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(adj) rich and superior in quality
Example Sentence
  • a princely sum
  • gilded dining rooms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sumptuous

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divide it like sumptu+ous;just focus on the SUMPT+U,SOUNDS LIKE SAMPAT(I)(IN HINDI..DHAN SAMPATI)SO SAMPATI MEANS MONEY,well if you have a lot of sumpati or money, you will spend it LAVISHLY,you will be able to buy all luxury.

just focus on SUM(means whole amount)+ptuous.....well you have decided to spend whole amount of yours ( around a crore )on your wedding..so you are trying to be sumptuous.

akin to consumption, presumption, assumption. <br>consumption = take in <br>presumption = taken, before hand <br>assumption = taken as sumptuous = something that takes a lot.

A rich, SUMPTUOUS meal is also SCRUMPTIOUS(delicious).

basically it taken from sumptus...means expense..so someone suggesting grand expense on things...


(adj) consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
Example Sentence
  • an arrangement of assorted spring flowers
  • assorted sizes
  • miscellaneous accessories
  • a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music
  • a motley crew
  • sundry sciences commonly known as social
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sundry

SUNDARI (beautiful girl) ke peeche SEVERAL boys pade hai :P

when you SUNDRY .. you expose yourself to MISCELLANEOUS radiations

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Imagine yourself lying on seashore enjoying the SUN. Now imagine a picture of SUN (obviously a round circle with lots of lines coming out of it).. Every line represent VARIOUS rays emerging out of the SUN (could be ULTRAVIOLET or INFRARED). In short

it is sunday you can do various things !!

SEVERAL fruits are SUN-DRIED to turn them into dry fruits...

Mothers SUN DRY their family's SUNDRY clothing items and then sort them out after they DRY.

SUNDRY(beautiful girl).....there are VARIOUS KINDS of beautiful girls....SEVERAL.....

SUN can DRY different kinds of wet stuff :)

my launDRY consists of a sunDRY of clothes

usually we make a SEVERAL VARIETY of clothes to dry in sun

wheN we asunder something we get sundry of that thing

'several'wet clothes were put out for sun-dry ing

Many things can be SUNDRIED. So, Sundry means various;several.


(adj) lighted by sunlight
Synonyms : sunstruck
Example Sentence
  • the sunlit slopes of the canyon
  • violet valleys and the sunstruck ridges
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sunlit

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sun+lit(past & past participle of light)--something that is lit by sun or lightened by sun is sunlit.


(adj) having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
Example Sentence
  • some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines
  • haughty aristocrats
  • his lordly manners were offensive
  • walked with a prideful swagger
  • very sniffy about breaches of etiquette
  • his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air
  • a more swaggering mood than usual
(adj) expressive of contempt
Synonyms : sneering snide
Example Sentence
  • curled his lip in a supercilious smile
  • spoke in a sneering jeering manner
  • makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supercilious

split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY)+o+US......now think of our SUPER SENIORs in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit their superiority over us hence treated us in a very silly way..

but basically this word is taken from latin supercilium...which when splited means super + cilium means eyelid.....so moving your eyelid in a way which exhibit your pride......and arrogance...

SUPER+FEELious....whenyou feel that you are superior, you become showy,pompous ......

Supercilious = Super + chilly(ous) i.e. when we eat food with a Super amount (a lot of) of chilly we express contempt towards the person who cooked it.

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Arrogant people think rest of the world is "super silly".

split the word super+cilia+ ous: Cilia means hair.so supercilia can assumed to mean someone with lots of hair,long haired,john abraham wannabe's.These guy usually come of as arrogant.

super-chilli-ous chilli means hot and can also be related to arrogant

super(above)+ cilia (hair): Think of a person's condescending, patronizing expression where he/she lifts one eyebrow up.

super+cilia. Cilia are TINY hairlike function of a cell, so if there is a SUPER CILIA in the group, he (cilia) will be haughty and mighty among others.

Supercilious : just a "Super- Silly-Ass " person...

iam SUPER...u are SILLY :P

supercilious = super + cili (silly) + ous; i.e making unnecessary things.

You Wanna remember, use this-- "super silly ass " and you'll remember the basic sense of supercilious.


(adj) more than is needed, desired, or required
Example Sentence
  • trying to lose excess weight
  • found some extra change lying on the dresser
  • yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
  • skills made redundant by technological advance
  • sleeping in the spare room
  • supernumerary ornamentation
  • it was supererogatory of her to gloat
  • delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
  • extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
  • surplus cheese distributed to the needy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supererogatory

sounds like super+repository. A repository is a storage of information. super repository will have 'EXCESSIVE' information.

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super+interrogate...when you super interrogate a person,he will give excess info

super(er-this is not required)ogatory--


(adj) serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
Example Sentence
  • otiose lines in a play
  • advice is wasted words
  • a pointless remark
  • a life essentially purposeless
  • senseless violence
(adj) more than is needed, desired, or required
Example Sentence
  • trying to lose excess weight
  • found some extra change lying on the dresser
  • yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
  • skills made redundant by technological advance
  • sleeping in the spare room
  • supernumerary ornamentation
  • it was supererogatory of her to gloat
  • delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
  • extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
  • surplus cheese distributed to the needy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for superfluous

divide it as super+flow.. when there is large(super) flow of water, it becomes EXCESSIVE / OVERABUNDANCE of water..

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sounds like surplus - you have more than you need when there is a surplus of it

super flow of water in the jar;why?because it is excess n more than required in the jar


(noun) a person serving no apparent function
Example Sentence
  • reducing staff is difficult because our employees include no supernumeraries
(noun) a minor actor in crowd scenes
Synonyms : extra spear carrier
(adj) more than is needed, desired, or required
Example Sentence
  • trying to lose excess weight
  • found some extra change lying on the dresser
  • yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
  • skills made redundant by technological advance
  • sleeping in the spare room
  • supernumerary ornamentation
  • it was supererogatory of her to gloat
  • delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
  • extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
  • surplus cheese distributed to the needy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supernumerary

<br>super = greater numerary = pertaining to numbers something that is more than the required number.

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super +numerous means in hindi kuch jyada hi


(adj) lying face upward
Synonyms : resupine
(adj) offering no resistance
Synonyms : resistless unresisting
Example Sentence
  • resistless hostages
  • No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supine

remove 'u' => spine... lying on BACK facing upward.. as good as no resistance.......OR THINK OF SPINAL CORD(SPINE) YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY REMEMBER

In the long run, a 'Supine' persons 'Repine' for wasting so much time.

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SUPHINE. "SO FINE"... your feeling so fine that you dont resist

Recline on your spine = SUPINE.

Supine: S+UPine= Fac(S)e UP

someone offers you soup, you will show no resistance!!

Supine contains the word "UP," therefore, you are lying on your back facing UP.

Pine is to miss. You miss someone when lying on ur back.



(verb) take the place or move into the position of
Example Sentence
  • Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left
  • the computer has supplanted the slide rule
  • Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supplant

Sounds like: sub + plant....i.e substitute + plant... <br>...so it is taking the place of the other plant or superseding it. Root out one plant and grow another.

SUPer PLANT---Due to advances in agriculture, govt. is replacing all plants with SUPer PLANTs.

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supplant sounds like implants.. and implant takes the place of originality!!

The restaurant SoUPPLANTATION is constantly SUPPLANTING its patrons with new ones throughout the day.

o this one is easy- SUPPLY ANT as a substitute for parents in case they are not available. {The ANT brainwashes the kids into thinking she is the real parent} meaning of supplant: take the place of in a <b>scheming</b> manner

supplant == SUPpress + PlANTation and start construction there mean u have replace smthing unfairly


SUPPLE-ANT.. the Old, senile ruler of the ANT colony was replaced by a younger, SUPPLE bodied ANT.

sounds Supplement >>> In gym's we take supplements in order to make over t deficient nutrients in t body... hence daily food is REPLACED with an option of supplement food..


(verb) make pliant and flexible
Example Sentence
  • These boots are not yet suppled by frequent use
(adj) moving and bending with ease Definition
(adj) (used of e.g. personality traits) readily adaptable
Synonyms : limber
Example Sentence
  • a supple mind
  • a limber imagination
(adj) (used of persons' bodies) capable of moving or bending freely
Synonyms : limber
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supple

supple = chappal.. now the rexona ki chappal or any other slippers should be flexible and easy to bend in order to be a good chappal.. so a chappal shoul be supple or flexible, pliable ! :)

Playing cards can be SHUFFLED because they are SUPPLE

in Engineering supple(backlogs) are common thing, thet are FLEXIBLE

comes from French - 'souple' which means yielding. <br>

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supply + apple = By using trays which are flexible ,pliant ,bending or folding easily without breaking or cracking so supplying apple would be easy

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