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(noun) a contorted facial expression
Synonyms : face
Example Sentence
  • she made a grimace at the prospect
(verb) contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state
Example Sentence
  • He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grimace

( sounds like himesh rehsamiya..who's songs are such that he always sings wid facial distortions symbolizing pain n angiush..)

divide it like grim(in a pain ful situation)+ace(Face).....so when you are in a grim or in a painful situation you try to put it across to your family through FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.

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grim means unpleasant.. grimace -> grim + face... a face that shows feeling such as disgust (unpleasant)

grim + face >> unpleasant expression..


(noun) a bad-tempered person Definition
(verb) show one's unhappiness or critical attitude
Synonyms : grumble scold
Example Sentence
  • He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong
  • We grumbled about the increased work load
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grouch

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gr+ouch => you say "ouch". You say ouch when you have complain over something.

sounch like "grrrrr"ouch. "grrrr" is the sound of barking dog who always runs behind everyone.

grouse: silly complaint grouch:silly complainant

grouch rhymes with "ouch". e.g ur mom starts complaining about ur messy room, and yelling in an irritable way, than hits. and you say "ouch, Ma, why do you always have to be such a grouch?".


(adj) brusque and surly and forbidding
Example Sentence
  • crusty remarks
  • a crusty old man
  • his curmudgeonly temper
  • gruff manner
  • a gruff reply
(adj) deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion
Synonyms : hoarse husky
Example Sentence
  • gruff voices
  • the dog's gruff barking
  • hoarse cries
  • makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gruff

g+ruff ~ rough; a rough-mannered person is generally gruff.

gruff sounds like rough so rough persons are gruff

dogs when angry sound like grrr uff uff ... a person shouting is considered rough mannered...


(noun) a burst of deep loud hearty laughter
Synonyms : belly laugh
(verb) laugh boisterously
Synonyms : laugh loudly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for guffaw

remember gufa in hindi. If you laugh a bit in gufa, it sounds like boisterous laugh.

rhymes with gappa or gappe(hindi)...jab log gappe marte hein, this is when there is boisterous laughter all around ....I know its a way too dumb....

Remember Disney's character GOOFY & his laugh.

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When u do some GUFFLA you have a boisterous laugh

Remember Gabbar Singh or guffar sing in SHOLAY & the way he laughed

when bramhi says "bloody guffaw ga"...its hilarious

when u GOOF up some thing, others are bound to guffaw about it

remember gufa in hindi.. and imagine ALI BABA laughing after seeing huge gold..If you laugh a bit in gufa, it sounds like boisterous laugh.


(noun) shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception Definition
(noun) the quality of being crafty Definition
(noun) the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for guile


guile sounds like goals.. people often use guile to achieve their goals

chris gayle is a guile cricketer

guile --> G(jee) U (you) Lie


(adj) naive and easily deceived or tricked
Synonyms : fleeceable green
Example Sentence
  • at that early age she had been gullible and in love
(adj) easily tricked because of being too trusting
Example Sentence
  • gullible tourists taken in by the shell game
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gullible

Gullible = Gull + ible = girl/galli + able A girl who is able to be tricked or deceived easily.

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gali = street (in hindi).. street people like slum can be easily deceived (although the other way is also true)

Gullible: Gul(Girl)+Li(Lie)+Ble(Believe) so girls believe the boys those to lie,since they can decept easily,so thet are GulLiBle,credulous,innocent,trusting,.....

Gulli mein ghumne wale log...they are GULLIBLE as the don't know anything from the world and they can be easily tricked......

Gulli mein ghumne wale log...they are GULLIBLE as the don't know anything from the world and they can be easily tricked......

chris gayle is a guile cricketer... gullible is a bowler WHO IS DECEIVED EASILY by gayle...

Gullible = gullu name type ppl are always innocent.

Ghoul is standing in mud. He farts and it makes bubble. Other ghoul shouts that there is mud monster, both ghouls run away.


(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Example Sentence
  • bromidic sermons
  • his remarks were trite and commonplace
  • hackneyed phrases
  • a stock answer
  • repeating threadbare jokes
  • parroting some timeworn axiom
  • the trite metaphor `hard as nails'
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hackneyed

concentrate on hack !!! once a hacker is ALWAYS a hacker.. he overuses his techniques.

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when a software is hacked, it becomes hackneyed because then all people are able to use that program without paying for

Think hack-knee which is what happens to athletes after many years of practice. Their knees go out

hackneyed:hacking the knee problems of elders has become a common thing for doctors...

Hacking of personal info occurs if censored web sites are overused/ visited too often.

New hacks become old very soon.

Hack+neyed .once an executioner hacks a person he has to continue hacking for the rest of his life as he will become socially unacceptable

horror movie cliche; stale, unoriginal: a blonde cheerleader is HACKed at the kNEYs by the social outcast psychokiller.


(noun) (Greek mythology) a woman who was turned into a kingfisher
Synonyms : alcyone
(noun) a large kingfisher widely distributed in warmer parts of the Old World
Synonyms : genus halcyon
(noun) a mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves Definition
(adj) idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity
Example Sentence
  • a halcyon atmosphere
(adj) marked by peace and prosperity
Synonyms : golden prosperous
Example Sentence
  • a golden era
  • the halcyon days of the clipper trade
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for halcyon

halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a cyclone...you will understand what I mean

halcyon sounds like "halka"...in hindi this word is used 4 "soothing or peaceful"...like in song "halka-halka sa ye nasha"...

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HAL(solution)+CYON(kyon or why)...WHY we cannot find SOLUTION to kashmir issue in a CALM/PEACEFUL way

HALcyOn = HAL can represent a HALO, which is symbolic of peace and harmony

he was very tensed.I suggested him HALKA ho ke aa (go to the toilet),,He asked KYON??I replied u wud be CALM then.

hal+cyon = hell kyun meaning hell kyun jaana hai when u r succesful and happy

halcyon - It was calm and peaceful before the hall ac on

halcyon: It comes close to sound like "alsi"+ian...alsi people are peaceful

Remember 'hale' in 'hale and hearty'. Hale means strong and healthy. When you are hale it is calm and peaceful. Remember ,'hale' and you can remember the meaning of halcyon.

(reading) HALL cyon means reading hall jaisa calm,peaceful....

halcyon sounds like HULk.In that movie the hero trys to bring Peace for da world

halcyon..sounds like ceylon,once peaceful peaceful lanka is now devoid of it due to terrorism

imagine as ,a wild bird taking u to in its beek to make u see hell.

war ka hal kyon chahiey?? for peace

It was peaceful on Caprica before some genius from hell created the Cylons. Before the Cylons Caprica was halcyon.

hal:word similar to hell, cyon: prounounced seon: so like seal,so if we seal the hell,peaceful,serenity,calmness is found

like Falcon which reminds of the bird who is peaceful


(noun) a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
Synonyms : rant ranting
(verb) deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for harangue

HARANGUE can be split as har + ang + u + e....so when YOU are ANGry with HAR(her), she is subjected to a long or intensive verbal attack.

HAR (her) + ANGUE (anger) = she VERBALLY ATTACKED me because of HER ANGER at me.

split it to HAR + LANGUE . HAR = harrass and LANG = language .. hence harangue is harassing language

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sounds like HARAYENGE(we will beat them)....Imagine that our leaders are giving earnest speech on how we are going to beat terrorism....

Har angle se anger hai us harangue bhasan me to.

it sounds like hang.. when some1 hangs, he/she remains in the same state for long..

HAR - RANG ... her angry voice RANG in my ears.

Harangue like an Orang-it-ange while giving a pompous speech.

its sounds like,her ring.imagine u in a gathering and u r expressing ur feelings and emotions loudly and boldly to ur gf.

usne itna lamba speech diya ki mai HARANGUE(amazed) ho gaya.

harangue = har (her) + angue(angry); when she is in angry mode scroll everyone harshly.


(noun) something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone Definition
(verb) foreshadow or presage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for harbinger

sounds like HER + FINGER, she shows me what is about to happen by gesturing with her finger.

Harbinger - Imagine Harbhajan announcing the arrival of the Indian Team into the ground, because he is the frontline spinner.. a frontrunner

An SINGING angel with a HARP is a sign of the afterlife to come.

When the ship arrives it will enter the HARBOR IN the JAR

harbhajan finger got broken and i portend india's loss

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horror bringer..wd bad omen

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