewhat releated to "include" as in "consume". So here, "subsume" should mean "include".

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