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(noun) gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth
Synonyms : rumor rumour
(adj) heard through another rather than directly
Example Sentence
  • hearsay information
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hearsay

HEARSAY=HEAR+SAY,so when u say something without hearing,the information ll NOT be DEPENDABLE

HEARSAY=HEAR+SAY...so just hear and pass it on by saying to another.....


(noun) someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections
Synonyms : badgerer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heckler

rhymes with Hitler...so the meaning goes as one who verbally assaults Jews

generally a abusive person shouts at most of the people "WHAT THE HECK?" so a person who is abusive uses this statement, hence a HECKLER!

Mr. Heckles of FRIENDS always harasses everyone verbally.

"Hakle" are often hecklers ..... no offense guys....just a mnemonic...

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paresh rawal in judaai movie was a heckler :D

a heckler should become hackla( in hindi a person who can't speak fluently)


(noun) someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures
Synonyms : pagan pleasure seeker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hedonist

hey..don... is.. hedonist...don enjoys all the pleasures of life so he believes in pleasure as the aim of life

hedonist="He"(reference to God)+"Don't" +"Exist"->someone who doesn't believe in the existence of God and is only interested in the pleasures as the sole aimof life

I dont heed GOd.

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hedonist = head + on + his; i.e. some one taking pleasure by putting head on his arm.


(noun) the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
Example Sentence
  • the hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation
  • to say they have priority is not to say they have complete hegemony
  • the consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hegemony

hegemony:he's got money,so he's domineering in the society and he control others.

hegemony sounds like he-germany. Germany's hegemony over Belgium was the spark of the WWI

hege(to have in punjabi)+ mony(sounds like MONEY)....a nation which has money is powerful and wealthy nations always dominate the poorer nations.

can b taken as "huge money".if someone has huge money they ll naturally dominate others..

HUGE+MONEY....countries having huge money always dominate

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Hegemony - 'he' who has 'gem'(gems, jewels)and mony (money) has 'dominance' over others

h-ege(egg)-mony(money)-if u hav an egg n lots of money in front of you n u r told to choose one...definitely u'll take money...so money dominates the egg...

hegemony - heg (beg) mony (money) ... when a poor country begs for money to a rich country ... the rich country starts dominating w.r.t terms, relations and other issues ,on the poor country ...

hegemony~he+germany(gemony)..the person who came from germany will try to dominate the indians..

Some rowdy asking hey ji Money kahan hai??

HEGEMONY = he + ge + mony; he is the ge (general electric) money so he dominates other ppls in the company.

Age + money - Normally, rich & elderly people will possess leadership and dominance over their group & family


(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something Definition
(noun) a missing piece (as a gap in a manuscript) Definition
(noun) a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure
Synonyms : foramen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hiatus

split it as HI+AT+US.....if anyone says 'Hi' on the way, we will definitely stop for a while.

anyone who says HI AT US its definately after a long gap...and we pause to meet dat person..

Hi + at + us >>> if someone says Hi to us, then we take a gap from our work and chat with that person...

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Hiatus = we had taken a break at hiat hotel.


(adj) having or covered with hair
Synonyms : haired hairy
Example Sentence
  • Jacob was a hairy man
  • a hairy caterpillar
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hirsute

some one who wears a hir(hair)+sute(suit)....so someone who wears a suit of hairs to look like jamvant( a hindu mythological character)...who was very hairy)...

hirsute : hair suit...natural hair suit by body hair.(hairy)

when he took off HER(girlfreind's) SUIT... he was shocked to see her body was covered with hairs... and ran away LOL...

Choti's hirsute tummy at friends wedding compelled me to msg her askin her to shave it off

Almost sounds like hippies who have lots of shaggy hair.


(adj) showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair
Example Sentence
  • whose beard with age is hoar
  • nodded his hoary head
(adj) ancient
Synonyms : rusty
Example Sentence
  • hoary jokes
(adj) covered with fine whitish hairs or down
Synonyms : canescent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hoary

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Hoary or Hairy (white here).

since old, obviously old with white hair; white with age

"hoary" "hoary" -- like the hindu old men pray "hori hori" -- their hair become white with age ,,

tumhare hair white ho-rai(hoary) hai due to old age... use L'Oreal...

HOARY -> HAIRY -> grey HAIR = OLD.

Read it as "whory" they are horny and hairy :-/

Hoary = Old Harry

Hoary = hoa (becomes) + r (red) + y (yellow); becomes red & yellow i.e gray like color.


(adj) giving strong encouragement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hortatory

While ploughing farms with bullocks, farmers say "HUR HUR ;HORT HORT" to encourage bullocks to move ahead. This is HORTATORY.

HORTatory and exHORTive both mean encouraging...

A hot(HORT) gal looking for a hot guy( means encouraging him to accompany her)

heart+atory =encouraging

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hortatory sounds somewhat like arbitrary ; sentence - No body encourages you to take arbitrary decisions..but asks to think twice before taking a decision !

sounds like rotatory as is go on rotating the wheel of enthusiasm to produce result

hortatory- sounds like "whore", so if u see a whore u r obviously URGED and ENCOURAGED!! ;)


Hurt at every sec !!! so need encouragement

Help Or Run Teach A Teacher Or Recognize yourself.


(noun) overbearing pride or presumption
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hubris

HUB+RIS(RAISE)--A person RAISEd in a HUB(city centre),will be arrogant and conceited towards villagers and others.

look for the word hub(HUBBY)...so just think if your hubby is excessively arogant or has too much of self confidence..or overbearing pride....can you stay with him...no......never........so a hub(by)ris.........arrogant in nature........

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sounds like iblish(devil) who has excessive pride of its own

a girl talking in a pompous way - my hubby rich (hub-ris) is arrogant.

Hebroo lang vale bahot arrogant log hote hain.. (no offense please)


(noun) the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety
Synonyms : monotony sameness
Example Sentence
  • he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work
  • he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners
  • he hated the sameness of the food the college served
(adj) not challenging; dull and lacking excitement
Example Sentence
  • an unglamorous job greasing engines
(adj) tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
Synonyms : monotonous
Example Sentence
  • a humdrum existence; all work and no play
  • nothing is so monotonous as the sea
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for humdrum

one movie named HUMDUM (a bollywoodmovie) was released which was dull & boring..

hum(human)+drum..so a human being beating the drum in a monotonus way.

human+drum= means a human who is a drum(dho; in hindi),wo insan jo ek ek khali dhol hai wo dull hai..


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hum drum = human drum = human dhol = dholu insaan. dholu is very boring

Humdrum:reduplication of hum......Monotonous and boring.

Humdrum is Humdum...dull fim Drone is Drona...dull film

when ppl hum(means us) & the rum we r becomes idle sleepy mode..

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