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    petty - Dictionary definition and meaning for word petty

    (noun) larceny of property having a value less than some amount (the amount varies by locale) Definition
    (adj) inferior in rank or status
    Example Sentence
    • the junior faculty
    • a lowly corporal
    • petty officialdom
    • a subordinate functionary
    (adj) (informal) small and of little importance
    Example Sentence
    • a fiddling sum of money
    • a footling gesture
    • our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
    • a little (or small) matter
    • a dispute over niggling details
    • limited to petty enterprises
    • piffling efforts
    • giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction
    (adj) contemptibly narrow in outlook
    Synonyms : small-minded
    Example Sentence
    • petty little comments
    • disgusted with their small-minded pettiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for petty

girls use petty coats inside dress which r very small than the dress they wear

opp to pretty(large)

it rhymes with 'betty' who was always secondary or unimportant to archie as compared to veronica.

Word used in video below:
text: you are a petty petty petty petty
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