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    compact - Dictionary definition and meaning for word compact

    (noun) a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse
    Synonyms : powder compact
    (noun) a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
    Synonyms : concordat , covenant
    (noun) a small and economical car
    Synonyms : compact car
    (verb) have the property of being packable or of compacting easily
    Synonyms : pack
    Example Sentence
    • This powder compacts easily
    • Such odd-shaped items do not pack well
    (verb) compress into a wad
    Synonyms : bundle , pack , wad
    Example Sentence
    • wad paper into the box
    (verb) make more compact by or as if by pressing
    Synonyms : compress , pack together
    Example Sentence
    • compress the data
    (verb) squeeze or press together
    Synonyms : compress , constrict , contract , press , squeeze
    Example Sentence
    • she compressed her lips
    • the spasm contracted the muscle
    (adj) closely and firmly united or packed together
    Example Sentence
    • compact soil
    • compact clusters of flowers
    (adj) having a short and solid form or stature
    Synonyms : heavyset , stocky , thick , thickset
    Example Sentence
    • a wrestler of compact build
    • he was tall and heavyset
    • stocky legs
    • a thickset young man
    (adj) briefly giving the gist of something
    Synonyms : compendious , succinct , summary
    Example Sentence
    • a short and compendious book
    • a compact style is brief and pithy
    • succinct comparisons
    • a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for compact

com+PACT.. A pact is an agreement

Com-together, pact is similar to pack- means packed together or tight

com PACT- pact means greementa written a

compact= co+pact and pact= agreement

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

come and sign a pact(compact) that you will compact this in briefcase by contracting not breaking.

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